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Posted: Mon, 23/12/2024 13:35 (2 Months ago)

- momo's yap session #6 -

a messy-ish secret santa

... at a christmas church party

every year, my church hosts a fun holiday event where we would plan "christmas shows"

we'll have people singing, children would be dancing, there would be a play,
we would do secret santas, enjoy food, then return home! sounds fun so far, right?

yesterday, last night, i was attending at the party with the fam
i was doing a solo (singing wise) so i was a bit nervous but i got it out of the way

everyone was super supportive, and after that, the day went by and we closed off
with a secret santa gift exchange

when i bought my gifts for my person, i found it ironic that i had her
after she had me last year

... here's where things get awkward
when i went to the stage to announce that i had her,
a look of confusion was on her face, so i could immediately tell that there was some sort of error

she handed me the gift she had bought for her secret santa and told me
"i got you again, girl"

although this may seem like it's not an "error" at all, we would usually get different people
other than each other

but it would've been crazy if two people got the same person 😭

i was also confused but i shrugged it off and smiled,
then we exchanged our gifts and gave each other a hug

she got me a bath & body works gift card + a box of chocolates 🥹
YES i open my christmas gifts early

looking forward to next year's secret santa, though!

happy holidays y'all 🎄

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Posted: Sun, 22/12/2024 19:33 (2 Months ago)

- momo's yap session #5 -

... siblings.

the title explains itself 😒 /j

having siblings is one of the greatest curses
blessings you can have in my personal opinion!

... but i am so close to crashing out whenever my brother has a fun time annoying me

having a love and hate relationship with my brother
that leans mostly towars hate is probably the most normal thing to me

i could just be in my room chilling/on a call with some friends, then suddenly-

*door opens*

my smile will literally drop so fast
because that's when i know that he has nothing better to do than to annoy me.

he'll do stupid things like scream in the background while im on a call,
randomly walk into my room and mess with my stuff and then leave,
ask me questions that he knows will piss me off, etc ...

but, honestly, there isn't really anyone else who gets me more than he does
sure he's a jerk, but me and my brother are pretty close, pushing the hate aside

my other older brother is more mature and sweet, but i don't see him that often
since he's busy most of the time, but we still keep in touch

growing up with 2 brothers, it made me wonder, what would it be like if i had a sister?

when i was younger this question i had in mind would make me upset sometimes,
but luckily i have a super close best friend of mine who's stuck with me since kindergarten,
and she's the closest thing to that 😚💟

i better finish this post before my brother decides to plan some tomfoolery

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Posted: Sun, 22/12/2024 13:50 (2 Months ago)

- future profile layout idea #2 -

future theme - pink !

a little cutesy color i had in mind (* ' _ ' *)

- layout draft -

please don't steal my profile layouts!


avatar :

pfp art credit : astruh0 on instagram!
(please check out their art! it's beautiful!)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

pixels (for profile panels | 10 in total) :

> pixel(s) credit : rentry.co ! <

pixels for panel ★ . ⋆


pixels for panel · ° ⋆ . ★



pixel for panel : ⋆ : ★ .


pixels for panel ⋆ ° . *


pixel for panel ⋆ ᵖˡᵘˢʰⁱᵉˢ.ᐟ


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text color for each panel :


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Posted: Sun, 22/12/2024 02:16 (2 Months ago)

- momo's yap session #4 -

when your music taste is all over the place

literally all genres in my playlist NOT COUNTRY MUSIC

i'm obsessed with music

listening to music has been apart of my life for a while now,
and it has carried me during my darkest and happiest moments of my life

personally to me i don't see how one can live without listening to music AT ALL

i love listening to music that expresses how i currently feel,
or when i think of a song in my head i'll dig through my playlist and look for that exact song

whenever my earbuds die i'll just hum the tune as people around me give me strange looks /j

but ...
if you were to ever ask me for my favorite song, you'd probably get :

"uhhhhhhh ... i have too many favorites ..."

i have over 4,000+ ish songs if you combine all of my music playlists together,
and man once you hit over at least 1,000 songs in my opinion,
i feel like it's possible to have multiple favorites instead of one

but let's talk about my music taste... yikes

one moment you'll hear a sad song play and then you'll hear :

(nicki minaj i love you)

im in love with multiple songs from different genres, like i'll listen to the most upbeat song known to man
and then now you have tears in your eyes to the most gut wrenching and saddening song

but if i did have at least a main favorite artist, he's pretty common but i have to say tyler, the creator 😚

i just really love music

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Posted: Sat, 21/12/2024 20:36 (2 Months ago)

- super duper awesome people -

here is a list of my close friends (not in order) !

