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Posted: Tue, 16/08/2022 02:44 (2 Years ago)

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Posted: Tue, 16/08/2022 02:27 (2 Years ago)
Both accepted!

Character #1
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Username: I know who i am
Character name: Lukas
Age: 33
Gender: Male

Personality: He's a hard worker, who wont give up. He is incredibly dedicated to his family and will do anything to keep them safe

Weapon(s): His axe and sword

Other: Once a farmer, he joined the kingdoms army in an effort to earn money to feed his family after his farm was destroyed by invaders. But now, he fights with the army to protect his family (2 young children and a wife of 13 years)
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Character #2
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Username: Me again
Character name: Maya
Age: 25
Gender: Female


Weapon(s): She has a bow made of a very durable wood and she uses arrows she hand crafts with obsidian, in an effort to allow the kingdom to have more metal for others. She also has a knife

Other: At the age of 9, she saw invaders kill her father and siblings before eventually escaping into the woods, where she was taken in by a man named Setanta, who taught her how to shoot a bow and arrow, craft her own weapons from stone, etc. He died when she was 15, but she soon joined the army and soared through the ranks as a great marksman
Can I add you to a GC with everyone else in the RP?:

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Posted: Tue, 16/08/2022 01:32 (2 Years ago)

Thats all we ever knew growing up. I remember as a child being woken up by my father and rushing us to the cellar. I remember seeing armored men strike him down with their sword as he fought to protect his children from them. I remember running into the darkness as the slaughtered my brothers and sisters. But now, here we are, defending A'Oura, the last standing city in the kingdom of Rupratinra. If they break through our walls, Rupratinra will fall. There will be no reignforcements. No one to come to our aid. We are on our own. This will be our tomb. So let us all die, in a blaze of glory



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1. All PH rules still apply (and PH roleplay rules)
2. I reserve the right to reject your form (I will PP/PM you why if I do so)
3. Limit the oneliners please, they kill roleplays (i have my own definition that I'll explain if I see it)
4. Max 2 characters per person (I am a big believer in 3 or less characters. But if you feel like you can handle more then 2, feel free to PP/PM me with your reasonings why)
5. Password is if you link a past roleplay you were in
6. If I reject you more then 3 times for the exact same reason, you are automaticly banned
7. Max 3 medieval weapons please (min 1). NO GUNS!
8. Have fun! Let me know if you have any questions!

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Username: (actually type it here please)
Character name:
Gender: (i.e. male, female, nonbinary, etc.)
Appearance: (image preferably, but description is fine as well)
Other: (Backstory, Sexual orientation, etc.)
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For RaRa, TGG, Kamini, and Moth
Without your memory's, I wouldnt be back

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Posted: Thu, 11/08/2022 19:44 (2 Years ago)
You'll get use to it glares at my 7 awards

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Posted: Wed, 10/08/2022 23:41 (2 Years ago)
Hello everyone, its been a while, thats on me cus I decided I needed to have some ice cream so I had to grab some ice cream for myself becausewhy not. So I'd first like to thank Smells for inviting my back to present the next two awards. Now while they changed alot for this show some of which got on my nerves lol, that doesn't stop the fact that I, a person who was gone for almost a year, has absolutely 0 idea about anything that happened with fanfictions and roleplays, XD, full honesty, I dont even know who half the people who were nominated are. But, that doesnt change the impact these people had on the sites roleplaying and fanfiction communities.

For Best Story, the user who created this years recipient of the award is a veteran writter who I cannot wait to roleplay with eventually. When I was leaving, they were just beginning. Daiko, congratulations for making this story and being this years "Best Story Best Fanfiction" recipient!

