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Trainerlevel: 15

Trainerpoints: 280/689


Pkmn Name Level EXP/EHP
458,175 / 8,654

Retroes And Shinies!


-I collect retros-
Here are my current retros

and my shinies

What's up with me

Oh hey! Thanks for stopping by. While you're here, read this!

I like Speech & Debate, Soccer(Or football, depends on where you're from). I'm fiery and have a short temper, and I'm also kinda manipulative. I have a huge ego but I can be nice. I do make rude jokes though-

I'm also very poetic :) and kind of crazy

So that's my life right now.

What's up with you!


View collection || View gift log

Newest gifts
Cardboard_Spaghetti 1 Year ago
RoyalUltima 1 Year ago
RoyalUltima 1 Year ago
RoyalUltima 1 Year ago

Shiny Hunt

-Supernova- is currently hunting Skitty.
Hunt started: 19/12/2022

Chain: 49

Badge Showcase

Set #1
Set #2
Set #3
Set #4


-Supernova- hasn't collected any medals so far.

Game Records

Trainer ID: #798001184
Registration: 23/10/2021 (2 Years ago)
Game Time: 172:20 Hours
Total interactions: 27,390
Money: 172,591
Starter Pokémon: Empoleon


Child: *exists*
Driftloon: And I took that personally
1 Year ago
Pokemon creators logic:

Hey guys? What if we take a toy and make it a pokemon!

Great idea! What were you thinking?

a pokemon that wants to take children to the underworld

Hencewhy driftloon is my favorite pokemon. We have so much in common.
1 Year ago
i just had a good idea

I want to collect every form of driftloon >:D

I have:
-Driftlamp (red)
I want:
-Vavelfloon (pink)
-Vavelfloon (blue)
-Driftloon (regular)

idk are there any more?
Offer in comments! All my pokes are up for trade
(except for Mah Precious)
1 Year ago
I'm thinking of starting a team! yk team phantom? What about Team Loom? Themed off driftloon, ofc. Free priority in my sprite shop, free digital art...yk? Maybe private games for us or something?

Audition/sign up in comments?
1 Year ago
i want a driftloom :C
1 Year ago
Update on my previous post:

I no longer feel empty/sad :D
Sounds like good news, right? But what's the catch?

I no longer feel anything at all. What is this condition? Adonhesia.-oops I've been calling it that its actually Anhedonia. Also known as Flat Affect. Common side effect of d3pre$$!0n; losing your emotions. I've had anhedonia episodes before, the longest being 3 months and the shortest being a day.

I was wondering why the whole day I just felt...tired, burnt out, sleepy. And then I remembered my condition. yk, i wanna add emoticons to my feeds, or smile, or say that I want my emotions back. But I literally don't feel anything at all. I just see things from a matter-of-fact standpoint. For example, I remember having more pleasent days when I had emotions. WELP! MOVING ON!

See what I mean? :|
1 Year ago
my besti ruthelessly lied to me

she called herself uglier than me omfg she lied
1 Year ago
Pi? easy. 3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716939937510
Newton's 3 laws? Child's play.
1. Object keep their state of motion unless acted upon by an unstable force.
2. F=MA
3. every action has an equal and opposite counteraction.
The answer to the life, the world, and everything? trivial. 42.
Why are nugget prices so high? I DONT HAVE THE FOGGIEST IDEA!
1 Year ago
I hate this world.

1. read 4 feeds ago
2. stress
3. my parents PUttinG stress on me
1 Year ago
*update on last feed*

100k is the asolute highest I'll go.
1 Year ago
anyone have 100 FAIR PRICED nuggets? I'm offering 90k pd. Maybe 95k
1 Year ago
ok ima vent

i lied. to myself and to you. I dont have a crush. I was desperately trying to fix the hole I felt. But I can't replace him that easily. :C

Last year, I met a boy in class. He was smart & funny like me. He was really kind (unlike me) and respected me! We became great friends...and then developed crushes on eachother XwX. Life was great. We acted like we were dating, even though it never became official. At the end of the year, we officially confessed to eachother XwX.

and then...

"Hey...I'm really sorry...my parents..." *sigh* "I'm moving away."

and that was it. I still text him on occasion, but he's rarely online. So I kinda felt...y'know, empty. I tried convincing myself that I like someone else, but he doesn't treat me the same. And in my dreams, they're both there, and I easily choose him. I feel like im writing a cheesy wattpad... this just feels so stupid. But I miss him. I really do.
1 Year ago
By PokeRadar - 2 Minutes and 37 Seconds ago.
Your PokéRadar recorded the 40th Skitty in a row! You now reached the maximum chance of finding a shiny. Good luck!

1 Year ago
Please? It's free...and I added a new option!

Slots are all empty!
1 Year ago
Oh dear... 8 eggs in daycare and one spot open in my party
1 Year ago
im so excited bat my new sprite shop its so aesthetic <3
1 Year ago
Hehe! Anyone want to buy?

(It's free!)
1 Year ago
HAHA! Im supposed to be at my RSM Class at 3:30, but it's 2:51 and my grandparents are busy with my siblings and cousins, while I'M hiding in my room >:D

If I'm still on 30 min from now, that means I suceeded >:) (i probably won't though realstically :|)
1 Year ago
Supernova's Sprite Shop is officially OPEN! All sprites are FREE!
1 Year ago

Places I'd Love To Visit!


I dont normally BUY art so I have none really-
But I DO draw!
My favs are in my Art Shop!


Last Action
Viewing a Pokemon (1 Year ago)

Last Visitors

Bananas-Today, 01:10
Pearl~Wed, 03/Jul/2024, 10:11
Windblown_KnightWed, 26/Jun/2024, 00:56
RimiFri, 24/May/2024, 15:15
Asphodel~Mon, 20/May/2024, 10:41