( ily guys /p )








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Posted: Sat, 21/12/2024 13:41 (2 Months ago)

- momo's yap session #3 -

the horrors of role-playing as a beginner

(+ cringe moments)

heyy, all my roleplayers out there

cringe moments that we have as beginners really get to us,
don't they? seeing old roleplays that you've made/been apart of,
and just looking back makes you want to scream into a pillow?

okay so boom, i'm now 11 months into the game after i joined pokeheroes,
one of my close friends introduced me to the world of role-playing!
and oh man, i immediately fell in love

here's where the love stops, cause now you're looking back at the way you used to write
and now you suddenly find yourself screaming and leaving the face of the earth forever 🥲

but yeah, when i started off, i would do all of the cringe things as a newbie like posting one-liners,
creating random and weird plot twists that didn't make sense,
rushing into certain parts of a roleplay that were supposed to be held until the right moment,
trying to give my character spotlight, etc..

its all just a total mess when you think about it,
but you can improve! i do believe i improved as well,
but of course i also think that i can make some room for more improvement!

i still roleplay though! pretty rarely too, since now and days ive sort of stopped,
but i do wish my passion was still (sort of) there because even though i used to be all over the place,
i just loved being super creative and turn my ideas into stories or just act them out into the "final cut!"

but currently, me and my bestie [ super sweet + my #1 (❁´◡`❁) ]
are doing a 1x1 in the private rp section in the roleplay forum!
check it out if you'd like to!

anyways, that's enough of this! *runs away cutely*

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Posted: Sat, 21/12/2024 12:10 (2 Months ago)

- future profile layout idea #1 (bit of a yap sesh) -

possible theme - green?? ...

not a green fan but i like to explore different colors

in my earlier days here, oh man my profile layout looked pretty funky,
but thanks to someone super sweet who taught me how to make my profile look cute and aesthetic-y,
here we are!

posts like these will just contain stuff like what i'm going to use on my profile,
my possible avatar, colors i'll just for my panels and stuff like that

my current theme is a mix of light blue and gray (mostly gray tbh) and i might change it soon! to a dark or lighter green

some people here know that i LOVE changing my profile layout almost all the time
but i think ive slowed down on it a little?

anyways enough of me, this post will be a wip until i get everything sorted out!

- layout draft -

please don't steal my profile layouts!

( finished - already used )

avatar :

pfp art credit : astruh0 on instagram!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

pixels (for profile panels | 10 in total) :

> pixel(s) credit : rentry.co ! <

pixels for panel ★ . ⋆


pixels for panel · ° ⋆ . ★



pixel for panel : ⋆ : ★ .


pixels for panel ⋆ ° . *


pixel for panel ⋆ ᵖˡᵘˢʰⁱᵉˢ.ᐟ


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text color for each panel :


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Posted: Sat, 21/12/2024 04:19 (2 Months ago)

- momo's yap session #2 -

the desatvanyages of being a fast typer

oh my goodness i spelled that wrong didn't i?

we all have those moments where we have little spelling mistakes that can be easily fixed with an edit to the message,
or a little asterisk next to the word that is now spelled correctly, right?

sigh ...
i have waaaaay too many moments with my words being incorrectly spelt or not being spaced,
or somehow numbers appear in the words??

typying fast is literally a hobby for me,
until i realize that i indeed spelt something wrong /made a mistake,
now i have to go back and fix it ( > _ >)

its been getting so bad to the point where i literally accept my fate as my friends cackle and giggle,
quoting and repeating my words 😒


your "help" is my "hrlp"

your "my" is my "mu"

your "need" is my "n33d" 😭

the list sadly goes on, most of my friends here have seen my spelling errors
and we all made jokes and laughed about it all the time, so all is well at the end!

i think this is a sign to get grammarly, huh?

