Forum Thread
Undertale Club
Forum-Index → Fan Clubs → Inactive Clubs → Undertale Club
If you give out too much info about
yourself online, especially to bad people, you're gonna have a bad
will probably add some, and also learn how to time
...e v e n t u a l l y

If someone asks you for personal
information, go sans on them lie and say you're an Undertale
character living in the Underground.
It's actually okay to lie like that. As long as you don't promise you're that being.
It's actually okay to lie like that. As long as you don't promise you're that being.
or the other way around idk
Even though my hair wouldn't take too long to grow out, I'd probably get a wig or something bc man I love my hair too much </3 and its basically perfect for Mettaton in case I ever wanna be robot or something,,
That's great!! :0
Waitwaitwait I have an idea
I'll cosplay
and force my Undertale-hating brother to do it with me.
The items for it are the Cloudy Glasses (I had some lyin' around) and the Torn Notebook. (well, the one I have is old, not torn, but ehhhh)
I can relate to them
In other news I still ship the skeleton and the flower