Forum Thread
School of the magic
Forum-Index → Roleplay → School of the magicDimity looks at Ryu, "Chi we can hold her whenever we want. I was asking Hel." She pats his head and looks at Hel, "So do you?"

Hold those you love close so they don’t drift away❤️
The lovely couple was made by the amazing MetalHeadKendra!

Hold those you love close so they don’t drift away❤️
The lovely couple was made by the amazing MetalHeadKendra!

Have a wonderful day y’all, you deserve it :)

Hold those you love close so they don’t drift away❤️
The lovely couple was made by the amazing MetalHeadKendra!

Have a wonderful day y’all, you deserve it :)
The ears are practically flush against Jalila's head, "Yes. It affects them. Oh my god." She leans against a tree near Delta, "Oh, I can hear the ringing still."

Hold those you love close so they don’t drift away❤️
The lovely couple was made by the amazing MetalHeadKendra!

Hold those you love close so they don’t drift away❤️
The lovely couple was made by the amazing MetalHeadKendra!
"Good job bud. Hey, you okay?" Fayde rubs on Obsidian's head with one hand and taps Lin on the back with the other. "Found yah."

Hold those you love close so they don’t drift away❤️
The lovely couple was made by the amazing MetalHeadKendra!

Hold those you love close so they don’t drift away❤️
The lovely couple was made by the amazing MetalHeadKendra!

Have a wonderful day y’all, you deserve it :)