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Forum-Index Roleplay RP Sign-up CLOSED FOREVER
Trainerlevel: 68

Forum Posts: 1,284
Posted: Fri, 08/05/2015 12:31 (9 Years ago)
Trainerlevel: 38

Forum Posts: 251
Posted: Fri, 08/05/2015 16:32 (9 Years ago)
Name: Alice
How old are you: 16 nearly 17
Gender: Female
Species: Half Human, Half Ghost (Is human but can turn into a ghost)
Subspecies(if any):
Hunter or supernatural: supernatural
From where are you(optional):
Your human look: https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/-1-sF0wwgnJU/Uzzon0yOkaI/AAAAAAAAGiw/86RQahsJl1Q/w1920-h1200/Cute-Anime-Girl-With-Headphones-Wallpaper.jpg
Not human look(optional):
By whom were you sent: Parents
Professor or student: Student
Dorm(and do you share it): She has one and Is willing to share
Special power: Invisibility
Crush: Glacio
In relationship: No
Married: No
Pet: She may get one.
Trainerlevel: 68

Forum Posts: 1,284
Posted: Fri, 08/05/2015 16:33 (9 Years ago)
Trainerlevel: 33

Forum Posts: 106
Posted: Fri, 08/05/2015 19:12 (9 Years ago)
(Can I have two boys in a relationship with each other?
Name:Ateer Kamina
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Species: Wolf/Angel
Subspecies(if any):
Hunter or supernatural: Supernatural
From where are you(optional):
Your human look:
Not human look(optional):
Show hidden content
Halfway form (He also has a tail and his ears and tail have white tips):
Full form His fur is cinnamon colored but his wings are all white

By whom were you sent: Family
Professor or student: Student
Dorm: I'm not sure what you mean by this but occasionally Ateer and Cole share their rooms with each other.
History: Ateer was born into a magical family, his siblings also wolf/angel mixes. He met Cole when they were both 12 and he rescued Cole and took him home. Ateer's family raised Cole as one of their on, and at 16 they got the brochure to Supernatual High School
Special Power: Telepathy wih those who give him permission
In relationship: With Cole
Other: Angel/wolves are born with their soul outside of their body in an animal form and the animal can shift between different forms, so Ateer has a daemon named Altair and she stays by his side, and the only other person who can touch her is Cole.(Based off the daemons from Golden Compass)Ateer was raised to believ in mating for life so he and Cole are bonded together.
Hi, I'm a huge anime and love the Yugioh series and Persona series and obviously Pokemon. Proud owner of the third on site Shiny Braviary
This is my lovely Persona Shiranui
Trainerlevel: 68

Forum Posts: 1,284
Posted: Fri, 08/05/2015 19:15 (9 Years ago)
Of course. Accepted.
Trainerlevel: 33

Forum Posts: 106
Posted: Fri, 08/05/2015 19:25 (9 Years ago)
(Alright, i'm making the other form now.
Name: Cole Aragor
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Species: Dragon
Subspecies(if any):
Hunter or supernatural: Supernatural
From where are you(optional):
Your human look: Like this, but his left eye is violet
Not human look(optional):
Show hidden content
Halfway form
Full form:

By whom were you sent: No one
Professor or student: Student
Dorm: Not sure what you mean by this but Ateer and Cole occasionally share rooms with each other
History: Cole was born to a family of hunter's and they didn't take to kindly to have a supernatural as their son. They abused him for a while, then figured out that thye might be able to train him to work against other supernaturals. Cole refused to be broken and was being starved when Ateer found him . Ateer rescued him and took him home with him. Ateer's family raised him as one of their own and when they were 16 they recieved the brochure to Supernatural High.
Special Power:
In relationship: With Ateer
Other: Due to his past, he's very cautious of others, but fully and completely trusts his mate.
Ateer's family helped Cole see his own soul in a way similar to how they could see theirs. Cole's daemon is named Epsilon and she prefers the from of a Red Tailed Hawk. (Also from Golden Compass, but the second book)
Cole had not been raised to believe in mating for life, but he was willing to do it since he loved Ateer and so is bonded to Ateer.
Hi, I'm a huge anime and love the Yugioh series and Persona series and obviously Pokemon. Proud owner of the third on site Shiny Braviary
This is my lovely Persona Shiranui
Trainerlevel: 68

Forum Posts: 1,284
Posted: Sat, 09/05/2015 08:43 (9 Years ago)
Trainerlevel: 47

Forum Posts: 174
Posted: Sat, 09/05/2015 13:21 (9 Years ago)
My first form
My second form

Name: Mika Kizuko
Species: Kitsune
Subspecies(if any): Witch
Hunter or supernatural: supernatural
From where are you(optional):
Your human look:

Not human look(optional):


By whom were you sent: Parents
Professor or student: student
Crush: None
In relationship: None
Married: None
Trainerlevel: 68

