Forum Thread
🔹 Kety's Diary
Forum-Index → Diaries → 🔹 Kety's DiaryTitle: Every Few Days Report
[] Shiny Hunt []
Chain: 295
Goal: 1 Shiny
[] Berry Garden []
Currently Garden LvL: 30
Tasks Completed: 0
[] Other []
Trainerlevel: 39
Forum Posts: 15
[] Interacions []
Interactions Made: ???
Interactions Goal: 1000 Every Day
Title: Getting Closer
Here are gome schreen shots :
Here it is :D
Congratulations! A mega-able Slowpoke hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #263)!

Its Third one and also Quiet and also Third male one . Still needs to get Shiny one .
Title: Getting Closer with Virizion
Here it is :D
New Event Distribution - Larviprop
Movie Star !
14th of September - 28th of September '16.
Goal : 3 Dr. Crazee Eggs
Progress Owiwer
[6,000/6,000] ✓
[15,000/9,000] ✓
[27,000/27,000] ✓
Reviced Eggs
[16/9/2016] [Mecha Tyranitar]
[18/9/2016] [Pupibot]
[22/9/2016] [Larviprop]
Title: Every Few Days Report
[] Shiny Hunt []
Chain: 314 [END]
Goal: 1 Shiny (DONE)
[] Berry Garden []
Currently Garden LvL: 31
Tasks Completed: 4
[] Other []
Trainerlevel: 40
Forum Posts: 14
[] Interacions []
Interactions Made: ???
Interactions Goal: 1000 Every Day
Title: Finished !
Here it is :
Title: x2 Days Collection 2016
Hi Dairy ! Im making the collection of the x2 Days . I got inspierd by a real life friend to make this ^-^ Post posted on 16/9/2016 (Just to remember mine self in future and other players reading this)
September 2016

October 2016