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I'm Feeling Lucky

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Posted: Tue, 28/06/2022 15:38 (2 Years ago)
I've been throwing Super Honey on the Honey Tree a lot more lately, hoping for a Shiny Celebi, among other specials, and I got to thinking: "What if we had boosts?"

The Honeycombs has no purpose at the moment except for the collection of Honey--and Super Honey if you have Shiny Combee. What if we were to go there every day, and make an offering? At first, I thought to give the Combee a Super Honey, but then I realized that would be kind of foolish and rude since they're working hard to give us that and don't really have a use for their own honey. So I've come up with:

Tiny Mushrooms. Don't know why the Combee would want Tiny Mushrooms either, but it would give them a use.

Honey Tree Bonuses:
-Higher Shiny Chance
-Higher Attraction Rate
-Higher Mega Rate
-Higher Special Rate (Applin, Slowyore, Celebi)

If you have any other suggestions for either the bonuses or the offering, feel free to shout em out.

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Posted: Mon, 27/06/2022 15:14 (2 Years ago)
[Dissidia Final Fantasy Opera Omnia]

Ohmyfreakinggosh. I'm crying with laughter right now. I fall more in love with Zidane each time I see something like this. XD

Feris Lost Chapter: Brought by the Winds

"Did somebody say 'mouth-to-mouth'? Like mouth-to-mouth resuscitation? Don't you worry! One hot resuscitation coming right up!" - Zidane

"Ungh. Where am I?" - Faris

"Looks like you're off the hook." - Cloud

"Guess I am." *cry emote above head* - Zidane

"I can sense the light in this one as well. First aid on the double, kupo!" - Mog

"I've got this! A little potion here, and. But gosh, what a looker." *heart emote above head* - Zidane

"You're gonna get it if you keep gawking." - Bartz

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Posted: Fri, 24/06/2022 04:36 (2 Years ago)
Just found this on Facebook and had to share.

"Sometimes you have to make peace with the fact that you are the villain in someone else's story even if you thought you were doing the right thing. You don't get to tell them how to narrate their experience."

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Posted: Tue, 21/06/2022 16:53 (2 Years ago)

Earlier in the week, I discovered someone who hated my guts was allowed back onto a game, and I freaked as I experienced an anxiety attack full of fear and helplessness. For that person was the initial cause of all my problems. For my sanity, I've forgiven them. If their life was in danger, I'd rescue them. But otherwise, I wouldn't want to be in the same general area as that person. Also. Sorry if they/them/that isn't your preferred pronouns. I just want to make it harder for people to place who I'm talking about. Not that it really matters, as everyone should already know who I refer to, but meh. I try to be respectful whenever I can.

Then, yesterday, two things happened. I discovered that this journal is still being used by people as a means to mock, slander, and otherwise harass me. And then someone, after seeing the above post, and who was most likely a person from the aforementioned game, went to my Facebook and fat-shamed me on a random photo. Then attacked a friend for standing up for me. Blocked the person, though I didn't really see them as much of a threat after they shared a picture of their ID to show their address. Like. Seriously? Anyone who postures like that is just someone who likes intimidating and bullying others.

And it just got me thinking. Why do I even play that game anymore? The first three years were full of so much fun, even though I didn't have many if any friends at that time. Then I started coming out of my shell. Sadly, with my inability to word things right, I was forever labeled as things I have NEVER been and NEVER will be. Trust me. I had a friend once who was racist as hell. He played Ultima Online Evolution, and when I was onscreen with him when he went off on someone after discovering they were Muslim, I blocked him everywhere I could. Behavior like that has always been disgusting to me. Despite how I may sound at times, I have always been one of the most open and accepting people you would ever meet.

Back to topic. I think the main reason I'm still active on that game is that I've typically always had "Premium" active, and I cannot stand the thought of wasting so much of it. Right now, it expires in August. But I don't think I want to be involved in that game anymore. Don't get me wrong. There are a lot of amazing updates and people on it. But what with a few people still being horrific jerkwads after two years because they can't leave well enough alone, well.

