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Welcome to Johto! [Semi-Lit | Actual RP]

Forum-Index Roleplay Pokémon RP Welcome to Johto! [Semi-Lit | Actual RP]
Trainerlevel: 28

Forum Posts: 157
Posted: Sun, 18/06/2017 05:40 (7 Years ago)
Rin awoke to the sound of Bird Pokemon chirping out the window, taking a bit of time to sit up on her bed. Rubbing her eyes, she looked outside to see three different species, her eyes widening with excitement as a big and dorky smile grow onto her face. She felt as if the sight was beautiful and thought about sitting on her bed for five more minutes until a loud knock on her door shot through the room. She was confused why someone would knock on her door until she remembered what day it was and checked the alarm, gasping in surprise at what time it was.

With quick reflexes and amazing speed, she quickly changed into her normal attire and exited her room, walking into the kitchen next. "Ma, why did you wake me up late?" Rin pouted and sat down at her table, setting her head on it. "I'm sorry, Rin. You wouldn't wake up so I decided to let you have a bit time," her mother explained and placed a plate of french toast in front of Rin on the table. Rin wasn't one to hold a grudge for long and when she immediately felt the aroma creep up her nose, she smiled brightly and started devouring the piece of toast almost like a savage.

"Ax-Axewww!" a very familiar pokemon yelled and ran up to Rin, trying to reach to her and the piece of toast she was eating. "Oi, Orion! No eating this, it's unhealthy for you!" Rin raised her toast high above her head, Orion still trying to reach for her toast. "Axewwwww!" her Axew complained, pulling on her leg. "We're about to start our adventure, aren't we? We need to stay healthy!" she explained. Orion, hearing that, immediately stopped and grew confident. "You're right, Rin," her mother said and placed a bowl of pokemon food on the table, placing Orion on it next.

Once they finished, they were stuffed. Rin grabbed her backpack, throwing it over her arm and waved goodbye to her mother, leaving the house afterwards to start a new journey. Placing Orion in her arms, she walked to the lab with excitement and felt nervous at the same time. "Orion, I forgot to think about this but what should our goal be?" she asked her Axew. Orion responded with a shrug and looked forward. Feeling more nervous than excited, she gulped and started running to the lab.
Trainerlevel: 34

Forum Posts: 1,953
Posted: Sun, 18/06/2017 05:41 (7 Years ago)
(Amrezy let me temporarilly take control of Professor Elm)

"So, Ivan, I've talked to your father before you two moved in." Professor Elm began to speak. "He said you two were here solely for...Celebi."

That name. Celebi...it was such a big deal for his father, so much that they had to go to another region. "W-whats up with this Celebi everyone talks about?!" Ivan asked, a bit nervous.

"Celebi is the Time Traveling Pokémon." Professor Elm answered.

Time Travel. Of course. If you can't bring someone back from the dead, you have to go back in time and stop them from dying at all.

Ivan was silenced for a second. "...And, well, its not a easy task to get Celebi. You need to get the GS Ball and then bring it to the Ilex Shrine. And I have no idea where the ball is. No one does..."

"...Well then." Ivan said. "That sure hyped up my hopes!" He said in a clearly sarcastic way, but also in a friendly one. He waved to Professor Elm, and exited the lab with his 'mons.
Trainerlevel: 16

Forum Posts: 38
Posted: Sun, 18/06/2017 05:53 (7 Years ago)
"Wait, so there are entire strategies involved in letting these little guys fight?" Said Napoleon, staring blankly at his houndour. "Up up up, no spoilers" his brother replied "but if you must know, yes there are" Sirnef mused. "Did you hear that bud?" He said "you're gonna be a big and strong fighter one day" he giggled, it seemed that Wilhelm liked the idea, he happily barked, and his tail didn't seem to stop wagging. "Yeah yeah, anyways, we should be getting somewhat close, ph, and you might want to watch out for that- oh, ok, nevermind then." Said Sirnef, watching his brother walk straight into a tree, he couldn't help but to let out a bit of a chuckle. "Alright, let's go already" he said, it seems Napoleon had a bit of trouble involving houndour, and licking.

