Forum Thread
The Gems (Steven Universe based RP)
Forum-Index → Roleplay → The Gems (Steven Universe based RP)Or more like a sky-blue or something. River's sharp, sapphire claws unsheathed (there were some strange features about Sapphire's companion that made her a true parasite), and the blue cat's shoulders stuck out as River crouched, battle-ready. She stuck out her left hand, summoning a large sapphire boulder. Slowly Sapphire levitated it over the sea.
The boulder plunged into the sea, making a loud sound. For a moment, there was complete silence. Sapphire felt relief. Suddenly, something leaped out of the water. It had tentacles of roaring water, and a mouth full of sharp, jagged teeth. The parasite's water tentacles lashed out. Without thinking, Sapphire shoved Aquamarine out of the way. The tentacle hit Sapphire's side, sending a searing pain through it. It felt like poison.

at the quiet,soft coast with the sand around
she saw sapphire and aquamarine and she
giggled and she began to hand upside down
of the tree, she giggled again and said
"HI!" said tourmaline to both aquamarine and sapphire

Don't starve >:3

and landed in the sand of the beach
she saw a rainbow and summoned her weapon
which was a rainbow magic wand
"umm... what happened?" said tourmaline with her eyes closed and holding her rainbow wand (she is blind for you to now, but she doesn't need to see ;3)

Don't starve >:3

( agua never fought many actuall battles in her lifetime, but being that she is a younger gem it may be understandable )
Oh, and you don't have to '*' crap X3)
Sapphire's mind went blank. There was something odd about those tentacles. Pain seared up her arm and crawled to her shoulder, making it feel something like a chainsaw ripping all the skin on her arm off, then someone pouring crushed glass over it. No, it felt worse. Tears welled in her eyes, making her feel rather weak. She clutched her arm harshly, poison searing out of it. The purple ooze dribbled down her fingers, but it didn't have effect. The pain was from the poison being in a cut. River padded over, now the size of a domestic street cat, and nudged her soft forehead at Sapphire's shoulder. She barely felt it, but winced. The sound she heard was muffled and hard to understand. Sapphire fell to the ground, the world dizzying and the pain seeming to kill her. She then fainted.

Agua got hit by a tentacle and sweeped sideways ( not the poisonus part though) then got pushed into the ground partly, she then glanced over and saw sapphire on the floor, river next to her
" RIVER!" She yelled as loud as she could " GET HER AWAY FROM HERE !"
Another tentacle was somehing straight for her as her expeson turned to "scared". Agua then ducked under it and resomoned Her shythe ( woot! Riptide knock off much ?) and slashed at it , hard. The parasite squealed and hit her smack in the stomach, into the nearby cliff " how much longer can I do this ?" Agua wondered as she jumped off the cliff side with a pained look . The parasite was still looking straight at her, ignoreing river and sapphire, as she jumped up again and TREW the shythe and shut her eyes hopeing not to miss
" thump"
agua heard the shythe hit the floor once again but then opened up her eyes and relized... She didn't miss entirely, the parasite's side had a deep cut running along it and the creature let out an agonizing screech as she landed on the sand and ran to her wepon and then dashed backwards to envade more tenicles, but she was surprised when she was slapped forward and landed on the sand, hard, creative ing a small crator, the wind knocked out of her " ugh..."
( longest rp post I've ever done!)
Sapphire's vision blurred, and the hazy world cleared up. She saw the swaying leaves of a Palm tree. Soft white sand pressed against her arms, back and stomach where her clothes had revealed. She heard yelling and roaring. As her mind cleared, Sapphire jerked up into a sitting position. "Aqua!" She said, but it came out in a hoarse voice. River's soft flank brushed against her arm. Immediately Sapphire grasped her scythe in her hand. River grew to the size of a mountain lion, and blocked her path.
Sapphire pushed against her companion's flank, but River's muses grew stronger and eventually she gave up. River, please... Sapphire thought with a groan. No. You're injured and Aquamarine is fine on her own. River responded. Sapphire glanced up at the fight, leaning against River for support.

Agua slowly got up out of the crator " ugh ..." She held her shythe up and then launched her self forward, then once above the parasite's head she dove down and impaled the shythe in its head.
The parasite screeched then desoved, dropping a gem (I think that's what they drop, right ?) and agua fell into the water with a loud splash. She then surfaced with the "gem item " , her hair covering her face with shadow as she grinned " I..I did it " she stated in a low shady voice
Agua swam to shore and walked over to sapphires and river , her shoulder bothering her quite a bit " ar-- are you ok ?..?" " thank you for um saveing me from the poison .. I really .." Agua blushed slightly " I really appreciate it .."
A typical blue street cat. River, I'm a gem. Sapphire replied grimly. River let out a hiss of disagreement. No, your a parasite! Like me. Sapphire's hand rubbed the cat's head. There was a silence in her head. River got to her paws and padded over to the gem, grabbing it in her teeth. The parasite strode back to Sapphire and dropped the gem. Sapphire stuffed it into an orb of blue crystal, and chucked it away as far as she could into the see. It landed into the deep, dark water with a plop, about fifty feet away from the shallow water.

