Forum Thread
🔹 Kety's Diary
Forum-Index → Diaries → 🔹 Kety's DiaryTitle: Planning
Hi Dairy ! Today Im goinng to talk abaut Planning the next shiny hunt . Im goinng to start it at 1/1/2017 its goinng to be caled "New Year Hunt" . I was tinking to shiny hunt an Alola region pokemon But I dont Know will the be out at PH in that time . If not im goinng to be posting another Planning posts like this commonly . Also I wanted to talk abaut School . Its started for me so I wont be able to be at PH for much time as I allways was . I will be here not soo much , but I will still be here :D . I just wanted to make this a quick Planning post . Oh and also Im breeding Mikfoos couze I wanna get some nice PD for them . (19000 each Im selling at Auction House)
Title: Pikachus Quest (Part 2)

Pika, Pika-Pikachu - The Yellow Forest Quest is back!
Click on the Pikachu icon on your Userbar to start your next quest! Find all glowing

This year the quest has even been extended with a second part: Pichu's Quest!
Hurry! This Event is going to end on October 20th. -News Writen By Riako
Yay the second part . Its goinng to be fun for sure . Its going to end on October 20th . I need to Hurry up guys ! Also the PM box was updated . Here To See New PM
Title: BestFriends
cheeseWolf Kalac kimie loketoke
Title: Trick or Treat

Hi Dairy ! Its Trick or Treat time ! Sorry for not posting for 1 week ^^" . Anyways This is ADWESTOME !!! Im goinng to have some goals fore this . Im goinng to set them after . But Still I love Haloween . But I dont like trick or treating ... Haloween on PH is relly nice . This year we got a new tipe of choise what we are afrain of . Im still afrain of ZOMBIES . So be sure to Trick or Treat me Here . Tanks for reading this and happy Haloween ! P. S. I love Ghosts <3
Title: Halloween Progress

Hi Dairy ! Im crutenly in a good progress ! I had bought : Explorer Halloween Upgrade, Scary Glasses and Large Candy Bag . Im collecting now for a new Event . Im not gonna trye to get the Giratina item . Hope you are having good time ! Good Luck Trick or Treating .
Title: Rumble Tresure
Title: Holidays are coming !

This year you can pick between five different advent calendar designs; they have all been created by our awesome userbase in a very exciting drawing contest! - Riako
Yay ! First doors gived us an Event Egg . I also hatced a Rowlet and its Female :D Im goinng to post everyday what we got from the doors .