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The Academy for Unusual Children's Return || Roleplay T
Forum-Index → Roleplay → The Academy for Unusual Children's Return || Roleplay TWith a gesture, Cam piled his luggage by an empty bed. His cheeks were burning hotly from the previous encounter with the girl in the dress. He hurried into the bathroom to change into a pair of worn designer jeans and a simple bright blue tee, throwing a white jacket over it. He left his messy hair as it was, grabbed his newly bought school bag from one of his suitcases and raced out of the door.
Matilda had taken her seat when a dark-haired girl entered the room. She felt something shift in the air, and her breathing became rapid.
"Metis, do you feel that?" Mattie thought urgently.
"My brother draws close," Metis whispered, fear creeping into her voice.
[Ookay, still a few sentences, just takes me longer.]
Buying Normal Gems and Water Gems.

"Though I did teach you how to hack... Metis reminded her.
"You taught me to hack things like cameras. Not games," Mattie pointed out.
"I hate it when you have a fair point..." Metis grumbled.
Buying Normal Gems and Water Gems.

Violet continued through the halls until she heard Crystal's distinctive voice. Finally. She entered the room and plopped into the chair next to Crystal. "It was fun attempting to get here while wandering through the building," she said dully.

Bellatrix blinked.
"Wait what. Fire?"
He walked inside, suddenly feeling a sense of foreboding as he glanced about the half empty roo. Cam's eyes locked with a girl with queer, electric blue hair and his heart stopped.
"It's her," Theseus stated in shock.
Cam didn't even notice the pretty girl in the dress he had met at the door. His eyes were fixed on the girl he had once known as his half-sister.
Mattie nodded nervously. "The elements are forms of energies. Fire has always been the element I'm most comfortable using."
Mattie's eyes swiveled to the opened door, where a familiar silver-eyed boy that haunted her nightmares stood, locking eyes with her. She understood what the sudden shift in the air had been .
Metis and Theseus resurfaced and looked at each other.
"Long time no see, dear sister," Theseus' voice echoed along with Cam's.
"You," Metis hissed in fear.
Buying Normal Gems and Water Gems.

Buying Normal Gems and Water Gems.

(Really need to go x.x will continue in a while~]
Buying Normal Gems and Water Gems.

"He hasn't killed you yet. Now please shut up," Mattie gritted her teeth, trying to block out the pounding headache.
Mattie felt her temperature rise ever so slightly, the fire inside of her trying to break through the thin veneer of calm.
"Metis, shut up," Mattie growled, barely keeping it together.
Metis, however, ignored this and continued to scream her lungs out. Mattie's concentration snapped, and her boots began to sink into the floor. It was only an illusion though, and Mattie knew it. The problem was, she was so good at making them even she felt like it was real. Whenever Mattie was under a lot of stress, her mind slipped through a thin layer of reality, twisting and turning the layer until the human senses couldn't tell if it was real or not. It wasn't such a cool power when it backfired on you and only muddled your senses.
Cam wasn't enjoying his first class at all, and it was Theseus' fault. He wouldn't stop shouting angrily about his half-sister Metis, and made it quite difficult for Cam to think straight.
"With all due respect, Theseus, will you shut up?" Cam practically growled.
Theseus was about to reply when Cam noticed that Mattie's boots were slowly sinking into the floor. Her body was tense and she seemed to flicker in and out of existence, as if she were sinking into a different level of reality.
"My sister's host is losing control, probably due to my sister's screaming," Theseus lowered his voice in surprise.
"Wait. I can't manipulate the energies of the layers of reality or I pass out. How come she can do it without even concentrating?" Cam furrowed his brow.
"My sister relied a lot more on her tricks and schemes than on her combat skills. I suspect she passed this on to her host," Theseus guessed. "When Metis used her combat skills though, she was still a worthy opponent. She was a master of fire and earth, with advanced understanding of air and water. Mixed with her cunning and ill temper, she drove fear into the heart of the magical community."
"You never told me this before," Cam stated, surprised.
"I did not want to frighten you," Theseus admitted.
Cam bit back an angry retort and focused on Mattie's sinking feet. She must have come out victorious with a mental battle with Metis, because she stopped flickering and her boots were fixed above ground.
"I'm going to talk to the girl after classes," Cam decided.
"NO!" Theseus yelled.
"If she was as evil as Metis, she'd have killed me already," Cam argued.
"You are putting both our lives at stake! No!" Theseus insisted.
"I'm doing it whether you like it or not," Cam said firmly.
Theseus probably regretted taking the rebellious boy as his host.
[Welp, who's gonna make up the NPC teacher?]
Buying Normal Gems and Water Gems.