Tack on the fact that I had journal privileges completely removed after my last incident, which was a joking conversation about dad shooting me in the leg with a bb gun so I could not only know what it felt like but set off the metal detector at a courthouse and watch with amusement as they looked at me weird when I told them I wanted to be shot. A joke that I felt belonged in the Mature section. Dad's still mad at that because he knows the same people who reported that joke for being triggering would also laugh their butts off at all the times Archer got shot in the foot, as well as laugh at so many other similar jokes. He feels that if it were anyone else who had posted that, nothing would have happened. But because I was already a target by a group of friends, anything I said or did was looked into with greater detail.

All in all, it really makes me want to make a suggestion for "pausing" Premium (both here and on that game). Cause, really. Why should it continue to tick down when you aren't even using it? This would be so great for others like me who want to take a break for their mental and emotional health, but who also can't bring themselves to waste the bonuses.

Regardless, what with dad barely playing that game anymore as well, I'm thinking that when my bonuses expire, I take another extended break. Sucks that it won't really matter much because people like going out of their way to come here and manipulate the things I say to suit their needs JUST to cause drama about and harass me.

Anyways. Already put too much thought into this. Just wanted to get it out there that I really don't appreciate still being a target of a witch hunt. But whatever. You do you. One day, you will all get exactly what you deserve.

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Posted: Mon, 20/06/2022 22:14 (2 Years ago)
This looks like fun. I'd like to join! ^.^

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Posted: Sat, 18/06/2022 20:05 (2 Years ago)
This is prob going to get some hate, but meh.

June is Pride month, where people like me (a polyamorous demi-ace bi) can take pride in and celebrate who they are and connect with others who share the same beliefs and who make us feel loved and understood.

That said, please don't attack those who are shouting out straight pride. I am aware that being straight is common and accepted, and that a good portion of these people are just being jerkwads during this month. I find it extremely hypocritical and rude that the minority does not show the same courtesy to those of the majority gender, religion, race, beliefs, etc. I hold as much self-loathing and hatred for myself now as I did before I became a part of the LGBT community. I'm also aware that these aren't quite the same thing. But my point still stands. Treat everyone the way you want to be treated, regardless of what you think about them.

Especially since they could be hurting just as much over being normal as you are about being unique. Like. I'm a white American. I hate the fact that I'm American because I have zero pride and faith in my country. I hate the fact that I'm white because they tend to have a racial and religious superiority complex. So, yes. Even a straight white American male should be allowed to have the opportunity to be proud of and not resentful/hateful of who they are.

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Posted: Fri, 06/05/2022 02:12 (2 Years ago)
Sometimes I wish SCS was SCW.

I need 5500 Tokens for all the Shiny, and I only get like 300 per event. Which is 2000-2300 Interactions per session I participate in. And of 12 sessions, I can only participate in seven. Nine if I stay up to 11p and get up at 7a. That'd take me eighteen months!

Right now, the Speed Click event is Saturday. Ten minutes for every two hours.

What if it went back to Speed Click Weekend (still once a month)? Fifteen minutes every three hours. Gives 24 sessions, and allows for people to get the Shinies quicker while still maintaining the need to put the effort in.
1 Month ago 20 <3

*sniffles* Why won't Party and Egg Storage keep the background I choose? They're the main two boxes I use, and I wanna see the Shiny wallpaper all the time!
1 Month ago 15 <3

Woo! First on Site Shiny Aqua!
12 Days ago 21 <3

*sighs* If we got rid of the Largest/Heaviest questions, I'd try harder to unlock the Endless Path. As it is, it's really freaking annoying not being able to get past question 50 in the Royal Tunnels. And really annoying to choose the one that looks biggest or heaviest, only to be wrong in the first five questions.
9 Days ago 14 <3

So FoS Shiny Articuno went to a newbie. I would be happy, but pretty FoS Shiny Kyurem and Zeraora went to newbs. Most of the horses when they first came out went to relative newbs.

This game has so many things, like the Harvest Sprites, that reward users for their effort. So when newbies consistently get Arceus-style RNG luck when most everyone else has put in a considerable amount of time, energy, and effort, it's really frustrating.

And I'm sorry. I know this is a game, but people getting rewarded for next to nothing has always been one of my biggest pet peeves. One or two newbs getting this lucky, I could have accepted. But this many? Don't get me wrong. I'm all for newbie luck. But not on things like this. More like random Shinies and Megas from the lab or daycare.

