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School of the magic

Forum-Index Roleplay School of the magic
Trainerlevel: 18

Forum Posts: 90
Posted: Fri, 05/10/2018 19:49 (6 Years ago)
*Andy see the group coming back to school he goes to them to see what's up* Hey guys long time no see guys
Name: Giratina
Trainerlevel: 22

Forum Posts: 48
Posted: Fri, 05/10/2018 22:13 (6 Years ago)
Fayde walks alongside Lila.

Tara holds on to Poco's arm, startled by the sudden teleportation.

Sam takes deep breaths to calm himself. He suddenly tightens his fist and pulls back from Abel. "F*ck." Blood drips from his hand, the pain from hitting the mirror finally seeping in. He puts his hand in the sink, running water over his hand. He wraps a bandage around his hand, pulling it tight before tying it off. He splashes water on his face and takes more deep breaths to calm down.
So...it's been awhile...
Trainerlevel: 52

Forum Posts: 500
Posted: Fri, 05/10/2018 22:26 (6 Years ago)
Abel sighs and floats next Sam feeling awkward, "D-do you want me to go? I can go if you want me to go. I could also go grab some things from my dorm and come back if you want me to stay and be quiet." He puts a hand over his mouth, "S-Sorry. I'm nervous and rambling and I'm worried so I don't know what to do." He puts his other hand over his mouth making his words really muffled and hard to understand.

Jalila smiles at Fayde and then walks to her dorm, "I'm going to wash the camp off of me and take a nap. You can join me if you want or go off and do your own thing?"
Be like otters!

Hold those you love close so they don’t drift away❤️

The lovely couple was made by the amazing MetalHeadKendra!
Trainerlevel: 29

Forum Posts: 1,194
Posted: Fri, 05/10/2018 22:30 (6 Years ago)
Delta doesn’t notice the new student and walks right past them into the school, she neeeds a break. In fact basicly everybody needs a break so kit follows delta, strawberry sits in a tree, Shalla and Jackson just sit in a patch of grass.

Have a wonderful day y’all, you deserve it :)
Trainerlevel: 22

Forum Posts: 48
Posted: Fri, 05/10/2018 22:38 (6 Years ago)
"I'll probably take a nap too. Same with Obsidian." Fayde walks to his dorm room, the aforementioned doggo panting behind him.

Sam shakes his head. "Don't leave," he says hoarsely.
So...it's been awhile...
Trainerlevel: 52

Forum Posts: 500
Posted: Fri, 05/10/2018 22:44 (6 Years ago)
"Okay. I'll stay here." Abel looks at the redhead concerned as he takes a deep breath and shifts back into his human form, "What do you need me to do to help you? I'm here to listen if you want to talk." He tries to guide Sam out of the bathroom, "I want you to be happy and comfortable around me and I already failed at that once today."
Be like otters!

Hold those you love close so they don’t drift away❤️

The lovely couple was made by the amazing MetalHeadKendra!
Trainerlevel: 22

Forum Posts: 48
Posted: Fri, 05/10/2018 22:47 (6 Years ago)
Sam clears his throat and sits on his bed. "I'm...a guy...right? I mean, I am a guy..." he looks up at Abel with pleading eyes "...right?"
So...it's been awhile...
Trainerlevel: 52

Forum Posts: 500
Posted: Fri, 05/10/2018 22:50 (6 Years ago)
Abel blinks at Sam not quite understanding the question before slowly replying, "Y-Yes? I think so? You look like a guy, you sound like a guy. Is there a reason you wouldn't be a guy?" He sits down next to Sam still looking into his face with a questioning look.
Be like otters!

Hold those you love close so they don’t drift away❤️

The lovely couple was made by the amazing MetalHeadKendra!
Trainerlevel: 22

Forum Posts: 48
Posted: Fri, 05/10/2018 22:56 (6 Years ago)
"..." Sam stays quiet for a moment before answering. "...Y-yeah. There is..." He takes a few breaths before speaking again. "You have to promise you won't hate me."
So...it's been awhile...
Trainerlevel: 27

Forum Posts: 708
Posted: Fri, 05/10/2018 23:03 (6 Years ago)
Volt turns to Jalila. "I'm giving him a tour. Want to help?"
Trainerlevel: 52

Forum Posts: 500
Posted: Fri, 05/10/2018 23:08 (6 Years ago)
Abel has about a million ideas running through his head, "I don't think I could ever hate you, Sam. I think you're perfect, and I like you for who you are. Even if you're confusing the hell out of me right now." He looks down, "I promise that I won't ever hate you or leave you for any reason. I want to be there to support you through anything." He looks back to Sam his eyes are softer and his expression is calm, but his face feels like it's on fire.