Agua glanced back at sapphire " im just gonna go now ..." She said in a " im not so shure tone " as she transformed into a wolf and ran off past the rocky cliff area and up to the top of the actual cliff
She stared down and saw the waves lap at the shore as the sun continued to set " so were to next ?" She thought as she yawned loudly in her wolf form and lyed down agest the soft green grass then shut her eyes " wait what's that ?" Her eyes opened and something WHENT " CLUNK "
right over her head, she yelped in surprise as something Whent around her neck " hey ! she thought angerly as she turned around saw a human with an "animal control " bage on his vest
"Right when I wanted peace and for everthing to just stop "
" hey you ! " she said aloud, the human's eyes widened " a-- a talking wolf ?!" " hey I'm a gem and you better let me go " just for good mesure she growled . " I'm going to be famous " said the human as he tryed to pull her towards his van
"What do you think your doing ? You little-- grah !" The neck peice titened around her neck fine if you want to play that way agua turned into a cat and the neck pice sliped off " try to find me now " she said with a smerk as she ran into the lighthouse, witch had a small crack a cat could get into. Once inside she transformed to her "normal" form "geez what's his deal ? I didn't hurt anyone ..." She said quitely as she sat down
What's up with him? Sapphire thought grimly, and walked into a place with a large taco on top. She walked towards the counter, like she had seen other people do. The brunette lady whom was behind the other side of the counter was quite focused on some type of device. She punched the letters on the device, and they appeared on the screen. Earthlander junk. Sapphire thought with a sigh. "Got any food?" She asked the lady. With bored eyes, the lady looked up at Sapphire. Her eyes then widened. "Whoa! Y-your skin!" She hissed. Sapphire looked down at her skin. It was sky-blue, like always. "So? That's not what I asked you. Do you have any food?" She repeated, her hands on the counter.
Seriously, what's up with this woman? She questioned herself. The woman tossed a bunch of tacos into a bag, and walked back into the wall, shivering. "Here! Just take it! Please, don't hurt me!" The womaned said anxiously. "Why would I do that?" Sapphire's eyes narrowed. As the woman didn't answer, Sapphire groaned and walked away with the bag. She was soon with River, and dumped the food onto a rock.
"There's eight of them." She said out loud to River, whom had shuffled in scenting the food. How'd you get eight?... River said mentally, gobbling down three of them within five seconds. "A generous lady gave them to me." Sapphire said, taking a bite out of the taco.
(The life of a gem whose only been with humans once gets free food :P)

it's just to boreing to stay there, and besides I don't think any of the humans will hurt me much
She walked on her four paws ( at this point she's a cat ) until she reached the ege of the cliff and stared off it into the stars, being that the sun had set.
I kinda want to know.. What does home world look like ? I wonder if I will see it ..."
She then shook her head, it's not like I'd be welcomed anyhow..but still..
Suddenly agua transformed into a bluejay and jumped off the clif,opening her wings and spiraling downward to the beach with gaining speed. Then she pulled up, almost running smack into Sapphire, being that she doesnt normally fly around
She then fell to the floor transforming back to her "normal " form
" sorry about that I kinda just..." Agua trailed off wile scratching her head "um are you feeling better ? I was kinda worried about you for a moment there " ...

Crysia shrugged. "Nah, it was you who did more of the work. She gave Aquamarine two tacos. "And the nice lady in that building with the taco on top of it gave them to me." She added. She then shrugged. "Besides, you Gem-World Gems don't need to eat." She added grimly. River's nose prodded her hand. Are you sure you can trust this one? Remember what happened last time? River asked. Crysia cringed as a shiver went up her spine. Yeah, I remember what happened last time. River, we're one of the more powerful Gems. We can take this one down if we absolutely needed to. She replied shrilly. But are you sure you can bring yourself up to do it? Crysia didn't answer.
(Urgh. Watched Jailbreak and they just HAD to make a Sapphire. Re-doing my form for the third time and posting it here.
(Yeah, I pretty much changed my character too... You should post your new character's form here. I'll do it with mine, since most people probably didn't subscribe the singup.
Name: Crysia (because Chalcedony sounds weird and I don't wanna type that every single time)
Age (literal): 20,867 (So young for a gem...)
Age (Technical): 16
Abilities: Crysia's abilities are like all gems, but she can also summon Chalcedony crystals (they're dangerous >:)) out of the ground and reform them. Crysia can also fly.
Gem: Blue Chalcedony. Nothing in the picture needs to be changed.
Weapon: A large double-sided scythe with a firm dark-blue handle and a sky-blue blade. There is a gem-like blue diamond on the bottom of the handle
Other: She has a cat-like pet (which is a parasite, born in the same Kindergarten as she was) that has long, sharp claws made out of Chalcedony. The cat can change its size. Cat looks like this: )