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Searching for: Posts from RoyalUltima.
Posted: Sat, 04/02/2023 00:44 (2 Years ago)

It had been three days since Akakunappu and Babekku had left the two tribes, tired of the war going on between the Pancaka Tribe and the Kebab Tribe. The increasing number of casuatlies every day, the same old bickering- the two just got sick of it and left together, only leaving a trail of footprints behind. Nobody had seen them since.

Hanako was a part of a search party, a search party that mixed both tribes together, both tribes growing more and more worried for the runaways. This was the only time the two tribes had agreed on something. And that something was to bring them back. A most difficult task to do, as the two runaways had enlisted monsters to block the seekers' paths, to prevent the two from being found. Monsters that had dangerous abilities. And the search party had way too many near-death experiences near-death being one.

"Hanako-Chan! Hanako-Chan!" A voice called. Hanako snapped out of her trance, and looked up from her lying position on the grass. Sakura Suzuki, Hanako's best friend, was calling. Hanako sat up and looked, and right at the foot of the hill, Sakura was there, gesturing wildly, shaking her arms and pointing towards the horizon. Hanako squinted her eyes, and tried to see in the sunlight. All she could see where shadowy forms, slowing making their way towards them.

While Hanako had been lost in her thoughts, Sakura had been scouting the land, trying to make sure that the search party's camp was trap-safe. After previous experiences, Sakura had made it her mission to check the surrounding area, and make sure that nothing would disturb them while they rested. After about triple-checking the area, Sakura skipped back to the camp, where she started rummaging through her drawstring bag, looking for her can of dried food. She was going to make vegetarian kebabs for dinner, and she would need all the vegetables she could find. Which was... quite a lot.

Sakura pulled out the can, and raced over to the pile of luggage outside one of the tents. In the pile of luggage was a very cooking pot, perfect for the vegetables to soak in. Sakura filled the pot up with water, and left the vegetables in there to soak, for about ten-ish minutes, before she pulled them out and emptied out the pot into a water jug, which would be used for the future.

Chopping up the vegetables, skewering them onto bamboo sticks, and drizzling them with barbecue sauce, they came out perfect. Sakura eagerly ran inside the tents, calling for the others to come out and have kebabs. She gestured wildly towards the chopping board, which was nicely decorated with the freshly-made kebabs.

And then when Sakura ran over to Hanako, gesturing towards the kebabs, it seemed like Hanako was worried about something. Sakura turned around, and saw the shadows advancing towards them, slowly, but surely. Sakura screamed and ran towards the camp, gesturing towards the shadows, out of breath.

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Posted: Fri, 03/02/2023 23:32 (2 Years ago)
Accepted for now!

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Posted: Fri, 03/02/2023 14:54 (2 Years ago)

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Posted: Fri, 03/02/2023 04:57 (2 Years ago)
You haven't seen the worst of it~~

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Posted: Fri, 03/02/2023 04:51 (2 Years ago)

~𝔸𝕓𝕠𝕦𝕥 𝕄𝕖~

⊱✿⊰ Name: RoyalUltima

⊱✿⊰ Nicknames: Royal, Ultima, Child (only to be used by certain people)

⊱✿⊰ Age: Older than 10, younger than 14~

⊱✿⊰ Hobbies: Play PokeHeroes, Chat With Friends, Read, Think About Anime~

⊱✿⊰ Favorite Food: Hotteok~ or just Plan Tteok

⊱✿⊰ Favorite Book Series: The School For Good And Evil, Harry Potter, Keeper of the Lost Cities

⊱✿⊰ Favorite Manga: Kimetsu no Yaiba, Toilet-Bound Hanako-Kun

⊱✿⊰ Favorite Book Series Ship: Sophie Foster x Keefe Sencen

⊱✿⊰ Favorite Manga Ship: Kamado Nezuko x Agatsuma Zenitsu, Tsuyuri Kanao x Kamado Tanjiro, Yashiro Nene x Hanako-Kun

⊱✿⊰ Favorite Anime: Kimetsu no Yaiba~

⊱✿⊰ Favorite Anime Character: 🩷🌸Kamado Nezuko🌸🩷

⊱✿⊰ Favorite Fandom: KIMETSU NO YAIBA

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Posted: Fri, 03/02/2023 02:13 (2 Years ago)
im sorry yeeeeet, but punch~~

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Posted: Fri, 03/02/2023 00:55 (2 Years ago)
Aww, bestii, tysm~~~

This is the most aesthetic thing I've done in my entire life XD

Tbh tho, that first diary was so... bland and depressing 😔

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Posted: Fri, 03/02/2023 00:28 (2 Years ago)
I'm not popular at all!

