Forum Thread
Forum-Index → Roleplay → RP Sign-up → CLOSED FOREVERName: Atsushi Natsumi
How old are you: 19 (real age: 1,956)
Gender: Male
Species: Vampire
Subspecies(if any):
Hunter or supernatural: Supernatural
From where are you(optional):
Your human look:

Not human look(optional):
By whom were you sent: No one
Professor or student or guard: Student
Dorm(and do you share it):
Special power: All Powers of a vampire like Teleportation , Flying and such. He can manipulate Air.
Crush: No one for now
In relationship: No one for now.
Married: No one for now.
Other: In Atsushi's Family , He is oftenly called as the 'Brains' because of his superior IQ. He is also Eri's former personal teacher in all her subjects when she was home-schooled.
How old are you: 18
Gender: Male
Species: Angel
Subspecies(if any): None.
Hunter or supernatural: Supernatural
Your human look:
Not human look(optional):
By whom were you sent: No one
Professor or student or guard: Student
Dorm(and do you share it): A airy room with a normal appeal. She does share.
History: To Be Edited
Special power: Can talk to animals
Crush: Maybe later.
In relationship: Nope.
Married: Nope.
Pet: A black husky with hazel eyes.
Other: ~
How old are you: 18
Gender: Male
Species: Whitelighter-Witch
Hunter or supernatural: Supernatural
Your human look:
By whom were you sent: Self-sent
Professor or student or guard: Student
Dorm(and do you share it): Dorm. He does not share it.
History: Adam's parents were killed shortly after his birth and he was then taken care of by a mortal whom the parents trusted. He was given a Power Binding Potion in order to "control" himself and he didn't discover his powers until he was 16 years old when his caretaker suffered a massive heart attack and died and his powers were unbound when he had a Premonition of himself being attacked at a party. He slowly learned how to control his powers and his powers grew as well, unbinding powers one by one. He decided he needed to get begin body building in order to physically defend himself in case he wasn't able to use his powers. He is formally skilled in hand-to-hand combat, though has come to the school to take an Advanced Combat class.

Molecular Immobilization
Telekinetic Orbing
Various abilities via his powers.
(Agility via Levitation.)
(Deviation via Telekinetic Orbing.)
(Molecular Deceleration via Molecular Immobilization)
(Intuition via Premontion.)
+ Basic Witch Powers (Spell Casting, Scrying, Poiton Making)
Telekinetic Orbing
Various abilities via his powers.
(Agility via Levitation.)
(Deviation via Telekinetic Orbing.)
(Molecular Deceleration via Molecular Immobilization)
(Intuition via Premontion.)
+ Basic Witch Powers (Spell Casting, Scrying, Poiton Making)
In relationship: No
Married: No
Pet: None
Other: He's hella gay.