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Trainerlevel: 37

Trainerpoints: 2,207/4,143


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Ark~ 21 Days ago
Christoph 24 Days ago
Fpsdan482 4 Months ago
Fpsdan482 5 Months ago

Game Records

Trainer ID: #478660847
Registration: 04/06/2018 (6 Years ago)
Game Time: 256:49 Hours
Total interactions: 465,174
Money: 560,152
Starter Pokémon: Empoleon


I always like to smile at people when I pass them or they make eye contact with me. You never know the positive effect you can have on someone else's day with just a small but kind gesture like that. ♥
8 Months ago
In case no-one's told you today, you are beautiful and you are loved. To anyone who needed to see this, I hope you have a wonderful day! ♥
8 Months ago
Never stop speaking your mind. Your feelings and opinions matter! YOU MATTER! #MotivationMonday #SpreadKindness
8 Months ago
8 Months ago
Last year on this day, October 16th, we lost my dad to brain cancer. He may not be with us in person anymore, but I know we'll see him again someday. ♥
9 Months ago
Started a "change-a-word" game in the forums and somehow it's gone from being a sentence to a paragraph. HOW? o_o
9 Months ago
Hey, you! Yeah! You! You are loved and you matter. (: ♥
10 Months ago
In case you haven't heard this today, I want you to know that YOU MATTER! (This applies to everyone! ♥)
11 Months ago
Happy Friday, guys! Hope ya'll have a fun weekend! ♥
11 Months ago
It's my birthday today! Yay! ^^
1 Year ago
Is anyone else lagging really bad on the site today? :c
1 Year ago
Good luck everyone! And thanks to Dorky for hosting this Giveaway! ^^
1 Year ago
Happy Mother's Day! ❤
1 Year ago
What's a simple thing you do to feel better when you're feeling sad or stressed out? Let's share our ways we cope! #sharekindness
1 Year ago
Wow, it's been a while! Glad to be back! (:
1 Year ago

My Dedenne Ham-Ham is not only my favourite Pokemon, but also one of the longest ones I have.

(& If you got the reference with Ham-Ham's name, you're extra awesome!)
1 Year ago
Seasonal depression is hitting hard this year, but I'm so blessed to have friends and family to help me through it. #SilverLining
1 Year ago
What are ya'lls Halloween fears? Mine is Children. If you leave yours in the comments I'll do my best to trick or treat ya! (:
1 Year ago


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Browsing through notifications (22 Days ago)


Last Visitors

Orca~Thu, 25/Jul/2024, 17:54
Fpsdan482Tue, 23/Jul/2024, 23:30
ChristophTue, 02/Jul/2024, 21:30
ALz_Tue, 13/Feb/2024, 17:35
littenlover101Wed, 24/Jan/2024, 01:36