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Posted: Wed, 04/05/2016 23:59 (8 Years ago)
Okay, i put them into the GTS.
Thank you for purchasing~

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Posted: Wed, 04/05/2016 22:42 (8 Years ago)

Title: Price update


Lowering the PD prizes for Johto Retros and for all the Starters.

See ya soon,

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Posted: Wed, 04/05/2016 19:38 (8 Years ago)

Title: May 2016


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Posted: Sun, 24/04/2016 00:26 (8 Years ago)
Es gibt ja schon für alles erdenkliche hier in PH Forum einen Thread...angefangen von den Helpguides, für die Events, für Bug, zahlreiche Shops (Pokemon, Items oder Kunst), für Forumsspielchen und Smalltalk... aber ich hab noch keinen Thread gefunden der sich ganz allein um diese Quests von Professor Rowan drehen.
Also, ich meine einen Thread, in dem man sich eventuell von anderen Spielern Hilfe holen kann und Hilfe anbieten kann. Sei es bei den Item Quests oder bei den Pokemon Quests (die einem echt die Nerven rauben können). Es wäre jedenfalls von Vorteil wenn es so einen Thread gäbe...Die Spieler könnten nicht nur benötigte Items untereinander tauschen, man hätte auch einen Platz wo man sein Quest Pokemon teilen könnte und zur Gegenleistung die Quest Pokis der anderen Spieler füttern könnte. (Feeds zu dem Thema gehen ja schnell mal in den Feedfluten unter...)

Wenn es so einen Thread bereits gibt, habe ich ihn noch nicht gefunden.(Dann: Asche auf mein Haupt) Wenn es einen solchen Thread noch nicht gibt, ist es gegen die Regeln einen solchen Thread zu eröffen?

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Posted: Sat, 23/04/2016 17:43 (8 Years ago)
Jynx! Use Blizzard!

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Posted: Sat, 23/04/2016 17:36 (8 Years ago)
Yum! ^-^

Brussel sprouts?

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Posted: Thu, 21/04/2016 22:02 (8 Years ago)
11. Use it as a bait to fishing Sharpedo :P

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Posted: Fri, 15/04/2016 02:24 (8 Years ago)
I'm really sorry, but there is no Cottonblu in the Shop Box... :|

Please choose only Pokemon from the Shop Box - the other Pokemon are not for Sale 8)

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Posted: Fri, 15/04/2016 02:08 (8 Years ago)
I cleaned up the shopbox (a little bit) :)

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Posted: Mon, 04/04/2016 16:46 (8 Years ago)
Hmm, das ist eine gute Frage. Mir wäre das jedenfalls Neu :)

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Posted: Mon, 04/04/2016 12:28 (8 Years ago)

Title: April 2016


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Posted: Sun, 03/04/2016 16:41 (8 Years ago)
Hallo~! ^_^ *zurückwink*

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Posted: Sat, 02/04/2016 02:24 (8 Years ago)
But is it sadly an april joke :(

Riako said that...

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Posted: Sat, 02/04/2016 00:59 (8 Years ago)
Don't be sad... :,( Hugs & kisses for everybody

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Posted: Sat, 02/04/2016 00:41 (8 Years ago)
No, i'm sure the Admin-Ducklett doesn't want to hurt us... :,(

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Posted: Sat, 02/04/2016 00:29 (8 Years ago)
Yeah, i'm really not amused - feel with you :,(

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Posted: Sat, 02/04/2016 00:27 (8 Years ago)
DigiHeroes was such a great idea....sadly that it was used to be a joke >:D

Shame on you...there was so many people, wait so long for a good playable Digimon Browsergame - and you decide to do this. To play with others hopes is not really funny. I'm not amused ( feels sad for the other Digimon Fans :S )

Sorry for my harsh words - but this was to much for a joke...

(i don't care if other user told me now homourless)

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Posted: Sat, 02/04/2016 00:07 (8 Years ago)
I think, the factory appears when we click a really high amount of the Digimon from the Neighbourhood...maybe. I really don't know... if you play with Digimon everything can happen ;)

*listen to german and japanese Digimon soundtrack while typing this*

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Posted: Fri, 01/04/2016 23:20 (8 Years ago)
Many people have a Patamon (i see more Patamon than Betamon) but i really don't know why.

I hope more Digimon with the type "Virus" will be obtainable - because i want a DemiDevimon (because of it's cute yellow eyes) *_*

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Posted: Fri, 01/04/2016 23:09 (8 Years ago)
Betamon was my choise other player maybe choose Patamon (or another)

Seadramon, Growlmon and Unimon maybe only available at the Factory. So, keep clicking ^^ I wish you luck (Y)

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