"Well this seems like the city" said Sirnef, pulling out his PokéPhone to confirm his suspicions. When he checked up again, his brother was already gone, not sure if he remembered that he was here to meet a certain professor. He wandered around, and caught him with some random dude he found on the street. It seems that the two were already in deep conversation within minutes of finding each other. He saw his brother start to give an akward grin, nope, this isn't happening again. He immediately took his ear, and dragged him towards the nearest building he could find, leaving the stranger genuinely confused. "Seriously, come on, you know I'm just having some fun" said his brother, rubbing his ear from the small ordeal. "Yeah, well you can have your fun after we talked to the professor." He said, storming off, he expected his brother to follow, he did. They eventually ended up in the lab one way or another. The moment that they entered, Sinef looked back, he was gone, where the heck did he-"hello there, the names Napoleon" oh, he started talking with some other people again, it doesn't even seem like he's talking to anyone specifically, just talking in a general direction.
Trainerlevel: 94

Forum Posts: 824
Posted: Sun, 18/06/2017 09:16 (7 Years ago)
Exiting the forest, the trio made their way back into Azalea Town. As they neared Liam's house, the male glanced towards his two Pokemon. "How about you both grab a snack and take a rest for a while? I'm going to stop at the PokeMart for a bit and pick up some items. I'd like us to set out towards Violet City today while it's still light out." He flashed a gentle smile towards the both of them and continued walking towards their home.
Noticing how well the duo did today while battling the Paras in Ilex Forest, the male knew that it was the perfect time for them to make their first attempt at the Violet City gym. He wanted the two to rest a bit before they set out, so they wouldn't be too tired once they reached the other town. It's actually time, the male thought to himself, The beginning of this journey has just begun.
As Liam let the two Pokemon back into the house, he called to his mother to make a snack for the two and make sure they rested good. He explained to her the progress they had all made since they first moved and she was visibly proud. Leaving once again, the two exchanged goodbyes and the male made his way towards the PokeMart which was a mere minute-long walk away from his home.
Upon entering the shop, he wasn't surprised at how empty it was. Seeing as Azalea Town was such a quiet and calm place, he didn't expect too much to be going on. The trainer approached the clerk at the desk and greeted her with a warm "hello".
"Good morning! What can I interest you with today?" the woman responded with.
"I'd like to purchase a few PokeBalls and a couple Potions, please."
"Of course! Here you are. Your total today is going to be 1,900 PokeDollar."
Liam handed her the money and placed the items into the drawstring bag he carried on his back. This should be enough to last me a little while.
"Have a nice day!" he called to the clerk as he made his way out of the shop.
I really wonder what kind of Pokemon await us out of this town. I look forward to all of the challenges we may face, but I know we're definitely ready to take on what this region has to offer.

As the duo reached the tall grass of Route 29, Ellie could feel herself getting a bit nervous. With a PokeBall clenched tightly in her hand, she stared blankly ahead, past the grass that swallowed the land before the two. A soft meow came from the Glameow beneath her and the Pokemon rubbed its body against her leg, as a sign of reassurance.
"You're right, there's nothing for me to be nervous about. We're in this together and everything will be okay." The young girl let out a soft sigh and entered the grass, cautiously.

Character owned by me, art by JadeING
Trainerlevel: 65

Forum Posts: 458
Posted: Sun, 18/06/2017 14:52 (7 Years ago)
The two walked down the path towards home, both excited to have finally got pokeballs.
Flick had gotten pretty far ahead of Skyler, since the girl was too busy looking around at the tall grass around her, trying to see if she could see any pokemon. Flick suddenly stopped in his tracks,
listening carefully as he heard something like a low growl. His vines instinctively came out of the bud on his back, ready to attack if needed.

"What is it Flick?" Sky asked after nearly trampling the Ivysaur. "Ivy!" Flick responded as a louder growl came from the grass again.

A loud "Mareep!" came from the grass next, and a small Mareep came bounding out, obviously terrified. It ran past and hid behind Sky, as if knowing she could protect it. A few moments later,
a Houndour flew out of the grass, the beginning of ember forming in its mouth. Sky immediately wanted to protect the lil electric sheep and threw her arm forward to signal Flick to get ready.

