your art's so cute!!! i love these bc they almost look like pokemon
mystery dungeon icons. could you add zorua and darkrai to the list!
and maybe meltan as well bc i adore them
I don't want to be a bother but could you please do one of those
candy swablu or altaria? I find them incredibly adorable yet I'm a
little sad i haven't found any fan art of them. I'd send a plushie
of them but they're never in stock so I'll get you one you don't
have yet
@NovaStardrake: I think those would be cute too! Maybe I'll find
some time to work on those today! ;D
@Perseus: I'll put those down on the "maybe" list! If enough people
request them, I just might! At the moment I'll probably just focus
on "vanilla" Pokemon.
For a new friend
front face smiling pikachu?can you make?
i have sended you plushie
and i know that pikachu avatar is on to do list but can you move it
to priority list? f
for a friend?
Please.... :)
I absolutely love your art, and I can tell that you already have a
lot of requests, so take your time! <3 But I was wondering if
you could do Cyndaquil? I don't mind waiting, no worries! ^-^