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Welcome to Johto! [Semi-Lit | Actual RP]

Forum-Index Roleplay Pokémon RP Welcome to Johto! [Semi-Lit | Actual RP]
Trainerlevel: 94

Forum Posts: 2,085
Posted: Fri, 16/06/2017 01:42 (7 Years ago)

Welcome To Johto!

__A Semi-Literate, Pokémon Trainer Roleplay

The Johto Region ... home to various wild Pokémon and Pokémon Trainers new and old!
The region also happens to be home to you!

In the past 20 years, there have been many changes to the region:
Pokémon from far away regions have been discovered taking over the habitats of the Native Species most likely due to Pokémon Contests introduced in the Hoenn Region making their way to Johto and advancements in travel. New Gym Leaders have risen and now take the places of some of the previous ones who now serve as Elite Four Members or are pursuing other careers. Many advancements in technology allows trainer to stay in-touch with one another with PokéPhones with an installed Pokédex Feature, eliminating the use of Pokedexes. The previously defeated Team Rocket reemerges with two new leaders, former Team Rocket Grunts Jessie & James, who have traveled the Pokémon-World and gotten stronger. New Cities have been created to compensate for a loss of space with the growing population, eliminating some previous Routes or shortening them.

You, however, have a path to follow and that path is yours to shape...
You can be a New Trainer just starting out their journey, not necessarily from the Johto region but you're new to the region and learning the ropes of Pokémon Training. You can choose to take on the Gyms, earn the 8 badges and enter the Indigo League; Try out your performing skills and dazzling abilities in Pokémon Contests to enter the Johto Grand Festival; Take a more scientific route and research Pokémon, taking notes of their moves, abilities, and raising them to help out Professor Elm's studies; or, of course, you can choose more than one of these.

You can be a Team Rocket Grunt who is fairly new at the whole Pokémon Training business and takes orders from Jessie & James in stealing powerful Pokémon in order to gain more power and take over the Pokémon World.

There are a few of us who are Veteran Trainers who are older, much more experienced trainers who may or may not have finished their journey through Johto but should be relatively close towards the end of it. With the rebirth of Team Rocket, you now choose between joining Professor Elm and protecting Johto from the evil organization, joining Team Rocket as a Team Rocket Elite Member or remaining neutral and basically sitting back at home though you can help whichever side as needed.

Which is the path you will choose?

Trainerlevel: 34

Forum Posts: 1,953
Posted: Fri, 16/06/2017 03:31 (7 Years ago)
Is he serious? Will we go this far to bring her back?

Ivan was asleep. He was having an odd dream. In the dream, he was in the middle of nowhere, floating in a dark void. Suddenly, he heard screams of his mother and yelling from his father. The pitch black void was slowly turning green, and while all the voices stopped screaming, an annoying sound was getting louder and louder. Until he woke up.

His alarm clock was doing the noise. Just as Ivan woke up, Chespin decided to turn it off. Inkay was sitting right next to Ivan, staring at the window, but turning to him once he wakened. Getting up, Ivan looked around his new room. There was almost nothing on it, besides boxes, a table and a closet. Ivan had mixed feelings. A journey, yay! Its forced, ow. Shrugging it off, Ivan literally entered the closet to change his clothes.
Trainerlevel: 54

Forum Posts: 1,565
Posted: Fri, 16/06/2017 03:59 (7 Years ago)
Trapped in the middle of a ball of two Unovan giants was Lawrence. He was caught between his sleeping Serperior (Tamarin) and Volcarona (Agnis). The two had barely gotten any rest the previous night so when Lawrence awoke he wasn't shocked to see them asleep. But on him? No. That would get annoying way too quickly. He tried to shove Agnis off first. She'd be easier to get off since she was lighter and smaller than him.

To his distress, it didn't work. Instead of getting unstuck, he became even more trapped in the pile. He managed to wriggle out of Agnis's wings, but getting out without waking them up would be hard. Their Poké Balls were on the other side of the room, so that made it even more difficult.