Jalila's eyes light up, "Let me shower first and then I'll be back to help." She runs to her room to get cleaned up.
Be like otters!

Hold those you love close so they don’t drift away❤️

The lovely couple was made by the amazing MetalHeadKendra!
Trainerlevel: 29

Forum Posts: 1,194
Posted: Fri, 05/10/2018 23:11 (6 Years ago)
Delta flops onto her bed proofing into her human form. ”Man, I am tired!”

Have a wonderful day y’all, you deserve it :)
Trainerlevel: 22

Forum Posts: 48
Posted: Fri, 05/10/2018 23:16 (6 Years ago)
Fayde falls asleep in his room.

"I'm..." Sam takes a long pause. "...I...*sigh*...I'm genderfluid..."
So...it's been awhile...
Trainerlevel: 52

Forum Posts: 500
Posted: Fri, 05/10/2018 23:24 (6 Years ago)
Jalila takes the fastest shower of her life and changes into a different outfit. She runs back to where Volt and the new student are, "And I'm back! So where to first?" There are so many sparkles coming off of her she looks like a firework on legs.

Abel sits there for a moment in silence thinking, he looks at Sam and then lays down across the bed, "I won't lie, I wasn't prepared for that. But you're still Sam, I'm still Ubel... I mean Abel." He puts a hand on Sam's shoulder and pulls him down so they're both laying down, "I'm not going anywhere unless you want me to. I still think you're perfect." He gently pulls Sam into him, "And I don't hate you. Thank you for being honest with me."
Be like otters!

Hold those you love close so they don’t drift away❤️

The lovely couple was made by the amazing MetalHeadKendra!
Trainerlevel: 18

Forum Posts: 90
Posted: Sat, 06/10/2018 01:01 (6 Years ago)
I feel like I just got ignore by Lia...? *he goes back were she was and waves his arm saying hi to them* Hey guys
Name: Giratina
Trainerlevel: 52

Forum Posts: 500
Posted: Sat, 06/10/2018 01:07 (6 Years ago)
Jalila looks at him and tilts her head, "What's up Andy? I don't remember seeing you when we came back to the school."
Be like otters!

Hold those you love close so they don’t drift away❤️

The lovely couple was made by the amazing MetalHeadKendra!
Trainerlevel: 18

Forum Posts: 90
Posted: Sat, 06/10/2018 01:30 (6 Years ago)
After with my feud with Ryu and Mity kid i went back to school to catch up with my exams, homework and whatever the teacher give to student to do. What you up too?
Name: Giratina
Trainerlevel: 52

Forum Posts: 500
Posted: Sat, 06/10/2018 01:38 (6 Years ago)
The sparkles vanish, "You tried to fight my niece? She's like what 3? Andy I get that she was terrible but you have to give Ryu and Mite the benefit of the doubt. Teenage Adamant had no guidance in her life. Dimity only took her in because she knew that if she was left alone like that again we'd have the same problem." Jalila stops for a moment, "Plus we have no idea how phoenix's age, she might be maturing faster than we think, or slower."
Be like otters!

Hold those you love close so they don’t drift away❤️

The lovely couple was made by the amazing MetalHeadKendra!
Trainerlevel: 18

Forum Posts: 90
Posted: Sat, 06/10/2018 01:47 (6 Years ago)
Weird? Phoenix are a species that die but they are reborn. In this case a human turning into a baby is a new concept to me not even my dragon may know what could happen since this is a first he has heard of this but i think he should mature normaly like every other person. Unless? *she looks at Admant from a distance using his dragon eye too see his mana but gets nothing from him* Or he could have use a potion to grow rapidly?
Name: Giratina
Trainerlevel: 52

Forum Posts: 500
Posted: Sat, 06/10/2018 01:51 (6 Years ago)
"Or we could let my sister and her boyfriend raise her like they've been doing? I know she's not their actual kid but it's cute seeing what they'll be like as parents when it does happen." Jalila is watching Adamant struggle against Dimity to get to Ryu, "I just wonder if they're taking over my dorm or Dimity's dorm for their living arrangements? I can always find a new roommate if they want mine, I mean it is Ryu's dorm too." She laughs a little and then something catches her eye, "Oh what's with the pendant?"
Be like otters!

Hold those you love close so they don’t drift away❤️

The lovely couple was made by the amazing MetalHeadKendra!