Sure I might have a lot of friends...

but compared to the number of people on PH, that is definitely really small

and honestly, idc about being popular~

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Posted: Thu, 02/02/2023 21:43 (2 Years ago)
The best roleplays died off.

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Posted: Thu, 02/02/2023 21:41 (2 Years ago)
@Yeeeeet108, your order has been sent. Please pay -Supernova- the 3K tip you owe her. Thank you for ordering!

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Posted: Thu, 02/02/2023 15:34 (2 Years ago)

These are the Pancakas. <-----------> These are the Kebabs.

Background Info:
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The Pancakas and the Kebabs have been at war for centuries. Each two separate tribes, each with their own rules. The Pancakas are known to be more loose and don't have many rules, while the Kebabs are known to be a little more strict. But rules can always change, can't they? It all depends on who the tribe leader is.

As of now, the tribe leader of the Pancakas name is Panobu Kēki. Tribe Leader Panobu is very lax, and lazy. She has removed many of the rules, such as the rule that forces all men to join the military at the age of 17. Instead, she has changed that rule to saying that all men at the age of 17 have to work in the kitchen tent and make her some pancakas.

Tribe Leader Panobu has one daughter, whose name is Akakunappu. Akakunappu had the personality of a Kebab: fierce, a little strict, and harsh. Which makes no sense, as Akakunappu is destined to be the future tribe leader of the Pancakas.

The Tribe Leader for the Kebabs name is Keno Bobu. Tribe Leader Keno is very strict and harsh. He has enforced the law of men joining the army at the age of 17 by lowering the age to 16, and that they had to serve in the military for sixteen years.

The Tribe Leader Keno has one son, whose name is Babekku. Babekku had the personality of a Pancaka: relaxed, lazy, and very kind. Which also makes no sense, as Babekku is destined to be the future tribe leader of the Kebabs.

Welcome to FOODIE~ short for Fun, Omazing, Owesome, Destructive, Enemies! Completely normal, right? Well, if you read the backstory, there are two tribes: The Pancakas and the Kebabs. The two of them are at war, but the children of the tribe leaders have the 'incorrect' personality, and have the personality of the other tribe! So Akakunappu and Babekku meet up and run away from tribe life. You, either as a Pancaka or as a Kebab, it's your job to find the two of them, and bring them back before their parents' times are up and they get eaten by human monstrosities.

Your life's mission is to trace down Akaunappu and Babekku's trail, a long path of footsteps that go down a long winding trail. The two have befriended dangerous monsters, and now, the monsters are after you, trying to prevent you from finding them. But like all missions, you have an enemy. A very dangerous foe, who has decided that you must not live. Now, your mission is to trace down the two runaways, flee from the monsters, and prepare to fight the enemy. But of course, life is never easy. And if you have crime books or mysteries, you will know that there is a time limit. And guess what? There's a time limit here too.

The two tribe leaders are very old. And when one gets very old, they must sacrifice their head to the giants, who will feast on their body. The giants, who have feasted on the elder's body, would then leave the tribe alone for another year. But if the tribes do no sacrifice one, the giants will attack the tribes.

The time limit is to find the two runaways and bring them back, before it is too late. The tribe leaders, their parents, are about to sacrifice themselves, but their wish is to see their children again before they die. So hurry up! You must obey their last wishes, or you will be sacrificed instead of them!

Here are the Signups!
Pancaka, Kebab, and banner not made by me~ They are made by an anonymous artist.

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Posted: Thu, 02/02/2023 15:00 (2 Years ago)
@Bolt~, your sprite has been sent and please pay -Supernova- the tip you owe her! Thank you for being so patient during the technical difficulties! Thank you for ordering!

