"Demon, give me the strength for the revenge I seek. The power to
vanquish all evil and the power of revenge. I command you to give
me strength from our sworn contract of power and revenge!" Draco
once again chanted. Like last time green yellow, and black mist
started coming from his sword "I know you've seen this before. This
is your last chance" He said
Khaalida grins and lowers her pistol to Draco's foot. She pulled
the trigger and the bullet entered Draco's boot and went all the
way through and into the ground. She jumped back several feet, out
of the range of Draco's weapon.
Draco felt it "You call that stopping me?" Draco grabbed his sword
and sent a large slash of energy at Khaalida. When Draco did so a
black mist appeared behing Draco, forming the shape of a demon
"Asuramaru I need more power" Draco said. "Yes Master" a female
voice replied. Draco's sword now had a green tint to it's blade
Khaalida, having stepped back, had enough time to jump to the side
and dodge the energy. She aimed her pistol again and shot his other
foot. "I would rather save the bullets in this gun... We could just
part ways... But that is up to you..."
Draco blocked the bullets with his sword. Draco charged and lunged
himself forward. Draco's sword pierces her gun holding arm. Draco
then kicked her katana out of her hand