Ah yes, now for my favorite award. The one im most familiar with being a multi award winner not to brag *brushes off shoulder". Best Roleplayer. The winner of this award, perhaps to fill the hole I left when I left PH, decided to begin roleplaying. And what an amazing decision. Serendibite, when I left you had big shoes to fill. And fill them you have, and because of that, you have been named for the first time in your career, "Best Roleplayer". Hopefully a sign of the bright future in your PH Roleplaying career!

my ego strokes were meant as a joke, XD, I was rushing while making this so i was not doing my best work

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Posted: Wed, 10/08/2022 04:21 (2 Years ago)

Title: How I Became PH's Greatest Bug Catcher

The Day: August 1st, 2022. The Time: 7:32 PST. The Substance: High off of life.

After a few days of being back after a hiatus that started before I even left, I found my new life calling: being confused by new game mechanics. Like seriously, why must the Azure Flute be so useful and useless all at once, it costs much more then the celestia flute despite only needing like, 3 other items to craft, but everyone being the busy bee's they are just buy readily made azure flute or the pokemon that were evolved from azure flute to complete their pokedexs and or sell for 600k at the AH, but I was determined to be different. I was determined to save money.... because I'm cheap 🤓.

While browsing the site I realized the BHC was going on so I decided to join for some good old fun but then I realized that the Emera Square is where you can buy Celestia Flutes for just 3k Festival Points, so sidenote, ahem.... WHY ARE THEY SO EXPENSIVE??! I thought to myself "3k festival points is nothing, I can make that in a few days and make free money, especially since I had 2k already". But let me tell you, I was mistaken because it took me half the week to even get to 3k and by that point I was like "this is going to take forever!"

But I digress because by the point I had bought the flute, I was already committed to being an elite bug catcher. I spent countless hours trying and retrying the contest, getting Illumissee's and Volbeats every too seconds, pretty soon I began to believe Larvesta and Shedinja never existed. But then, he appeared. After countless hours of genociding every Illumissee, Ledyba, and Volbeat I saw, I had finally gotten and before long, it happened:

I had done it for the first time ever. I made, the top 20 of the BHC. As as per tradition, being the humble person I am, I announced my victory with grace and humility:

But soon, I came crashing down to earth when I saw it. The prize:

But anyways the moral here is pretty clear..... just buy Azure Flutes from the GTS, Item Market, or really anywhere else, its more expensive but its too much of a hassle to make it yourself

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Posted: Tue, 09/08/2022 00:00 (2 Years ago)

Title: How I Became PH's Most Powerful Southpaw

so you see I was born left handed... and then I came to PH...

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Posted: Mon, 08/08/2022 21:41 (2 Years ago)
Hisuian Zoroark?

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Posted: Sun, 07/08/2022 04:19 (2 Years ago)

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Posted: Sun, 07/08/2022 03:44 (2 Years ago)
So ots a give and chose situation. If you find where the pokemon is (i.e. the person who owns it), but want to research further, then thats on your own time rather then having to look throigh hundreds of thousands of boxes to find a needle in a haystack

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Posted: Sat, 06/08/2022 15:01 (2 Years ago)

Title: How I Became PH's Smartest Human

Making connections on Pokeheroes is great, you find people who have a love for the same thing you do and grow to love eachother because of it, until one of them blocks you for something you didnt even do but because of that thing they blocked you for, they are now supposably in a better position in their real life but still wont unblock you. Ya know, friendship!

But anyways, one thing people on PH love to do with their friends is post links to their profiles, on their profiles, which is a cute idea until the friend changes their username, then that link no longer works because, ya know.. friendship!

The other day I made a Hall of Fame for my pokemon that have helped me become a better person or become just something I really adore... and i also have some friends in it, but anyways, some of the people I put their tend to change their usernames alot which sucks cus I gotta keep updating it because they can't decide on their own name. Ya know.... FRIENDSHIP!

But yesterday I realized something. I dont have to link my friends profile DIRECTLY, what I can do is link my friends starter pokemon.... allow me to explain


This is a linked BBCode to my profile, as you can see, part of the URL is my username so as long as my username is RoyalGecko, it will take you to my profile. But if I change my username to, say, "QueenOfVillains", this link is no longer valid because it doesnt change the name from RoyalGecko to QueenOfVillains.