"Flick, use sleep powder!" The Ivysaur shook his back, small spores falling onto the Houndour.
The dog pokemons mouth slowly closed and then collapsed onto the path, small snoring noises coming from it. After a pause, Skyler said "Flick! Again on the Mareep!" The Ivysaur did as he was told, putting the Mareep to sleep as well. Sky threw a pokeball at the Mareep.


Skyler triumphantly picked up the pokeball containing her new Pokemon and let out a happy little squeal. Flick curiously sniffed at the pokeball and then flopped down, tired from doing, well, almost nothing.

"Come on, lets get out of here before he wakes up." Skyler smiled and pointed at the Houndour,
heading back towards home with her new found teammate.

|| DA || Diary ||Toyhou.se || CS ||
Trainerlevel: 49

Forum Posts: 576
Posted: Sun, 18/06/2017 16:45 (7 Years ago)
[[Recap? I've been busy so sorry ^^;]]
Trainerlevel: 75

Forum Posts: 2,095
Posted: Sun, 18/06/2017 17:10 (7 Years ago)
Shay looked around and soon she was about to hear the instructions from the professor, "If I want to do well in the adventure ahead, I need to hear the instructions from the professor in what should I do? Of course it could mean battling trainers and also gym leaders", Shay said as she waits for the other trainers.

Credit to Veris

Trainerlevel: 54

Forum Posts: 1,565
Posted: Sun, 18/06/2017 19:19 (7 Years ago)
When Rin ran to the lab, Christopher scrambled onto his trainer's shoulder. He let out a terrified squeak. "Uh, let's just go in.." Lawrence returned Agnis and Christopher, but sent out Tamarin. The Professor would definitely like to see the Serperior. Tamarin's tail was still glowing deep blue, but it faded quickly.

"Good boy. No Dragon Tailing Christopher." Tamarin let out a low hiss of reluctant agreement. He stepped inside, opening the door for Tamarin to slither inside. "Greetings!" he called. "You didn't answer, so this might be awkward? Uh- Let's see.. Uh.. I wish to speak to Professor Elm?" Tamarin was now curled around his trainer lazily.

"Seriously Tamarin?" The Serperior simply smirked at his trainer, but didn't move otherwise. Lawrence stepped over his lazy Serperior, who slithered to his next spot. "Oh Arceus save us all."
Trainerlevel: 48

Forum Posts: 317
Posted: Sun, 18/06/2017 19:32 (7 Years ago)
Lilith let out a hum and waited a few minutes before entering the lab after the boy she was previously standing behind.She leaned against the wall by the door and listened in to the various conversations that were happening.She glances to her right as a assistant comes up to her."Need the starter kit that you give trainers."She grumps out her voice slightly deeper then a normal ten year old female.The assistant nods before grabbing her a PokePhone and about five pokeballs.The assistant sets up the PokePhone and hands her the items."Well you all sure do know how to skimp on items."She mumbles to herself.The assistant shoots her a look which she ignores and starts to fiddle with the PokePhone,trying to figure out how everything works on it.
Trainerlevel: 28

Forum Posts: 157
Posted: Sun, 18/06/2017 19:37 (7 Years ago)
[Everyone's just waking up or doing introductions currently while some are already on their journey. You haven't missed out on much so don't worry about having to catch up with everyone ^v^/]

When Rin arrived at the lab, she slammed open the doors and walked in, setting Orion on her shoulder. "Axew Axeww!" Orion waved to Tamarin cheerfully. Rin chuckled at Orion quietly before sitting down, exerting so much excitement to the point you could possibly feel it from a mile away. She waited until Lawrence was done so she could ask where Professor Elm was.
Trainerlevel: 75

Forum Posts: 2,095
Posted: Sun, 18/06/2017 19:44 (7 Years ago)
Shay walked up to the trainer who was playing with the pokedex, and soon the Professor came up to Shay and told her, "Shay, you got to be careful in the challenges ahead, I can ensure that you will do well", then the professor handed Shay a Pokedex, Shay breathed a sigh of relief then the assistant came in, "I know you received some Pokeballs from your mom, here are a few more in case there's a situation", Shay smiled and said, "Thank you", Shay soon looked at the Pokedex and read the entry for her Totodile and soon she looked at Toto, Shay then answered, "Now I understand". Then the professor told Shay, "Your first challenge is to go to Violet City and challenge the gym leader, but be careful there's a group called Team Rocket and if anything comes up let me know", Shay nodded and answered, "I will Professor".