The luckier newbs are in a game, the more likely you are to push vets away. They'll eventually believe as I do. What is the point of putting in all this hard work when it all amounts to next to nothing in the end?
2 Days ago 24 <3

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Posted: Sat, 23/04/2022 16:35 (2 Years ago)
Haven't felt much like doing anything the last week. Not reading. Not writing. Not watching TWD or TCW. The only thing I've done is spend like 10-14 hours a day on Diablo III hunting for Rainbow Goblins while also checking off tasks for Season 26 (83/85 tasks done in nine days. Just have to Complete and Master a Set Dungeon now). I'm on like 250 Rainbow Goblin portals now with no Cosmic Wings drop. I know a few people are on 300+, so unless I'm that unlucky, I should be finding Princess Lillian soon.

I have seven books checked out from the library. So think I'm going to take a break from farming and put some focus into that. Try and get at least two books done by the end of this week. Still have several series I own to read (Dexter, Bones, Sword of Truth, Wheel of Time, Dark Hunter, etc). Then a whole bunch of drawings I wanted to do but haven't had the time or desire.

Overall, though. This month is not going to be a good one for writing. Makes sense, though. What with 5939 (Jan) 10702 (Feb) 25004 (Mar) and 18250 (Apr). I've been utterly focused on writing to try and get this book done by the end of the year. And only about half of that wound up being for Forevermore. I still need to try and put more focus on Angel of the Shadows and Guardians of Sanctuary. And get that one Yu Yu Hakusho fanfic started that I wanted to do.

I hate it when I manage to overfill my plate. :'( And it happens at least three times a year. I get it down to a manageable amount and then pick at each thing while more things are being added till I realize I haven't completed a single thing, and yet have ten more things to do.

Welp. Time to focus on getting those seven books out of the way. Six of them are the Shadowdance series by David Dalglish, and I loved his other series, so these should be done within ten days if I put all my energy into them. The other library book I have checked out is Thrawn: Chaos Rising.

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Posted: Mon, 04/04/2022 03:59 (2 Years ago)

Title: Zeraora Totals 2022

Encounters: 17
Eggs Hatched: 15
Normal Plushie: 15 Encounters
Shiny Plushie: 2 Encounters
Interactions: 1,178,323
Days: 19
Average: 1 per 69k Interactions

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Posted: Tue, 15/02/2022 23:32 (2 Years ago)
OMG! I just realized I won the Dex Entry contest for Mega Milotic!

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Posted: Mon, 14/02/2022 06:59 (2 Years ago)

Title: Forevermore Excerpt

“Why what? Why did I tell you that after what you revealed to me earlier? Because I’m not your friend. I care nothing for you, and therefore, have no qualms telling you what you need to hear. You are a weak-minded pushover, incapable of learning or understanding the simplest concepts. A mere two years after I helped you take control over Demonia, it became clear to me the city would fall if you were allowed to continue to handle its decisions. One day, I called a meeting of the minds to discuss the situation. It was decided that I would deal with the most important decisions. Anything that did not have the potential of harming the city was offered to you.”

For a few moments, Anya didn’t speak. Her silence was followed by an outburst. “How dare you treat me like such a child? And is that not a violation of our Deal?”

“It’s more like a…technical foul.” He grinned, completely unfazed by her tantrum. “You do make decisions for Demonia. Just not all of them. As for your immortality. Well.” A reddish gold flame appeared above his right hand. “This is your soul. Should it have been returned to you upon the reneging of the previous Deal? Yes. But as long as I need you, this shall remain in my possession.”

She watched him place his other hand atop the flame. Why would he do that instead of his usual method of dismissal? Before she could ask the question, she felt a pain in her chest, as if her body was unable to provide itself with air. Her next breath provided some relief. That was when Mikhail moved his hands slightly to create an entrance for air to the flame. The gift was short-lived, though, for he not only closed his hands again at that point, but curled them tighter around the fire.