By linking a person's pokemon, the pokemon has a neverending, forever changing link to your profile. So you may be asking "why your starter, couldn't it just be any pokemon" to which I say... shut up. Yes it could be just any old pokemon but in addition to all but 1 of your pokemon being pokemon you cant release (assuking no pokemon are in trades, at rumble, or in a battle team for the terrible system PH has for battling), in addition to your starter can't be traded.

And yes, while I could just go to my friends and say "Hey, give me one of your pokemon so I always have a connection to you", don't you see how many scams one person can pull off with that???..... actually i cpuld do that... But ya so I'm officially the smartest person on PH. Don't link a friends profile directly, link their starter to a thing of their name instead and be confused if you didnt know they turned into a pokemon. Cus you know, FRIENDSHIP!!

in case anyone asks, the blocked story is kinda based off of past experiences but the "making your life better" part was completely BS, lol. And as usual, think of Technoblade saying this while you read cus it makes it funnier

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Posted: Fri, 05/08/2022 23:11 (2 Years ago)

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Posted: Fri, 05/08/2022 21:49 (2 Years ago)

Title: How I Became PH's Greatest Capitalist

So one day (August 5th 2022) I was minding my own buisness, when I got an egg from the daycare. I was 50 something eggs deep in a shiny hunt, who's breeding pair can best be summed up by how much breeding desire panda's have so i came up with a plan

QuoteIf this egg hatches shiny, I will gift a random user who comments proof they interacted with it 50k

Only one problem however, I didnt have 50k! Something about buying nuggets priced at 1.8k to sell for 1.85k at a later date made me go bankrupt. I needed a plan so I turned to the best way to make money: subtly begging friends for money.

So when that didnt work I turned to the second most effective method for me at the time: selling berries at the item shop. One problem though, while I was gone they became a nonsellable item. I was screwed, not only did i not have 50k but i didnt have a method to make more money so I did what any reasonable person would do:

I was later confronted by Zarkesh who told me this was because they changed the game so berries from the garden could now be traded to the item bag. This calmed me down and spared Riako from having to let me speak to their manager. However I discovered something upon looking at the item thing:
QuoteAll berries moved from Berry Bag => Item Bag reset back to Level 1. However, the higher your berry's level is, the more berries you receive when transferring it to your item bag. For example, transferring one Berry at Level 1 gives you 1 berry, whereas transferring one Berry at Level 20 gives you 4 berries.

Upon learning this well kept secret I knew: I had just broken the game. And like any discovery, I decided to take to the feeds to brag about my discovery and officially claim my title as the "Capitalist Overlord":

SURE! Maybe other users came to me and told me they had been doing it for months, and sure I had been gone for several months so those users had mostlikely farmed millions of berries by now, but I was the one who truely discovered it as I was the FIRST to claim discovering this secret, thus making me Pokeheroes GREATEST Capitalist...... oh and also the egg didnt end up hatching to be a shiny 😂🤣😭

this post was meant in good fun, not made to make anyone mad, I had a blast making it because I jist imagine Technoblade saying it instead of me and its just the greatest thing ever

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Posted: Thu, 04/08/2022 19:49 (2 Years ago)
Hufflepuff, no reason, just seems like u lol

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Posted: Wed, 03/08/2022 19:27 (2 Years ago)
@Malamar so in the image below, lets ssy you clicked Wimpod. By clicking it, it'll take you to that pokemon. If you need another example, if you click the pokemon in my signature, itll take you to my shiny Roserade

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Posted: Wed, 03/08/2022 17:23 (2 Years ago)
7/10, idk what it is (and its not a perfect loop 😡😡)

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Posted: Wed, 03/08/2022 17:23 (2 Years ago)
Lycanroc 8