Credit to Veris

Trainerlevel: 48

Forum Posts: 317
Posted: Sun, 18/06/2017 19:47 (7 Years ago)
Lilith let out a hiss as she quickly held her hand out so the door would bounce off of it instead of her whole being."Watch it.This isn't a bloody barn."She mumbles out while slamming the doors shut again.She ignored the fact that one of the assistants pointed out that it was her fault for standing where she could be hit with the door.She leaned back against the wall again and quickly went back to what she was doing with the PokePhone.Well it ain't as advance as Kalos PokePhone but it does it's job...I guess.She muses to herself.Anyways I just want to know if there is any new info on ghost,dark,and psychic types then I am out.
Trainerlevel: 54

Forum Posts: 1,565
Posted: Sun, 18/06/2017 19:52 (7 Years ago)
Lawrence was now waiting for the Professor to acknowledge him. It would be a bit difficult, had Tamarin maybe not been laying there. He's easily hidden, since he doesn't socialize. "Um, Professor?" he asked quietly, raising his hand. Tamarin uncoiled and was now trying to eat his trainer's hand. Not really, it was playful.

"I need my Pokedex updated for Johto, since Unova and Sinnoh obviously don't share every Pokemon.. If you don't mind!" He had taken out his Pokedex just in case. He wouldn't have minded it not being done. He could always just not know the info. Except.. Professor Rowan get kinda mad at him. And he had already seen the Professor of his region mad, when Thompson attempted to run into the grass.

Tamarin went back to his coil, glowing a light purple. Why is he using Coil? Is he gonna fight someone?
Trainerlevel: 75

Forum Posts: 2,095
Posted: Sun, 18/06/2017 19:57 (7 Years ago)
Shay looked at Lawrence and told him, "Hi Lawrence, the professor just finished speaking to me, and he will explain to you about something which is I think the next part and he will hand you a Pokedex and even some Pokeballs, keep in mind these items will be very useful, I wish you well", then she pat Lawrence on the back, and soon look at Lilith, "As for you, at night psychic Pokemon and also ghost Pokemon will arrive, I do hope you will catch a Gastly and maybe one day I will challenge you to a battle", and Shay left the lab and waved good-bye to the professor and the assistant.

Credit to Veris

Trainerlevel: 65

Forum Posts: 458
Posted: Sun, 18/06/2017 20:03 (7 Years ago)
As the two reached home, Skyler flopped down on the couch, taking her Mareeps pokeball and twirling it in her fingers. Flick watched curiously, the Ivysaur was almost never in his pokeball as he was Sky's best friend.

"Okay, Mareep, .... go?" Skyler said quietly. She wasn't exactly sure herself how pokeballs worked but she threw it towards the ground, and to her surprise a beam of light lit up the floor and out appeared the Mareep, still asleep. She smiled to herself, feeling accomplished.

"Flick go grab a chesto berry from the garden for me?" The Ivysaur responded with his name and ran off to the garden, quickly coming back with the berry. Skyler went next to the Mareep and placed the berry in its mouth, moving its jaw to get it to eat it while still asleep. As the juice of the berry hit the Mareeps tongue, it jumped awake, sending a thunder shock at Sky and Flick. The two were shocked but quickly shook it off.

