Dexter stopped looking at a table, "Oh mahogany! Very nice. I may
need one. Think my room can fit a mahogany table? If so will help
you move this to there."
"No, because uh...your cell is too small." Echo replied.
Dexter sighed, "Really, aw shucks...well I guess you are right. To
the library."
Ikia's feathers turn a warm shade of orange-pink, as if blushing,
but through her entire body. "Thank you, child. You are sweet. I
hope none of the fighters give you any harm."
Ikia taps a claw, searching for the right words. "Alia are split
into... sections depending on... personality and world they from.
Ria is fighter. She is... ill? But she is fighter."
Lithar had stayed silent letting Mira talk.When they left however
he gave a smile to Ikia and a small wave.Once they were out of the
infirmary he slung his arm around Mira's shoulders."So off to the
lab we go."
Lithar smirked and started skipping beside her while playfully
singing."We'er off to see the,the wonderful wizard of Oz."He got in
front of Mira and held out his hand."Would you go on an adventure
with me to see the wonderful wizard my dear?"
Lithar smiled and stood so she was beside Mira.He started skipping
down the hall along side her."Hmm I think we are here my dear."He
mused when they made it to a door that said lab.