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Posted: Wed, 03/08/2022 14:24 (2 Years ago)
*Rei heard Howls request as she began to move the wheel to her left and responded in a grunt as moving the wheel took some effort* We are heading south towards Pellipers Gulf- *Rei continued moving the wheel but saw Zoe and let out a grunt of annoyance. When hearing Zoe's question, she let out another geunt in response* Thats not mine, kid- head below and let the adults handle this for now- *Rei had finally turned the wheel enough to where it became easy to move the ship, and within a few minutes they had left the shipping area and were out on the open ocean. Waves battered the body of the ship as they sailed along but were easily split by the ships bow. The sea waters mist slowly began to drench Rei's hair, and she felt like she was back home. Back to the place she belonged*

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Posted: Wed, 03/08/2022 00:28 (2 Years ago)
*Once the sidesail unhooked, Rei pulled it open and tied the rope to the steering wheel. Finally, Rei let out a sigh of relief and prepared to yell* All ha-! *Zoe interrupted Rei, causing Rei to give her an annoyed look and finish her sentence* All hands prepare to set sail!

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Posted: Tue, 02/08/2022 18:59 (2 Years ago)

Title: HG Sim (8/2/2022)


The Bloodbath
Silver Boi and SurfsideJam fight for a bag. Silver Boi strangles SurfsideJam with the straps and runs.

Day 1
Kerri0o7 falls into a pit and dies.

Night 1
SmellsLikeLavender throws a knife into SkyTheSkyWingHybrid's head.

Day 2
No deaths occurred.

Night 2
No deaths occurred.

Day 3
VentoImpetuoso bashes Malamar Trainer3's head in with a mace.

Night 3
Whimsicott stabs BerryGeneral with a tree branch.

Day 4
ShinyMegaGardevoir repeatedly stabs Hemp to death with sais.
Sterg spears Kadse in the abdomen.

Night 4
No deaths occurred.

Day 5
No deaths occurred.

Night 5
Blam3 begs for possum to kill him. He reluctantly obliges, killing Blam3.
Sterg kills VentoImpetuoso with a hatchet.

Day 6
SmellsLikeLavender kills spinorex14 while he is resting.
ekfriedchickenbucket attacks LukeA rch87 , but possum protects him, killing ekfriedchickenbucket.

Night 6
IceWolfe kills crystalmystria with his own weapon.
ShinyMegaGardevoir severely injures possum, but puts him out of his misery.

Day 7
Aston, Senbonzakura, and SH1NYM get into a fight. Senbonzakura triumphantly kills them both.

Arena Event
Monkey mutts fill the arena.
Silver Boi uses IceWolfe as a shield from the monkey mutts.
ShinyMegaGardevoir injures SmellsLikeLavender and leaves him for the monkey mutts.
While running, Senbonzakura falls over and grabs Whimsicott on the way down. The monkey mutts kill them.
LukeA rch87 is pummeled to the ground and killed by a troop of monkey mutts.
Sterg dies from internal bleeding caused by a monkey mutt.

Night 7
ShinyMegaGardevoir dies from thirst.

Day 8
Rice bashes Silver Boi's head against a rock several times.
The winner is Rice from District 3!


1. Rice
2. Silver Boi
3. ShinyMegaGardevoir
4. Sterg
5. LukeA rch87
6. Whimsicott
7. Senbonzakura
8. SmellsLikeLavender
9. IceWolfe
10. SH1NYM
11. Aston
12. possum
13. crystalmystria
14. ekfriedchickenbucket
15. spinorex14
16. VentoImpetuoso
17. Blam3
18. Kadse
19. Hemp
20. BerryGeneral
21. Malamar Trainer3
22. SkyTheSkyWingHybrid
23. Kerri0o7
24. Clove

District Placements

1. District3
2. District1
3. District4
4. District6
5. District7
6. District12
7. District10
8. District8
9. District5
10. District11
11. District9
12. District2


3: ShinyMegaGardevoir
2: Senbonzakura
2: SmellsLikeLavender
2: possum
2: Sterg
2: Silver Boi
1: VentoImpetuoso
1: Rice
1: Whimsicott
1: IceWolfe

the game (clover is surfsidejam)

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