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Posted: Thu, 02/02/2023 06:18 (2 Years ago)

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Posted: Thu, 02/02/2023 06:09 (2 Years ago)
naopity naope~

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Posted: Thu, 02/02/2023 05:59 (2 Years ago)
Yeeeeet, tysm! Accepted!

I will start the rp tmr when I'm not sleep-deprived :D

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Posted: Thu, 02/02/2023 05:47 (2 Years ago)
So tell me, what are you confused about in the pancaka rp?

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Posted: Thu, 02/02/2023 05:45 (2 Years ago)
XD feel free to post whenever you want to!

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Posted: Thu, 02/02/2023 05:44 (2 Years ago)
Give it to Tomioka-San! He needs a little more brightness~

Waiter, there's an emo Tomioka Giyuu in my soup!

totally not cannibalism

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Posted: Thu, 02/02/2023 04:20 (2 Years ago)

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Posted: Thu, 02/02/2023 04:10 (2 Years ago)

Welcome to my diary! So I might've made the banner a bit too big... But who cares! This diary is a free canvas, open too all your thoughts and ideas! Feel free to post as long as it is not anything offensive or mean. I'm not trying to hurt anybody's feelings here! I will try to post daily, and try to respond to all of your posts! This diary will kind of be like a cafe. There will be NPC's here that talk about several different topics! For example, I might have an NPC for discussing books, or maybe another for discussing movies! Don't be afraid to request different or special NPC's! I'm open to new ideas!

But of course, this is also a diary. I will post about my day, some things about myself, and more! You can post about yourself, too if you want~

Here are the NPC's of this Diary Cafe!

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Quote from The Kamaboko SquadWe are the Kamaboko Squad! We are all about Anime! Talk to us when you want to discuss about Anime, especially Kimetsu no Yaiba! There is a form below if you want to talk to us specifically!

Quote from Madame PancakaI am Madame Pancaka. Try not to disturb me too much about the foul pancakas and focus on other foods, as pancakas are a menace to society. To directly interact with me, fill out the form below.

Quote from Librarian NaokiWelcome to the library. I am your fellow librarian, Librarian Naoki, and feel free to talk to me about of your favorite books! And if you met my other fellow friends up above, you know the drill! Fill out a form if you want to talk to me!

Quote from Lawyer TsugukiI am Lawyer Tsuguki. Talk to me if you are seeking advice to arguing against somebody, I am rather good at that. I am very full of different methods to argue with someone, as it makes up my life. You know the drill: to have a direct interaction, fill out a form, thank you.

So those are our NPC's for now! Feel free to request more! And if you have talked to them, you will know that there is a form to talk to them directly (talk to them, and have them talk back to you)!

Feel free to post here whenever you want! But remember, this is a diary, not a discussion forum! So I would really appreciate it if you spoke a little about yourself. It doesn't have to be a lot! It can be small bits and chunks of pieces, like maybe a hobby or something that you like! Feel free to say anything that you want!

Here are the forms!
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Quote from The Kamaboko Squad"I want to chat with the Kamaboko Squad!"
Favorite Anime:

Quote from Madame Pancaka"Bonjour, Madame Pancaka. Do I deserve an audience with you?"
Favorite Food:

Quote from Librarian Naoki"May I please speak with Librarian Naoki about this fabulous book I found?"
Favorite Book:

Quote from Lawyer Tsuguki"Your Honor, I demand an audience with Lawyer Tsuguki!"
Argument Topic:
What Sort Of Help Needed?:

˜”*°•.˜”*°• 𝕋𝕒𝕓𝕝𝕖 𝕠𝕗 ℂ𝕠𝕟𝕥𝕖𝕟𝕥𝕤 •°*”˜.•°*”˜

~𝔸𝕓𝕠𝕦𝕥 𝕄𝕖~ Page 1

~𝕂𝕚𝕞𝕖𝕥𝕤𝕦 𝕟𝕠 𝕐𝕒𝕚𝕓𝕒~ Page 2

All art except for the very top banner is not made by me~

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