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NeoQwerty OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 17 |
Posted: Wed, 08/03/2023 15:28 (2 Years ago) |
All the instructions I found before said I was looking for the x next to my name, not to first click on the name of the group and I'd find the x next to my name there. I had to read through the palpad bugs thread to find clear instructions that the search function didn't bring up. Sorry guys, I thought it was in the palpad chat window itself or in a section of the settings I couldn't find. Last second edit because Rice ninja'd me: Thank you so much for the "click on the group name" part that I realized I was missing! And for explaining how the group thing works in general so I don't have to ask more questions! [Read more] |
NeoQwerty OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 17 |
Posted: Wed, 08/03/2023 15:14 (2 Years ago) |
I've tried clicking EVERY visible x anywhere in the palpad stuff and none of them took me out of the group. This is literally why I need the picture. [Read more] |
NeoQwerty OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 17 |
Posted: Wed, 08/03/2023 15:06 (2 Years ago) |
I am begging for a picture guide for complete idiots, I can't find how to leave this group chat I was added into without being asked first. [Read more] |
NeoQwerty OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 17 |
Posted: Sat, 18/02/2023 22:52 (2 Years ago) |
So it's really just that I need to go get an Alolan Vulpix elsewhere. [Read more] |
NeoQwerty OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 17 |
Posted: Sat, 18/02/2023 00:54 (2 Years ago) |
I had a party full of eggs and the Rattata and placed it into storage to free up the space, but now I have a bugged quest, a Rattata, and no egg anywhere but the quest acts as if I got it... UPDATE: Oh this is SO WEIRD. I got a notification popup that an egg hatched into a Geodude, but the thing is: I have NO EGGS in my party (and the Rattata is now a Raticate). This let me "claim" the next egg, but it's still nowhere to be found in my party! I'll update my post again if I again get some ghost egg hatch. [Read more] |
NeoQwerty OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 17 |
Posted: Fri, 15/02/2019 22:13 (6 Years ago) |
NeoQwerty OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 17 |
Posted: Fri, 15/02/2019 21:37 (6 Years ago) |
Title: Broken image on Advanced tunnel Regi questionAnd before someone suggests Privacy Badger is interfering, I checked the blocked trackers and it's blocking Facebook. uBlock is blocking Facebook and Google Analytics. ![]() [Read more] |
NeoQwerty OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 17 |
Posted: Sun, 20/01/2019 23:02 (6 Years ago) |
Title: Impasta event is AWESOMEAlso, a Gurdurr ate all my honey and built me a new honeycomb... I can't tell if it's hoping for even more honey, or it really felt bad about it. I sure got surprised by it, though! It was a thing I really didn't expect, ahahaha. [Read more] |
NeoQwerty OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 17 |
Posted: Sun, 20/01/2019 17:34 (6 Years ago) |
NeoQwerty OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 17 |
Posted: Sat, 12/01/2019 13:41 (6 Years ago) |
Title: Combee Army: EXCHANGELet's see if I can keep up with it. [Read more] |
NeoQwerty OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 17 |
Posted: Sat, 12/01/2019 13:30 (6 Years ago) |
![]() ![]() ![]() So I'm thinking of starting a Combee exchange program: a Combee for a Combee of the same gender, with female Combee and Vespiquen being equivalent. The only rules are that it must be your Combee (your OT), you do NOT spam the thread or users begging for Combee, and you promise not to sell/trade/auction the Combee you get. (Gifting them onward is ok, but it would be super nice if you could donate them here instead.) How to Participate ![]() If there is no available exchange, please post your Combee or Vespiquen, and specify their gender(s), and I'll add you to the list of available exchanges. If you posted a Combee that has now been exchanged, please remove them from your post once the exchange has been completed. Please do your best to keep your posts up to date on your Combee status, and if I don't seem to have noticed you, wait 1-2 hours before PMing me with "Combee Exchange" as the title. If you're looking to get your first Combee and are a low level trainer, I'd suggest the Newbie Honey Center! Just make sure to read the restrictions, be nice, and follow the rules set over there. ![]() ![]() ![]() [Read more] |
NeoQwerty OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 17 |
Posted: Sat, 12/01/2019 11:59 (6 Years ago) |
Username: NeoQwerty Pokemon: Gyarados That is a lot of Gyarados... Editted because I saw someone above already claimed Combees, oops :3 [Read more] |
