"This is only a mission for the recrits at HQ, sorry." Amy replied,
drawing her sword. She looked over at Draco. "Long time no see,
childhood companion."
Riku takes a small step back, startled by all the humans. "Ah
crap," He mutters. Kind of outnumbered...but don't underestimate
vampires! Riku thought, a smirk now appearing on his lips.
"Draco!We have to work together to defeat the vampires!" Hinami
says exasperated. Of course she knew Draco had a hard time grasping
that fact.
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Khaalida simply stands there debating many things in her mind. I
am not a human and I would rather not be a vampire... I know Riku
had to have heard what I said... I am now a stranger to my own
kind... What do I do? I could just turn on both sides... She
sighs and looks up to Hinami and Draco.
Khaalida turns to Riku, her eyes, which are normally bright and
slightly shining, are dull. "Yes... I'm fine..." No... I'm
not... I've lost my way... I don't know who or what I am
Riku tsked dodging the waves easily. He didn't believe Khaalida.
"Come on," He says loud enough for only her to hear. "We could
leave and deal with these humans later,"
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Draco smirked "Bad idea" He said "Now Asuramura!" Draco yelled. The
demon behind Draco dissappeared. Draco's sword started glowing red
and caused an explosion. Draco was sent flying back and he landed
on the floor with rubble hitting him. Draco's sword was still not
broken. Asuramura, Draco's demon appeared behind Draco