Ember smiled. "Thank you for coming when you did..." She looks down
to Khomich in her arms. "I need to get her inside... Those arrows
are nasty..." She carries her into the cave and begins to remove
and bandage the arrows and the wounds.
Ember nods. "I'm not surprised... You're much larger than I am...
And quite often the males are stronger than the females... Did you
see what Khomich did to the hunters?" She says as she works on
Ember shrugged. "Its mother nature..." She sighs as she steps back
from Khomich. "There... Her wounds are clean and wrapped..." She
looks around. "Where's Void?"
Ember sighed and shifted into human form. The arrow still sticking
out of her shoulder. She sat down by her herbs and wraps. She took
a deep breath before she pulled the arrow out. She began wrapping
the wound.
Khomich forces herself up and heads to the mouth of the cave. "I...
Must find him."
Ember wraps Draco and turns to see Khomich walking out, she runs in
front of her. "You're not in any condition to go out... Stay here,
I will go out and look for him."
Khomich growls before grabbing Ember, who was still in human form,
with her tail and tossing her into the cave. She ran out and
disappeared into the shadows.
Ember sighed. "You're right... But she's in no condition to be out
there alone..." Ember shifts into her dragon form and starts
trundling off following her trail as best she can.
Ember stopped as she lost the scent and began sniffing in a spiral.
She kept spiraling outwards until she found the scent again. She
continued on the path.
Khomich emerged from the shadows and walked along until she saw
Void in the distance. "VOID!!!" She yelled as she ran towards him.