He poked his Serperior, who unconsciously moved his tail. Lawrence grinned and got out of bed and got changed. He had chosen a white shirt under a black jacket. He chose a gray scarf to go with. He put on his signature glasses and was about to wake his Pokémon when he remembered. He's still in his pajama pants! He quickly changed into some tan jean shorts and collected his items.
Trainerlevel: 94

Forum Posts: 2,085
Posted: Fri, 16/06/2017 05:50 (7 Years ago)
Avery slowly blinked her eyes open at the sound of her alarm. She sat up slowly and looked over at her partner, Fennekin, asleep at the foot of her bed.
She yawned loudly before dragging herself out of bed and headed towards the bathroom in her new home, knocking on Aditsan's door as she passed his room on the way.

"Wake up, Aditsan!" she shouted as she closed the bathroom door and started the shower.

Aditsan's Froakie smirked at the sound of Avery knocking on the door, though remained motionless on Aditsan's chest. Aditsan groaned as Avery shouted again from downstairs and sat up, Froakie sliding off his body. "Hey there, Boss." he mumbled, the Water-type crying its name in response.

After showering, Avery dressed herself in a strapless romper. She opened the bathroom door and signaled her twin. Aditsan walked in the bathroom wearing a football jersey and jeans and brushed his teeth while his twin sister perfected her signature high pony. Avery quickly applied shiny lipgloss and fixed her bangs and looked at Aditsan, who nodded at her.

"Mom, Dad. We're headed out to Professor Elm's!" Aditsan told his parents who responded wishing the twins luck.
Avery smiled as she slipped on tan wedges, Aditsan tying his shoelaces in a butterfly-like style, sighed and walked out of the house together with his sister and their partners beside them.

Trainerlevel: 65

Forum Posts: 458
Posted: Fri, 16/06/2017 13:41 (7 Years ago)
Light shone in from the window of Skyler's small room, hitting her face and causing her to groan and rub her eyes. Without thinking, she stretched out her legs and arms, accidentally knocking her Ivysaur, Flick, off the bed. She heard his low huff and then felt a sharp smack against her face,
Flick had taken it upon himself to give the girl a vine whip, obviously agitated by the rude awakening.

"Shoot... Sorry bud, but that hurt" Skyler muttered, rubbing her cheek lightly with the back of her hand and giving the Ivysaur a glare. He snorted and began walking towards the kitchen.

Sky grabbed a pair of jean shorts and a black tank top and tossed them on quickly. She then tiredly stumbled to her vanity and used the mirror to throw her hair up in a messy bun. After trying a few times to get it right, the girl made her way into the kitchen with Flick.

"Hey Flick go get some baskets, we gotta start trying to sell some berries today" Skyler pointed towards the baskets on the table and Flick made his way over, grabbing two baskets using his vines.

|| DA || Diary ||Toyhou.se || CS ||
Trainerlevel: 34

Forum Posts: 1,953
Posted: Fri, 16/06/2017 17:47 (7 Years ago)
There are other options...

Ivan got out of the closet, with his casual, which was also his formal suit on. He looked over to his bed, where Chespin and Inkay were looking over to the window. "Look, guys." He said in a happy-yet-sad tone. "None of us want to be here. But since we are stuck here, we might as well just go." Chespin felt a bit happier, and Inkay looked over to the stand with an alarm clock and two Pokeballs. Ivan began to walk downstairs with the two 'mons after him.

The kitchen was small. It was full of boxes and there was more rooms there. His father was drinking coffee, and looking at something in his laptop and cellphone. He had spiky black-grey hair. "Hi dad." Ivan said, not really happy. "Oh. Hi Ivan."

Thats not how he used to greet Ivan 4 years ago. Seems like he doesn't wants a family anymore.

Ivan grabbed a backpack and his cellphone that were on the table. "Uh. See ya, dad. I will probs come back once I get a pokemon with Teleport. No promises."

"Uh, okay. Try to come back with news or something. And don't forget why we're here in the first place." His dad said. "Ugh, fine. Bye." Ivan dashed ouut of the house, even though his father wanted to say something to him.