NeoQwerty OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 17 |
Posted: Sat, 12/01/2019 01:50 (6 Years ago) |
Title: Combee Army: IT'S ON.[
NeoQwerty OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 17 |
Posted: Fri, 11/01/2019 00:50 (6 Years ago) |
There's also a fan-recreation of Legends 3 being worked on underground (if you can find the ROM hacking scene, you'll surely find the trails of that project, since there was a lot of asking around about extracting the models for Megaman 64 and some screenshots of a Legends-compliant Barret model) but as it's being quietly done, I'm not sure how far it's come. I'll have to find it again and check up on it... Oooh, would that project end up public, or is it just a For Fun/Practice Only thing? [Read more] |
NeoQwerty OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 17 |
Posted: Thu, 10/01/2019 11:59 (6 Years ago) |
Title: Now with an introduction post!Other than that, uh, I got myself a nice Audino boi who can go mega from the auction house! Made a huge dent in my pocket but was worth it! Meet Doctor Gelato! I really like how Audino looks and I like to pair them up with Chansey as a medic team. Also it reminded me that in the games, I tend to find my shinies while grinding for EXP. I found a shiny Loudred in Sapphire's Victory Road (he's named Loudmouth). I found a shiny Audino EXP chaining them in B/W to get my Woobat some EXP after the underleveled dear assisted my Archeops in wrenching victory from the jaws of defeat without dying... [Read more] |
NeoQwerty OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 17 |
Posted: Thu, 10/01/2019 11:30 (6 Years ago) |
I'm Neo, I like Pokemon adoptable clicksites and a lot of everyday-task games like Harvest Moon, Animal Crossing, Cooking Mama, Nintendogs, and more usual stuff like Mario, Zelda, Sonic, MegaMan, Boktai, Donkey Kong, Elder Scrolls, Fallout, Final Fantasy, Guitar Hero (before Harmonix left) and Rock Band, Brutal Legend, Bard's Tale... And I like virtual pet games in general, too! I'm also super into robots and I love Astro Boy (1963/1983/2003, don't bring up the CGI movie) and the Casshern reboot. I also like Iron Man because of the huge technological bend it has, and I found a Bollywood gem called "Enthiran" or "Endhiran" (Robot) that I'd recommend to anyone who likes the Iron Man action and the Astro Boy existential stuff about personhood. And if you want feel free to share any cool technology fact you have! I love little technology tidbits! As far as anime goes, I tend to like stuff that's more geared toward older viewers, like Aggretsuko, or Madoka Magicka, or Princess Mononoke, or The Secret of Arietty. For movie genres, I've found that I have a love for Spaghetti Westerns like Django or Sabata or The Great Silence. But if you want something that's "lighter", I'd recommend the Sartana movies if you can unearth them. They're basically Western James Bond and they have a more mystery vibe to them, like Sabata, but without the grimmer angle. For music, I like a little of everything, but I especially like metal and rock mixes. My latest discovery is an older group called Dschinghis Khan, which led me into Yuve Yuve Yu, a song by The HU, a Mongolian rock band. I'm just generally willing to listen to anything that makes one want to nod their head to that music, and I take recommendations there! Uhm... What else... I like to draw and write and do spritework, I might open up a small spriteshop if I get the time and into a good headspace for it. For now though, I'll just leave old trainer sprites I did for myself and some customs for my personal Pokemon characters. No, you may not use those. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() You can use this one though! It's a Ducklett meant to fit with the DPPt or BW trainer sprites! ![]() [Read more] |
NeoQwerty OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 17 |
Posted: Wed, 09/01/2019 07:23 (6 Years ago) |
So far I fell in love with this site over the others around for one reason: the minigames give me so many vibes about all the games I like! There's the fishing thing, the bug-spotting thing, the Harvest Moon-inspired features, and I haven't even started on the other things I've unlocked yet! And there's also features I enjoy like the Rumbles with their selectable time frame. The only thing missing from my personal niche is Cooking Mama style interactive cooking! I also laugh because now and then I set off the anti-autoclicker are-you-human check when I sit down to click while I'm watching YouTube videos. I also got some really nice stuff from the auction house, like Amekhotep, a first Miltank and a first Combee. So I think I can say I'll stay for good. If nothing else, for the berry farming stuff! [Read more] |
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