Forum Thread
[OPEN] The Midnight Shiny Garden Shop
Forum-Index → Global Trade Station → Shiny Hunting → [OPEN] The Midnight Shiny Garden ShopQuantity of shiny?: 2 Plz
Choice of Payment?: Hard Rock *4 + 3 Mystery item
Breeder of Shiny?:ONIKITSUNE
PP Me If You Have Mega Gardevoir or SM Gardevoir That is Naughty Female! I'll pay a lot ^^
1.] I don't have those payment options on my hunts that's in Kimie's section only.
2.] You've done this twice in a row now, hence why I ignored your last order.
3.] Please make sure to read carefully before you order from all of us in the future....
How Much Are them :3
PP Me If You Have Mega Gardevoir or SM Gardevoir That is Naughty Female! I'll pay a lot ^^
Eevee [Rare]: 300k
Remoraid [Medium]: 200k
Wailmer [Hard]: 250k
Corphish [Hard]: 250k
Wishiwashi [Special]: 300k
Snom [Easy]: 100k
Barraskewda [Medium]: 200k
Scattercube [Common Event]: 600k [only taking PDs on this one]
And I am still waiting for you to set up the private for the two ordered shiny Amaura.
How much are Shiny: Togepi (Retro), Shiny Weedle, Shiny Riolu, Normal: Xerneas, Latios, Latias, and Zygard 10 percent
PP Me If You Have Mega Gardevoir or SM Gardevoir That is Naughty Female! I'll pay a lot ^^
I offered on the Amoura trade, but for the other you forgot to offer random Pokemon XD
Just resent the trade and I will offer also when I see it :)
Togepi (Retro): 200k
Shiny Weedle [easy+megaable]: 20k
Shiny Riolu [medium+megaable]: 25k
Xerneas: 250k
Latios + Latias: 100k together [if just one 60k each]
Zygard 10%: 200k
[b]Quantity of shiny?:1 please
Choice of Payment?:200k pd(Do you accept nebula stones?)
Breeder of Shiny?:Kimie
Ty! Do i send the payment now?
You can set up the trade now, I will offer when I hatched it... or you can set up the trade after I hatched it and make a post here, I am okay with both :)
@argetlam: Okay, but what has your ability to do a mantyke/mantine hunt to do with our shiny shop?? XD
ShinyMegaGardevoir, your shiny
Oricorio (Baile) hatched! Please set up the trade and I will offer
when I see it, thanks!
Will do a quick pure gem hunt for myselfe while I am waiting to
have enough eggs for Shiny Corsloa (Galarian) hunt.
If anyone is interested in a Shiny Machop, just let me know :)

[Machop - Machoke - Machamp (giga)]
RARITY: Medium



(or see payment overview)
Payment mix possible!
0. Me 0/4
Quantity of shiny?: 2 More Plz
Choice of Payment?: Hard Rock *6 + 4 Mystery item
Breeder of Shiny?:Kimie
PP Me If You Have Mega Gardevoir or SM Gardevoir That is Naughty Female! I'll pay a lot ^^
Quantity of shiny?: 2
Choice of Payment?: 6 Hard Rocks, 2 mystery
Breeder of Shiny?: Kimie
What shiny[s] do you wish to order?: Yamask
Quantity of shiny?: 4
Choice of Payment?: 12 Hard Rocks, 4 mystery
Breeder of Shiny?: Kimie
Plz Give 2 of Them everstones plz <3
PP Me If You Have Mega Gardevoir or SM Gardevoir That is Naughty Female! I'll pay a lot ^^
Sorry, the Oricorio (Baile) hunt is already finished and I don't plan to restart it a third time ^__^''
As for the offers on Carnivine and Yamask, I am not against hunting them for you, but I updated the payment overview a while ago. Not really looking for Hard Rocks anymore and I won't take blue boxes anymore because I have way to many at the moment and no keys.
If you still want to me to hunt you those shinies, just make an offer again ;)
@ChikoritaMining: Accepted, please set up the private trade and I will offer when I hatched your shiny, thanks :D