Trainerlevel: 54

Forum Posts: 1,565
Posted: Fri, 16/06/2017 17:59 (7 Years ago)
"Tamarin, Agnis, wake up. We're headed to New Bark!" he called to his Pokemon. He grabbed his PokePhone and checked the time. It was about 10 in the morning, so he was still early. His Serperior had no intent of getting up, but was definitely awake. Agnis had floated out of her spot, glaring at her Serperior teammate.

"Tamarin," Lawrence said. Tamarin stayed in place while Agnis searched for her scarf. The Volcarona was unfortunately easy to freeze up when cold. She flew out of the bathroom suddenly, with her scarf covering her eyes. Lawrence had walked back to the bed and was trying to drag Tamarin off. The Serperior was flicking his tongue in and out and not anything else.

Agnis flew over and Flamethrower began to spark by where her mouth would be. Tamarin let out a terrified hiss and slithered down. The Volcarona closed her eyes, letting out satisfied hums. "Alright, that's enough. Let's go. Tamarin, return." Lawrence and Agnis went downstairs and the trainer returned the hotel key.

"Agnis, use Fly! Get us to Cherrygrove City." He climbed onto Agnis's back and the two disappeared into the sunrise.
Alt. Title: Agnis has two confirmed moves
Trainerlevel: 75

Forum Posts: 2,095
Posted: Fri, 16/06/2017 19:11 (7 Years ago)
Shay was running down the stairs with her Totodile named Toto, she was searching for her backpack and soon Toto the Totodile found her backpack, Shay smiled, "Thank you Toto". Then Shay headed out then her mother told Shay, "Shay did you get everything that you wanted?", then Shay said, "I sure did", then Shay's mother said, "Please be careful Shay", Shay hugged her mother and said, "I will", soon Shay left the house and headed out to Route 29 with her Totodile then began to train for the challenges ahead. "Here goes nothing", Shay said.

Credit to Veris

Trainerlevel: 49

Forum Posts: 576
Posted: Fri, 16/06/2017 19:52 (7 Years ago)
A small room: the attic. That's where Audrey slept and spent most of her time with her Deino. After all, it gave her some peace and quiet, away from her siblings and parents. After getting dressed into her normal clothes (socks, a t-shirt, overalls and sneakers) she jumped down the stares, holding Deino.

After waving good-bye to her family, she walked down to Professor Elm's house.

Trainerlevel: 65

Forum Posts: 458
Posted: Fri, 16/06/2017 20:08 (7 Years ago)
The two collected enough berries to fill both baskets, seemingly eating more berries than they collected. Skyler looked over both baskets and then threw a small grin in Flicks direction.

"Hopefully someone will trade us pokeballs for these!" Skyler smiled and picked up both baskets,
grunting as she felt how heavy they actually were. "Come on, towns this way" She smiled and pointed in front of her towards the path that lead into town. Flick looked at her and then bounded off towards town, Sky following close at his heels.

|| DA || Diary ||Toyhou.se || CS ||
Trainerlevel: 75

Forum Posts: 2,095
Posted: Fri, 16/06/2017 20:11 (7 Years ago)
Shay began to train her Totodile, it was already a bright morning with lots of flying Pokemon flying by, Shay said, "Wow", then she turned her attention to her Totodile, "Okay Toto, today it is time to train, I just hope you will learn a new move soon", Shay said. Toto focused on training, then Shay turned around and saw a bug Pokemon that looked like a ladybug, "Eeek!", Shay jumped, she was glad that it wasn't a Spinarak, Shay sighed, "Phew it's a Ledyba that flew by my face, gosh I wish I had a new teammate soon then Toto will have a buddy", Shay now returned her focus on Toto, a Rattata made it's arrival and soon she told her Totodile, "Okay Toto use Scratch", Toto began using it's move and the Rattata got hit. Shay nodded, "Still need to catch up on the training".

Credit to Veris

Trainerlevel: 94

Forum Posts: 2,085
Posted: Fri, 16/06/2017 20:57 (7 Years ago)
Avery and Aditsan headed to Professor Elm's from their new home in a town named Silent Hills, only being established in the past two years, south of New Bark Town.