Seconds turned into minutes, and still, he didn’t let up. Tears spilled from her eyes as she clawed at her chest in desperation. Just as she was about to pass out, he freed the flame, and glorious air rushed into her lungs. Her head and heart pounded as if she’d just ran a mile, and her lungs and throat burned. It took her a long while to be able to speak. When she finally raised her eyes to Mikhail’s, she couldn’t help but glare at him. “Seriously?” Anya gasped. “You could have just told me what it meant to have my soul under your power.”

Mikhail made the flame vanish, and then lifted his left pointer finger into the air. “Ah. I could have. But I wouldn’t have been able to smell your delicious fear. Or witness the hopelessness in your eyes. You will never be complacent enough to come at my beck and call. And I am okay with that. For, at least this way, I won’t have to watch out for your childish attempts at betrayal. Not that you would be able to take me down before I ended you, but…” He shrugged. “Better to plan ahead and all that stuff.”

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Posted: Thu, 10/02/2022 07:07 (2 Years ago)
I was thinking of an incident about two weeks ago, where I joined someone's Art/Streaming Discord because the person was more active there, and I was lowkey hoping to get tips and advice by being in an area of higher activity. Went to bed, and woke up to a message saying "Sorry. Couldn't add you. Had a few people dm me and say they were uncomfortable with you being there."

At first, I'm like "okay. whatever" A week later, I'm like. "Wait. I may be mentally off, but I'm not dumb. Anymore. Much. I liked this person. It would have been extremely rude and insensitive of me to start drama on their server. You don't have to interact with me. Block function exists, so you don't have to see me, either. So what's your issue? Why do you care? Do you think I'm going to rub off on you or your friends? If so, you're not as adamant in your convictions as you think you are. And if you have that little faith in your friends, maybe you should find new ones. Live and let live. Leave me alone, and I won't bother you. Heck. Even if you went out of your way to hurt me, I wouldn't do the same. Because even when I slip up, I'm so much better than you."

Before I get too off topic. It reminded me of the time I decided to join a PH Drama discord a few years back. The owner had linked it on Tumblr, and said that "ANYONE" can join. They wouldn't discriminate. So I joined. It took less than 15 seconds for me to get booted and banned. And I was laughing my tushie off. I hadn't said anything or even gotten the chance to see anything. This was back when the only thing bad to be said about me was that I was arrogant, egotistical, highstrung, god complex, etc.

And it made me laugh. Cause it revealed more about their insecure personalities and jealousies than it did anything about me. Thinking on it, that's all this new garbage is, too. People continue hurting me because they need to feel the power of being a bully. I'm an easy target, and no matter how hard I try, I probably always will be. The sad part is, I can't help but think that some of these people are being cruel to me for bandwagon's sake or the power trip, and they're actually the words I'm being called. But because they could never show/admit their true self to themselves or their friends, they create stories about others, and tear them apart instead.

Regardless, it's just another step in moving forward. I'm choosing to become better, not bitter. To be the victor, and not the victim. And yay! Been a month or so since I made one of these posts. So that's some definite improvement there. Hopefully, by the end of the year, I'm back to my normal self. ^.^

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Posted: Tue, 28/12/2021 01:33 (2 Years ago)
[Pokemon Go/PokeFarm Q]

Me: *looking through Friends while sending out Gifts*
Me: Oh, wow! I didn't realize Gligar were that huge.
Me: *shows dad my phone*
Dad: How big did you expect them to be?
Me: A teeny widdle bat.
Dad: Do you know why they're that big?
Me: Why? O.o
Dad: *puts a silly face on while flinging his arms out like the Spooky pose in PoGo. In a weird voice, he proceeds to say* It's so they can reach your neck, go chomp, and suck all your blood out. They're Vampire Gligar.
Me: *smh* Sounds like they missed and sucked your brains out.
Dad: *smiles and giggles*

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Posted: Mon, 27/12/2021 07:02 (2 Years ago)
Heading to bed now, but just want to post how my Spicy Collection on PFQ is coming along, thanks to dad.

He started with Kanto, and is hunting Any for himself, and Spicy for me. I'm starting with Galar, doing the opposite.

It's only been about a month that we've been doing this (well, a month for him and two weeks for me), so we have a long way to go. But this will at least help us fill our Living Dexes much faster. Especially with us working on different dexes.

