Ember woke up after a few minutes and looked about the cave. Upon
not finding Khomich she got up carefully, so as not to wake Draco.
She walked over to Void, who seemed to be sleeping and then started
following Khomich's scent.
Khomich had left the cave and gone to her little lake, in human
form to clean off. She hadn't taken notice of the hunters who were
watching her very closely. She couldn't smell them because they
were wearing animal skins.
Ember trundled along Khomich's trail and when she found her rinsing
off her arms and dunking her head into the water she chuckled as
Khomich turned to see her, her short black hair was spiked and
messy. Ember walked over to her and sat nearby.
Khomich grinned as Ember sat near her. The large red female dragon
felt almost like her mother. "Good morning Ember. Sleep well?"
Ember nodded. "I did. How did you sleep?" She chuckles.
Ember shifted into human form and began washing herself too. "Any
plans for tod..." She couldn't finish the sentence for an arrow
pierced her through the shoulder. She fell over onto Khomich's
"EMBER!!!" Khomich yelled. She shifted into her dragon form,
grabbing Ember she tried to take off with her new wings. She could
only get a few feet off the ground before having to land again. She
growled as she picked up Ember's unconscious human body in her
mouth and took off running away from the cave.
The hunters ran out of their hiding spot and continued shooting at
Khomich leapt into the woods and took Ember through the shadows
with her. She ran and leapt as fast as she could, dodging the
arrows as she went.
Khomich turned her head around and upon not finding the hunters she
slowed down to a trot, Ember's human body still in her mouth. I
know Ember is very nice... But she tastes horrible... She
growled slightly as the pain from the many arrows in her back legs
and tail began to take their effect.
Draco suddenly was shrouded in flames. After the flames had
dispersed a large red fire dragon with flaming eyes that had no
pupils appeared. It was Draco, he was larger and stronger than
Khomich's true form when he was in his true form himself. Draco
quickly killed off the hunters
Khomich nearly dropped Ember as a net fell over her. Not
again... She growled and set down Ember as her eyes glowed
green and her body began to smoke. The net disintegrated and the
hunters backed up bows drawn and they began firing at her. The
arrows passed right through her as her body became nothing but
smoke. She drifted towards some of the hunters, one of them ran,
but the ones that she passed through fell over for when they
inhaled the smoke coming from her they died instantly. Upon seeing
this most of the other hunters left. The remaining hunters were
sprayed with her black fire melting them into nothing but bones.
Ember sat up and watched in horror as the hunters were turned to
skeletons before her eyes and Khomich returned to normal and
proceeded to pass out. "Khomich!" Ember yelled.
Draco saw some black smoke and flew over to where he saw. Draco
landed with a big crash, causing the dirt around him to be sent
flying "Khomich! Ember! Get on my back!" Draco said in a much
deeper voice
Ember shifts into her dragon form, grabs Khomich and gets aboard
Draco's back as she looks at the skeletons of the hunters and the
dead grass where they lay.