The pair walked on a straight, paved path through an open forest with light coming in from every direction up to the Professor's Lab, encountering some wild Pokemon on the way.

"Hey, Aves, you can go on ahead, Boss and I are gonna train a bit and maybe catch a new Pokemon or two while we're here." Aditsan informed his sister, talking a few steps back from her.
"But the Professor's expecting us at a certain time..." Avery pointed out.
"I shouldn't be that long!" he responded, running off with his Froakie skipping behind him.

Avery rolled her eyes and mumbled a few words under her breath, Fennekin mimicking her actions which made Avery smile.
"I guess we could walk a bit slower because knowing my brother, he'll be gone for a while..." the young trainer told the Fox Pokemon.

At the moment, both the twins encountered a Pokemon in their separate locations though the same species, an Eevee. The Eevee Aditsan encountered had longer fur on the top of its head than most Eevee whereas the Eevee Avery encountered had a bushier tail and collar.

"Let's catch it!" the twins said in unison.
"Fennekin, use Scratch!"
"Boss, Pound attack!"
Fennekin charged at the Evolution Pokemon and extended her claws, swiping her left paw at its face while Froakie dashed at the Eevee before it and swung his hand at it.
The Eevee fighting Avery and her Fennekin attacked with Swift and the Eevee fighting Aditsan and his Froakie charged with a tackle, both landing direct hits.
"Ember!" "Bubble!"


After a few more turns exchanging moves, Avery and Aditsan both attempted to throw a Pokeball at the Evolution Pokemon, encasing it in a Pokeball and marking their first capture each.

Trainerlevel: 75

Forum Posts: 2,095
Posted: Fri, 16/06/2017 22:08 (7 Years ago)
Siobhan and her Totodile walked west as soon she now understood that bug Pokemon also fly which included the Ledyba she saw from earlier, "Hey Toto, look I see something interested should we take a look?", Shay asked her Totodile. Then Toto nodded in agreement, "Okay, let's take a look then", Shay said and soon Shay and Toto the Totodile walked up north, then Shay tripped on a rock and fell, "Ouch! Well that's not cool", soon Shay sees a Geodude from Route 46, "Uh oh, I think it's Geodude, and it's a rock-type Pokemon", soon Toto was preparing for it's training, Shay remembered that Toto needs to learn a new move, "Toto, if you use a water type move then it will be a little easier for the battle", Toto kept an eye on the Geodude then soon something happened, Toto used shot of water and knocked the Geodude out, Shay surprised said, "Toto did you use a new move called Water Gun", Toto nodded and Shay said, "I knew you can do it, you learned a new move", Shay said then she grabbed a band-aid and placed it on her left knee, "Now let's go back south and head back west", and Shay along with her Totodile headed south and back west.

Credit to Veris

Trainerlevel: 49

Forum Posts: 576
Posted: Fri, 16/06/2017 22:36 (7 Years ago)
After reaching Professor Elm's, Audrey called out both her Vulpix and her Deino. She sat in the shade of a tree, rummaging through her small black messenger-bag she carried with her. Inside were some Pokeballs, and she finally found the small sketchbook she had treasured since the day she got it. It was small in size but had many pages and she took it everywhere with her.
Trainerlevel: 34

Forum Posts: 1,953
Posted: Sat, 17/06/2017 00:51 (7 Years ago)
Ivan walked angrily off his house, with Chespin and Inkay right before him. "Ugh. Is he serious about this? About all of this?" Ivan complained. "Its not going to work! He doesn't sees it!" Chespin and Inkay were somewhat surprised at Ivan's rage, and he noticed it. "...Oh well. Might as well do this thing." Ivan said. "Dad told us to look for...Professor Elm?" He asked, and Chespin nodded. "Well then. If he is a professor, he must be at the lab!" The realization.

