Forum Thread
Sakura Shoppe: A Pokemon Store [OPEN]
Forum-Index → Global Trade Station → Trade Shops → Sakura Shoppe: A Pokemon Store [OPEN]
Welcome to the Sakura Shoppe! At the moment, I am only selling Pokemon, though that may change in the future. Please be sure to read the rules before making your order.
- All PokeHeroes rules apply. These rules can be reviewed here.- Be kind and courteous. Don't be rude.
- I have the right to refuse service for any reason, but I will not do so without justifiable cause.
- Prior orders take precedence.
- After your order has been filled, please go back and slash out your order so that I know it has been completed.
Order Form:
Username:Item Requested:
Payment Amount:
Easy 100
Medium 1,000

Hard 2,000

Rare 3,000

Special 4,000

Event 5,000

Starter (m) 1,700

Starter (f) 2,000

Note: 1

Available Pokemon:
All Pokemon available for purchase can be found here.Process of Trade:
After I see your order form, I will post a private trade with you. The trade will list your specified method of payment. I will then message you, to alert you that your order is ready.Note:
If you choose to pay via PokeDollars

If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to send me a message.
I am able to breed certain species of Pokemon. However, there will be a small fee of 50

New Features:
Breeding has now been added! If I don't have a particular Pokemon in stock, you can now request me to breed one for you! (Currently only available for certain species)

Item Requested: ekans
Payment Amount: 2000 pd
Comments: can you give the pokemon an everstone? I'll add an extra 200 PD to pay for it (don't want it to accidently evolve)
Order complete!
New Features:
New Pokemon have been added to the Breeding Section!

Coming Soon:

New Features:

Item Requested: Voltorb & Igglypuff
Payment Amount: 3000 PD
Comments: sorry about the auction

go visit this sprite shop
if you want a cool sprite like mine!!
New Features:
New Pokemon have been added to the Breeding Section!

Coming Soon:

Because I am currently working on a Shiny Chain, I will be unable to breed ANY Pokemon until my Shiny Chain has been completed. I will post an update once the Breeding Section has been re-opened. Until then, please take a look at what Pokemon I already have in the Trade Box.
My shiny chain has ended, so the Breeding Section has been re-opened. :)
Item Requested: 1 Male and 1 Female Dedenne, if possible, please! And if I have enough to pay with, I'd love 1 male and 1 female Eevee of my own.
Payment Amount: Unsure whether Dedenne is still considered an event Pokemon since it can now be obtained by the lab, but will pay whatever they are worth.
Comments: If you have a shiny Dedenne, I'd freak out and spaz if one of them could be shiny. (I'd also pay extra for that. I absolutely LOVE Dedenne!)
Thank you in advance and I hope you have a lovely day! ^^
(づ。◕‿‿◕。)づ ~❀~❀~❀~❀~❀
My name's Rissie! ♥