Forum Posts: 1,284
Posted: Sat, 09/05/2015 13:22 (9 Years ago)
Trainerlevel: 18

Forum Posts: 9
Posted: Sat, 09/05/2015 18:19 (9 Years ago)
Name:Luke Ario
Species: dark angel
Hunter or supernatural:Supernatural
Your human look: thishttps://www.google.com/search?q=genderbent+ene&espv=2&biw=1366&bih=638&tbm=isch&imgil=fcaKgwPNOu7PZM%253A%253BVFYefqHKCKbiRM%253Bhttps%25253A%25252F%25252Fwww.pinterest.com%25252Fpin%25252F487585097130251270%25252F&source=iu&pf=m&fir=fcaKgwPNOu7PZM%253A%252CVFYefqHKCKbiRM%252C_&usg=__lzv_MvEbRdpsat7lPULYZv2qKzw%3D
By whom were you sent:none came upon it
Professor or student:student
Crush: to be seen
In relationship: no
Married: no
I am a geek!!! plz go ahead and ask geeky questions!!! (preferably anime)

Trainerlevel: 34

Forum Posts: 233
Posted: Sat, 09/05/2015 18:21 (9 Years ago)
Trainerlevel: 68

Forum Posts: 1,284
Posted: Sat, 09/05/2015 18:25 (9 Years ago)
Trainerlevel: 21

Forum Posts: 121
Posted: Sun, 10/05/2015 02:56 (9 Years ago)
Subspecies(if any):
Hunter or supernatural:Hunter
From where are you(optional):
Your human look: here
Not human look(optional):
By whom were you sent:
Professor or student:Student
In relationship:
Trainerlevel: 5

Forum Posts: 0
Posted: Sun, 10/05/2015 14:09 (9 Years ago)
Name: Carlos
Species: A demon-like creature from another realm
Subspecies: none
Hunter or Supernatural: Sort of a mixture of both. The ruler of his realm sent him to experiment on humans and supernaturals in the realm this takes place in alike, while he chose to go to the school so he could meet supernaturals like him and so he could learn more about this realm.
Where the character is from: Like I said, another realm.
Human look: http://drawcast.com/show.htm?workID=113100416519
Not human look: (To lazy to draw.) His not human look is the same thing as the thing above, except his skin is more to a shade of black and scaly, he has a dragon-like tail, bird-like wings, and his eyes glow (his eyes are yellow).
By whom the character was sent: He came to the school on his own accord.
Professor or Student: Student
Crush: none
In relationship: He is in a relationship with one of his own kind in, let's just say, the Other Realm. Her name is Carri.
Married: nope
Trainerlevel: 68

Forum Posts: 1,284
Posted: Sun, 10/05/2015 14:11 (9 Years ago)
Trainerlevel: 24

Forum Posts: 137
Posted: Sun, 10/05/2015 14:26 (9 Years ago)
Name : Chino-chin
How old are you:Well in other dimsension he haves 200000 years but in this world he is 18
Species:Humans with supernatural powers or a SAIYAN
Hunter or Supernatural:Kinda both
From where are you:Another world where he got his golden powers
Your human look:
Your not human look(optional):
His 2 form

By whom were u sent:alone
Proffesor or student:student
In realtionship:nope

Special powers:Can copy super naturals moves and controls golden mega energy
Dorm:(and u share it)
Trainerlevel: 68

Forum Posts: 1,284
Posted: Sun, 10/05/2015 14:30 (9 Years ago)
Trainerlevel: 28

Forum Posts: 175
Posted: Sun, 10/05/2015 17:10 (9 Years ago)
Name: Ayala
Species: Draconian (Angel variety)
Subspecies(if any): Angel Dragon
Hunter or supernatural: Super natural
From where are you(optional): Kyoto Japan
Your human look:
Not human look(optional): Cute Form:
True Form:
Full power (and completely overwhelmed with power X3) form:
By whom were you sent: My mom.
Professor or student: Student
Crush: None yet.
In relationship: None yet.
Married: Nope.
Do I share a dorm?:No. (This is an old form, I'm adding onto it.)
History: Came from Kyoto after leading a less-than-normal life.
Special Power: Can communicate with creatures through telepathy, she can also control minds, but it takes a ton of energy and can sometimes drive her mad.
Pet: Drake:
Other: She will master her powers soon, trying to decide who looks good enough to be a good husband. X3

"Did you miss me?"

Profile~Diary~My Warriors Fanclub!~
Trainerlevel: 68

Forum Posts: 1,284
Posted: Sun, 10/05/2015 19:37 (9 Years ago)
Trainerlevel: 28

Forum Posts: 175
Posted: Sun, 10/05/2015 19:39 (9 Years ago)
YAY! <3 I will now Proceed to the RP that is spamming my notifications. >~>

"Did you miss me?"

Profile~Diary~My Warriors Fanclub!~