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Posted: Sat, 21/12/2024 02:33 (2 Months ago)

- momo's yap session #1 -

awkward moment (at walmart)

story timeee . . .

you ever had those awkward moments where you think someone is talking with/to you,
but it turns out they're actually focused on/chatting with the person behind you? 🤦🏾‍♀️

basically, i was in a line at a walmart near my house (this was a few months ago),
since my mom wanted me to go out and get her stuff,
because she decided it would be cool if i could spend more money on things for her when i originally needed some stuff for myself

i was texting my boyfriend about random things and he sent a funny gif so i giggled about it

the girl in front of me in the line asked, "why are you smiling?"
and i thought it was towards me, so i just told her that my boyfriend sent a funny message

... until i hear another girl talk behind me 😭

i turn around and see her, and would you look at that, she's also smiling!

then i look back and the two girls start having a full on conversation.
i literally looked so dumb so i just quickly checked out and left, as i watched them walk out the store together

told my boyfriend about it on the drive home and he wouldn't stop making fun of me

moral of the story : if you think someone's talking to you, ask if they're taling to you or not 🥲

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Posted: Sat, 21/12/2024 00:00 (2 Months ago)

- hihi! (* ' ‿⁠ ' *) -

* please do NOT post in here! *

· ⋆ · • · ⋆ · • · ⋆ · • ·

hi! it's me, jenniie!
this is probably my first time posting in the diary forum,
so please bear ( 🐻 ) with me! ( ' _ ' ")

· ⋆ · • · ⋆ · • · ⋆ · • ·

- abt me -

names i go by :
jackie / jamie / momo (past username) / jen

race :

pronouns :
she / her / hers

my past usernames here :
jenniie (current)

- what i might post here -

this diary will just contain random things i'll store here, like future profile layout ideas,
maybe shiny hunt logs, straight up yap (lol), and mayyybe an oc storage? we'll see


i might post in here a few hours later or tomorrow,
but i don't want to post a lot lot,
since i'm not super sure how much i'm supposed to post at a time


but, yeahh! stay tuned i guess! ( - 3 -)

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Posted: Fri, 13/12/2024 23:54 (3 Months ago)

Sakura Hayashi

"Uh, s-sure Sakura! Maybe at lunch I can show you. I have a couple sketchbooks you can look at..."

Sakura nodded, her smile unchanging. "Sounds great! Well, we better hurry to our next classes! We might be late! After that, then we can hang at lunch! I can't wait to see your drawings, I'm sure they're lovely!"

Sakura let out her hand to Eris, signaling her that she could hold it on their way together.

"Whenever you're ready!" She giggled.


Sakura's classmate from earlier happened to see from afar. Even though her class from before wasn't that far, she was able to get a sneek peek of the scene. Her eyes narrowed with a grin, as she went back inside her next class.

Someone was toooooootally in love! Although she wasn't really suprised, she did think Sakura would have been crushing on a boy... but it happened to be that Eris girl! They looked cute together, anyways!

She would definetly be teasing Sakura about this tomorrow.

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Posted: Fri, 06/12/2024 22:33 (3 Months ago)

Sakura Hayashi

The late bell almost rung, but Sakura didn't mind. She listened as Eris told her about how lame her class seemed to be.

"Boring for me as well. A simple informative day."

She couldn't help but let out a giggle. Eris was so silly! Seeing another girl walk over to them, she momentarily paused her laughter. Did she need something? The girl then decided to join in on the conversation, adding onto what Eris had told her.

"So boring for her that she was doodling the whole time!"

"Ooo~! Maybe you should totes show her them, Eris! I'd bet she'd love the- MMPH!"

Sakura blinked in suprise as Eris suddenly interrupted the girl by covering her mouth. What was Eris drawing anyways? Surely it wasn't bad or anything..

Seeing Eris turn slightly pink as she shut the girl up, she let out another giggle. Cute!

"I'm sure Sakura wouldn't really find those interesting! A doodle's a doodle, you see one you've seen them all!"

Sakura decided to chime in on the conversation. "If you don't mind, I'd love to see your drawings, Eris! I didn't know you could draw in the first place! If anything, I would love to see your art work! Only if you're okay with me seeing them, of course!" She smiled sweetly.

She didn't know why Eris seemed to be embarrased. Maybe she was shy about her art being shown around? She shrugged it off. She was sure that whatever Eris drew was probably beautiful!

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Posted: Fri, 29/11/2024 23:12 (3 Months ago)

Sakura Hayashi

Sakura took a few looks around before she had finally spotted Eris. With a wide, beaming smile, she ran up to her joyfully.

"Eris!" Sakura let out her arms and pulled her best friend into a warm hug, closing her eyes, keeping her smile.

She hadn't let go for a while, until she opened her eyes and saw a few students staring at her in confusion. They then left after a few moments.

Turning pink, feeling embarrased yet again, she quickly let go of Eris, giggling nervously. "S-Sorry...anyways, how was your first period? Mine was boring, as always, but it wasn't so bad today. W-What about you?"