The female Mareep, after letting her anger out, seemed a little less tense. She had curled up on the couch next to Sky and Flick. Skyler was mentally going through names for her new teammate.
She decided to call her "Thumper"

"How does that sound?" She asked the Mareep with a smile. The little sheep let out a small cry and Skyler decided that meant she liked it.

|| DA || Diary ||Toyhou.se || CS ||
Trainerlevel: 48

Forum Posts: 317
Posted: Sun, 18/06/2017 20:10 (7 Years ago)
Lilith hummed as Shay left."Well that answers my question."She muses with a smirk.She popped her neck and closed her Pokephone before slipping it into a pocket of her shorts.She pushes off of the wall and makes her way out of the lab."Though I won't be bothering going for a Gastly.I have a much more darker friend I would like."She smirks at that statement and walks over to the Elm tree."Shi,it's time."She hears a small rustle come from above her before a weight lands on her shoulder."Es?Es-espurr?"Shi asks tilting her head."Yeah I got my info.We will be traveling at night now instead of the day.Day time will be when we sleep and train."Shi nods at that and settles down on Lilith's shoulder."Oh I'm feeling like the rest of the day is going to be an it day.Alright?"Shi nods and hugs Lilith's head.It smiled at her."Thanks for understanding Shi."With that the duo sets out along route twenty-nine.
Trainerlevel: 54

Forum Posts: 1,565
Posted: Sun, 18/06/2017 20:10 (7 Years ago)
((Lawrence hasn't said his name to anyone, so how would Shay know his name?))

"Er.. How did she know my name?" he asked no one in particular. Did she stalk me or something? Tamarin had uncoiled himself, letting out a low hiss at Shay. Was she reading my mind or something??

Lawrence was extremely confused. She had just said a likely probability of the future. But he already has a whole bunch of Pokeballs and other variants from when he went to Unova. He had bought a lot just in case. The trainer petted his Serperior, nodding in agreement. Tamarin went back to his little ball of Serperior, sleeping.

Lazy boy, Lawrence thought, laughing.
Trainerlevel: 75

Forum Posts: 2,095
Posted: Mon, 19/06/2017 01:51 (7 Years ago)
Shay exited the lab and walked west to return to Cherrygrove City as she did, she remembered seeing one of the trainers and she thought, "Did I do a good thing by letting the trainer know about the ghost and psychic type Pokemonn coming at night?", Shay wondered then Shay continued to walk west and arrived once again arrived to Cherrygrove City, Shay along with her Nidoran female Zodiac and Toto the Totodile came and see the skies from above, "I am not sure if I should get a flying type Pokemon or an electric type Pokemon, as far as I know there's a first gym leader in Violet City, I might have high hopes", Shay said, soon she along with Toto and Zodiac walked to the Pokemon Mart and bought 2 potions in case of emergencies. Shay and her team exited the Pokemon Mart and resumed the walk up north. "I'm back at the same area, and I do hope that trainer is ready to battle, as far as I know that trainer has a Rattata", Shay took a deep breath and said, "Here it goes!"

Credit to Veris

Trainerlevel: 94

Forum Posts: 2,085
Posted: Mon, 19/06/2017 04:16 (7 Years ago)
[lol guys there are no Pokédexes, they're replaced with PokéPhones with the Pokédex Feature.]

Avery and Aditsan walked along Route 29, battling wild Pokémon in order to train.
"Professor Elm mentioned something about Contests..." Avery told Aditsan.
"Yeah, they seem cool and all but like -- I think Gym Battles would be better for us." Aditsan told his sister, smiling at Boss and Artemis.
"You try that and I'll stick to Contests." Avery said, walking off a bit away from Aditsan.

The younger twin let her Eevee out of his Pokéball, who cried out happily as her Fennekin sad beside it.
"Alright, let's look at some Contest videos." Avery told her two partners, searching up videos on her PokéPhone.

Trainerlevel: 54

Forum Posts: 1,565
Posted: Mon, 19/06/2017 04:33 (7 Years ago)
((I forgot rip))

"I- I meant Poképhone! I'm so used to having a Pokedex and- I'm rambling.." Lawrence stopped himself before he could continue. Tamarin slithered around the room, sniffing at things randomly. Lawrence mouthed 'Tamarin stop'. "Anyway, I guess I should go. I've got stuff and I can do without the Johto stuff.."

He backed out of the lab, face flushed in embarrassment. "Tamarin I messed up big time!" Lawrence exclaimed. Tamarin flicked his tongue, slithering at his trainer's side and height. When the Serperior saw Lawrence beginning to cry, he nuzzled him affectionately. "Stop.. I don't-"

Tamarin continued his affection as the two made their way back to Cherrygrove.