Ivan cheered up a bit, and walked over to the lab, which was a really small amount of steps away. As he opened the door, he and his 'mons looked over to a girl doing something under a tree. Looking off, he entered the lab.
Trainerlevel: 75

Forum Posts: 2,095
Posted: Sat, 17/06/2017 01:27 (7 Years ago)
As Shay and her Totodile named Toto walked west, they made their way to Cherrygrove City, "This is Cherrygrove City then", soon Toto went to Shay's backpack, Shay looked at her Totodile, "It's okay buddy". Shay looked around and saw buildings and soon she went inside the Pokemon Center. Shay saw other trainers with their Pokemon, she looked around and was amazed. "This is probably my first time seeing the Pokemon Center", she placed her backpack down and soon her Totodile appeared and Shay said, "It's okay buddy, you were nervous because we were at a different place".

Credit to Veris

Trainerlevel: 65

Forum Posts: 458
Posted: Sat, 17/06/2017 13:15 (7 Years ago)
Skyler and Flick eventually reached town. The two had stuck close to the path, not wishing to battle any wild pokemon, especially since she had no means of catching any yet. Sky was suddenly overwhelmed at the amount of people, she had thought going into town early would've made it calmer but it seemed not. With a small breath in, clutching the baskets tightly, she walked into the closest pokemart.

The man at the counter seemed to be uninterested in anything, he was halfheartedly swiping through his pokephone, he wasn't even watching the store. Sky gathered up her courage and made her way up to the counter, placing the two baskets down on it. The man looked up from his pokephone and squinted at Sky and the baskets, a puzzled look dancing across his face.

"I-is there anyway.. that I could..." Sky paused for a moment, the way the man looked at her like she was insane made her uncomfortable, but after a little more mental support she continued, "trade these berries for some pokeballs?"

The man chuckled a bit and muttered a curt "sure". He took the baskets and weighed them and then handed 10 Pokeballs, and one premier ball, to Skyler. She smiled excitedly and thanked the man,
nearly tripping on her way out the door. Flick followed close behind, also excited at the prospect of a new pokemon friend.

|| DA || Diary ||Toyhou.se || CS ||
Trainerlevel: 75

Forum Posts: 2,095
Posted: Sat, 17/06/2017 14:20 (7 Years ago)
Shay relaxed a bit with her Totodile at the Cherrygrove City Pokemon Center, she soon thought carefully about her next steps, "Toto, I am still thinking so hard if I should be getting eight badges and battle the Elite Four", Toto the Totodile then grabbed the badge case and pointed it at Shay, "You think I should get the badges?", Shay asked. Toto nodded, then Shay answered, "Okay, I think my confidence is back up and I'm ready to face the gym leaders in the challenges ahead", so Shay stand up and grabbed her backpack and others and soon afterwards left the Pokemon Center and continued west and soon headed up north.

Credit to Veris

Trainerlevel: 54

Forum Posts: 1,565
Posted: Sat, 17/06/2017 17:54 (7 Years ago)
Agnis came to a sudden stop, causing her trainer to fall off of her back. "Really Agnis?" Lawrence demanded, rubbing his head. His Volcarona let out small hiss-like giggles while her trainer just glared. "I'll switch you out for Ellie-"

Agnis let out a terrified squeak. "That's what I thought." But Lawrence began to laugh as his Volcarona flew in small circles. "Alright, Tamarin come out." The Serperior was sent out, looking tired. "Let's head to New Bark." Lawrence waved his hand for his Pokemon to follow.

As he stepped into Route 29, he was greeted by a pack of Sentret running past. One tried to trip the trainer, but stopped when Tamarin's tail began to glow green, forming a sword. "Tamarin, don't do it." The Serperior didn't listen, instead chasing the fleeing Sentret. He launched into the air and hit its side with the now leaf-covered blade. Why is he attacking? More specifically, with Leaf Blade? Lawrence thought.

He normally goes for Dragon Tail if looking for a strong attack.
Trainerlevel: 75

Forum Posts: 2,095
Posted: Sat, 17/06/2017 22:32 (7 Years ago)
Shay walked up north and then headed east, "I sure need another member to the team", Toto nodded in agreement. As Shay searched around, she picked up a Potion and soon she sees a berry tree and walked up to it, "This seems interesting", Shay said and Toto wondered as well, soon Shay picked up a berry and placed it in a bag. "This berry might help you Toto during battle", Toto smiled and soon Shay was back walking along with her Totodile.

Credit to Veris