Sakura seemed to be really nervous, especially after the little 'do you have a crush' conversation with her classmate before she had left. For now, it would be best not to think about it for a while...

Sakura had noticed another student who was nearby Eris. A bit puzzled, she had also noticed that Eris looked a bit embarrased, too. Maybe something happened between them? Oh well...

"Whenever you're ready, I'll walk you to your second period! No rush, of course!" Sakura smiled once again, eyeing at Eris sweetly.

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Posted: Thu, 28/11/2024 17:07 (3 Months ago)

Sakura Hayashi


The bell had finally rung for the transition to second period. Sakura smiled and began to pack up her belongings as the other students headed out before her. But one of them remained, and instead, walked up to Sakura.

"Hey, Sakura! What was up with you today? You seemed out of it, is something going on with you? Thinking of a boy~?" The classmate teased Sakura playfully.

Sakura looked up at the student and flushed. "W-What?! No! Don't be absurd! I was just..." Sakura paused. Then continued. "I was thinking of someone, sure. But it wasn't a boy, and I don't have a crush on anyone, so you can scratch that though out of your head!" She blurted out in embarrasment.

"Okay, okay! I was just joking around with you! Anyways, I'll see you around. Ciao!"

Sakura forced her redness down and sighed. Exiting her classroom, she waited for Eris to leave hers. They always walked together during class switches, anyways!

As she waited patiently, Sakura was lost in thought again.


"I don't have a crush on anyone..."


Did she? Was it...

"Agh, snap out of it! Just wait for Eris!" Sakura said to herself, shaking her head. Putting on a smile, she awaited her... best friend.

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Posted: Tue, 26/11/2024 21:06 (3 Months ago)

* momobami's small note below! *

Show hidden content

Quotewoahh, after a 10 month hiatus on this, we're back?!

hii, everyone! jackie/momo here!

before i say anything else, i just want to say thank you so much for 1.5k+ clicks on till death we won't part! while me and shattered were going through with this, im so glad that many of you read our little discontinued (now continuing) story! me and sd had soo much fun getting creative and coming up with ideas to try and make you all enjoy this roleplay as much as we did!

after 10 whole months of nothingness here, me and sd have decided to continue where we left off! we plan on making an ending for the story, so if you'd like, stay tuned and we hope you enjoy it!

also, for any new readers, we suggest that you go back to the first page to get a little heads up of the previous moments in the story! please read the information on the first post as well for info about our characters, the story, and some trigger warnings!

thank you so much! (* ' ‿⁠ ' *)

Sakura Hayashi

So far, first period went by pretty smoothly. Sakura was estatic as always, waiting for her class to end just to meet up with Eris.

Her moments with that girl felt so surreal- in a good way, of course! She had never expected to create such a bond with someone who she first met as a complete stranger, who was going through problems that she had never seen someone else go through, become her main best friend.

Eris. Eris Everlast. After meeting her, so much things have changed. Sakura smiled gently, looking out of the classroom window on her left.

Eris was precious to her. Sure, they hadn't really been friends for a loong time, but Sakura had already thought of her as someone she loved dearly.

All of their moments together... If she could replay every single one of them, just one at a time, she would.

Sakura felt as if her life had gotten better by the moment she was with Eris.

Her cheeks flushed a light pink, but her smile still remained. She just couldn't wait to get out of this classroom to give her a hug!


"Sakura, are you listening?


Sakura, I'm talking to you!


Sakura Hayashi!"

The teacher snapped, crossing her arms with an angrily raised eyebrow.

Sakura snapped out of her mental daze and shook her head, her eyes immediately on the teacher, her blush getting deeper, now in embarrasment. The students around her giggled and grinned.

"S-Sorry, Miss! I wasn't paying attention... D-Did you ask me something?" Sakura managed to say. Oh dear...

Sighing, the teacher shook her head in dissapointment. "I was asking you to solve this problem on the board. Can you show the class?"

Sakura glanced at the board, hoping the problem wouldn't be difficult... and to her relief, it wasn't! She let out a nervous giggle before responding.

"Yes, of course! I can solve it!" Sakura got up from her desk and went up to the board shyly. The teacher handed her a marker to write with. After solving the problem, the teacher smiled in approval and let Sakura return to her seat. The students gave a small applause.

Sakura sighed, covering her face in embarrasment. That's the LAST time she'll ever get distracted in her classes...