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Posted: Mon, 27/12/2021 03:47 (2 Years ago)
Chapter 14 of Forevermore is finally done.
1,393 words written today.
Longest chapter so far at 10,873 words.
Forevermore project is now at 44,638 words!

I'm taking a day or two off to read, and then I'm going to work on Chapter Ten of Angel of the Shadows!

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Posted: Thu, 23/12/2021 02:55 (2 Years ago)
Dad threw an empty soda bottle at the trashcan. He misses, and instead of picking it up like he usually does, he just left it on the floor.

So I told him that he should either throw it away properly, or not at all.

He rolls his chair over to the trash can, and I turn back to my screen to write some more, thinking he was being a good boy.

Nope. He decided the best course of action was to take five more bottles out of the trash can, and toss them on the floor near it.

And I just stare at him like \_O_/, and then turn to type this up. He waits til I get this far, and then says: You better make sure to include that you "decided the best course of action" was to type this up *before* picking your mess up.

Me: "How is it MY mess? You're the one who did it!"

Dad: "The options were 'throw it away properly' or 'not at all'. I didn't want to do that one right, so I had to undo what I already did."

Me: -_-

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Posted: Sat, 18/12/2021 21:36 (2 Years ago)
[Pokemon Go]

Dad told me to go ahead and use one of his Remotes so he could buy the one from the shop for 1 Gold. So I entered an Electabuzz raid on him. As I'm working on joining him, someone else enters the Lobby. Then, at like ten seconds before starting, a fourth person does.

Never had that happen before. No clue if they were also remote, or in person, but that was cool!

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Posted: Fri, 17/12/2021 23:51 (2 Years ago)
Oh, cool!

I went on a walk earlier to send off two items I sold on Ebay, and deposit the rent payments for this month. After doing so, I headed to the park to play some Pokemon Go. Paused at the church's Book Exchange thingy.

I found Christopher Paolini's (author of Eragon series) newest book, To Sleep in a Sea of Stars, pretty much brand new condition!

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Posted: Fri, 17/12/2021 19:57 (2 Years ago)
Oh! Yesterday, dad's Oncologist called to discuss stuffs.

Based on where it was, surgery isn't possible to remove the mass, as it is too close to other vital organs (heart, trachea, esophagus, etc). So it looks like he's going to be making a three-hour round trip, Monday thru Friday, for six weeks, for fifteen minutes to become radioactive. Then he goes to a closer town once a week for Chemo.

The Oncologist strongly suggested he get his Covid vaccine, as, should he contract it, he wouldn't be able to receive treatment for two weeks. So we went to our local doctor and discussed that in further detail.

I thought all vaccines contained a mild form of the live virus. Turns out, that's ONLY Chicken Pox and the Measles/Rumps/Rubella. Covid, the Flu, and others are just the coding.

Which, relieved my fears about the vaccine. I was thinking that we had no clue of the long-term effects of it. But it's actually safe to take, and long-term effects are more for medicines than vaccines.

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Posted: Thu, 16/12/2021 07:32 (2 Years ago)
I've been thinking about why my birthday is such an important time of the year for me.

-Typically within 1-2 days of/on my birthday, I would get into a fight with my mom or brother over something trivial.
-Most of the time, it was just me, my mom, brother, and aunt celebrating.
-If I was lucky, I would get 1-5 presents (Total of Christmas and birthday).

Don't get me wrong. I learned to appreciate what I had. But. I don't know how exactly to explain it. Maybe I felt getting more and being able to share with more would mean we were better off.

I guess this is why I got so upset last year over an action of mine consequenting the loss of a birthday Custom Sprite. It angered me that this curse existed even in a game that should be bringing me happiness and joy.

Looking back on those birthdays always makes me depressed. Cause I think on how I never had any friends to celebrate with (or at all) because people made fun of me for the way I spoke, for always reading, for being academically inclined, for being weird (ADHD), for wearing glasses, for wearing Good Will clothes, and so much more. And how most of my family didn't want to be around me cause I wouldn't take their garbage and stood up for what I felt was right.

Really sucks when your own birthday reminds you of how insignificant you are. Of how much problems you've caused. Of how many people you've hurt, both intentionally and accidentally.

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