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Posted: Thu, 17/10/2024 17:01 (5 Months ago)
no wifi !

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Posted: Thu, 04/01/2024 03:42 (1 Year ago)

Sakura Hayashi

Sakura walked to Eris's classroom door.

With a smile, she said proudly, "Yesterday was a blast, thanks to you! The desserts were awesome, and luckily both of us had lots of fun. Hope first period goes well with you, but remember, DON'T message me during first period, I don't want my math teacher getting upset.." Sakura sighed with an annoyed groan at the reminder.

"Aaaanyways, have fun in your class, I'll meet up with you soon!"

Sakura waved at Eris as she went to her own class. The bell had now rung.

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Posted: Wed, 27/12/2023 16:23 (1 Year ago)

Sakura Hayashi

Quote from ErisGood morning Sakura! Ooo, never good to start a day as a bad hair day. I would have been a wreck, lol! Currently walking, on my way to the school. Can't wait to see you too!

Smiling and giggling at Eris's message, she made it to the front gates and waited patiently for her to arrive.

Once she saw her friend, she grinned delightfully. "Eris!"

She bolted past the other students to give her a hug. The said students around the two watched the scene, but just left, some laughing, remembering Sakura from her awful hair earlier.

Releasing Eris, Sakura beamed. "Ignore them, they just don't have the sudden boost of energy like I do. Let's walk to class!"

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Posted: Mon, 25/12/2023 00:16 (1 Year ago)

Timeskip: Monday

Sakura Hayashi

At home, Sakura had awoken, laying in her bed, half-asleep and stratching her messy hair.

With a yawn, she got up, and got herself prepared for the day.

Her parents were suprised that she had skipped breakfast, but they shrugged it off. Maybe she was in a hurry?

As Sakura walked her way to the school, other students around her that were walking as well noticed that her hair was still a bit unkempt. Some whispered, some snickered.

Rubbing at her tired eyes, Sakura stopped and placed her bag down to reach for her brush. She began to brush her hair after she had put her bag back on.

She then continued to walk, but also forgot something. She forgot to message Eris! Sakura put her brush away and quickly got her phone.

Why was she in such a hurry to message Eris? She didn't have to, even though she always did, but... A light pink blush formed across Sakura's face.

Forcing it away, she opened her phone and began to send Eris a message.

Quote from SakuraHey, Eris. Sorry, I'm a bit tired this morning! Almost went to school with my hair all messy, but I brushed it before I got to the school, lol. Are you already at the gates, or are you walking as well? However you're arriving, can't wait to see you!

With a small sigh and smile, Sakura was now almost near the school, looking around to possibly spot her friend as other students were also chatting with friends and walking to the gates.

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Posted: Fri, 22/12/2023 03:32 (1 Year ago)

Sakura Hayashi

"I'd love that, thank you."

Sakura smiled in return as the duo had exited the building.

"What other things should we do like this? You know, to hang out more often? I was originally thinking about a sleepover, I know it's basic, but it would be fun!"

Sakura then looked down as she walked with Eris. Her hand hesitated to hold Eris's hand. Sure, she had seen people at their school hold hands in a friendly way, so why was she hesitating? Sakura closed her eyes a bit tightly, feeling the heat start to develop in her face.

"Uh... so, how are you and Miss Adio doing? Are things comfortable at your new stay?" She changed the topic, facing Eris, forcing her embarrasment down.

Feeling her phone vibrate in her pocket, she stopped in her tracks. "W-Wait!"

Pulling out her phone, she looked at the message. It was her mother!

QuoteSakura, just where are you? It's almost 6:30, and you still haven't come home yet! Did you go somewhere without telling me and your father? Whatever you're doing, end it right now and get home this instant, young lady!

Sakura sighed with dissapointment. She forgot to tell her parents that she went out with Eris.. With a tired groan, she replied back.

Quote from SakuraSorry, mother! I was just out at the nearby ice-cream shop with a friend, is all! Sorry, I forgot to tell you or dad, but I'm coming right now!

"My mom wants me come home right now..." She frowned a little, but then she put on a smile.

"I'm glad we made this work! This was really fun, I'll see you next Monday, unless you want to hang out over the weekend, then that's fine, too!"

Sakura gave Eris a warm hug that lasted for a few moments, then she broke off from the embrace and quickly rushed home. Turning around, she called out to her.

"Tell Miss Adio I said hello! I'll see you later! Get home safe, okay?"

With a giggle, Sakura waved goodbye and left.

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