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Posted: Wed, 12/03/2025 07:30 (8 Days ago)
That reply was wrong. CatLady said that it would only count for a chain “if you started an Orthworm chain through DayCare/Gem Collector first”

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Posted: Wed, 12/03/2025 07:28 (8 Days ago)
No, you said that Orthworm eggs from the tall grass would only count for a chain “if you started an Orthworm chain through DayCare/Gem Collector first”

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Posted: Wed, 12/03/2025 02:58 (8 Days ago)
Well they started a chain even though you said they wouldn’t and now I don’t know what to do to stop it and make it count my Sandygast I was trying to hunt instead

My Sandygast eggs are going to be wasted and it looks like the shiny boosts I was supposed to have for the Orthworm were sabotaged too and that’s probably why I never hatched any except for the guaranteed one

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Posted: Wed, 12/03/2025 02:49 (8 Days ago)
I had my pokeradar turned on to get ready for a Sandygast hunt but it started a chain of Orthworm instead even though they aren’t supposed to chain. Please fix it so that I won’t have to spend another 50k and won’t have the two Sandygast eggs in my party wasted

I carefully timed it so that I wouldn’t have any Orthworm eggs after the event ended but then this happened anyway, ruining my very first attempt at the pokeradar

And is this sabotaging the shiny boosts the event Orthworm were supposed to have as well??? Because I got all of the boosts but it says the shiny chance is less than 0.1%

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Posted: Tue, 11/03/2025 19:40 (8 Days ago)
So them being from the same evo line as the Non-Event counterpart does boost Event odds even if it’s not the exact same dex number? I have one Jesterig and one Girafarig that are the same gender, so I can’t breed them, but I do have a Farigiraf that’s a different gender from the Jesterig, so it would be better to breed the Jesterig with the Farigiraf than the Ditto?

The article actually says that the worst Event chance comes from “If you pair two different Event Pokémon - Catercream + Scattercube”, but it doesn’t say anything about pairing two different Event Pokémon from the same evo line, so that causes some uncertainty with whether I should pair Steamo and Zweipunk or not. And are you sure it would be a perfect pair if the pair was parent and child? I thought I read something a long time ago about incest being really bad for egg chances...

I just found this post https://pokeheroes.com/forum_thread?id=94636&post=3094366#3094366 where someone said “Make sure that they are not related to each other or else it won't work.” and someone else said “It's actually mostly fine if they're related, they just can't be brother and sister.” And siblings share the same amount of DNA as parent and child do, so, if siblings can’t breed, it wouldn’t make sense if a parent and child could.

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Posted: Tue, 11/03/2025 19:32 (8 Days ago)
Well, I don’t have the option to have two of the exact same Event Pokémon since I only have one of each. I have one Steamo, one Zweipunk, and one Teslagon, each bought from a different trainer, and the Steamo is female and the other two are male, so I was wanting to breed the Steamo with Zweipunk or Teslagon. And I have one Woopice and one Quagschnee that are the same gender, so I can’t breed them with each other, but I could breed the Quagschnee with my Quagsire.

I really hope someone will be able to answer my questions.

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Posted: Tue, 11/03/2025 18:28 (8 Days ago)
This page https://wiki.pokeheroes.com/wiki/Daycare says that “The best chance to get an Event egg by breeding is to put two Event Pokémon of the same kind into the Daycare like two Catercream for example.” and “If you pair an Event Pokémon with its Non-Event counterpart - Catercream + Caterpie - the chance of getting an Event egg is lower than if both parents are Event Pokémon.” But it doesn’t address whether, for example, Catercream and Metacream would have the same chance as two Catercream, or whether Catercream and Metapod would have the same chance as Catercream and Caterpie.

I understand that the Pokémon having different dex numbers would mean that they wouldn’t produce eggs as quickly, but I’m wondering if them being from the same evolution line would still give them the same ratio of Event eggs to Non-Event eggs. Would Catercream + Metacream have the same chance of each egg they produce being Catercream as two Catercream would? And would Catercream + Metapod have the same chance of each egg they produce being Catercream as Catercream + Caterpie would? Since there still wouldn’t be any chance of any eggs that aren’t Catercream or Caterpie being produced, I don’t see why it would make a difference, but I’m still concerned because these types of pairings aren’t addressed in the article.

Also, would Catercream + Ditto be the same as Catercream + Caterpie and/or Catercream + Metapod, since that pairing also wouldn’t have any chance of producing any eggs that aren’t Catercream or Caterpie, although Ditto isn’t from the same evolution line as the Event Pokémon or its Non-Event counterpart?

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Posted: Thu, 06/02/2025 01:06 (1 Month ago)
Sending missing. Send missing to me as well, please

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Posted: Thu, 06/02/2025 00:59 (1 Month ago)
Sending missing. Send missing to me as well, please

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Posted: Thu, 06/02/2025 00:53 (1 Month ago)
Sending missing. Send missing to me as well, please

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Posted: Wed, 05/02/2025 03:17 (1 Month ago)
Yup, still unresolved.

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Posted: Mon, 13/01/2025 00:02 (2 Months ago)
Sending b-day plushie. Send a b-day plushie to me as well, please.

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Posted: Sat, 28/12/2024 20:36 (2 Months ago)

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Posted: Thu, 26/12/2024 23:08 (2 Months ago)
I just recently went ahead and released a Pokémon that I saw had three gold stars because I knew that I had another Pokémon with three golds plus one silver, but there are so many other Pokémon I’ve released from the storage boxes without seeing their stats, and I’m just wondering if there’s another page like this one https://pokeheroes.com/iv that can show the best IVs of the Pokémon you’ve released. I’m wondering if I’ve actually released what could’ve been my most talented Pokémon.

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Posted: Wed, 25/12/2024 04:36 (2 Months ago)
I can’t interact again with the Pokémon I interacted with yesterday, and the daily Dream World tasks I completed yesterday can’t have DP claimed from them today. But the fountain did reset like usual, and so did the Advent Calendar.

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Posted: Tue, 24/12/2024 01:42 (2 Months ago)
I really hope this bug will be fixed. It would certainly make it very difficult to get every combo of Alcremie like I was planning on possibly doing in the future.

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Posted: Tue, 24/12/2024 01:39 (2 Months ago)
Yeah, it’s not working for me, either. And mobile is what I use.

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Posted: Tue, 10/12/2024 04:02 (3 Months ago)
Weird thing that I think might be related to this:

I didn’t even attempt to send any gifts because I saw this bug thread first, but I just noticed that the “send a plushie” daily dream world task said I completed it even though I haven’t sent any plushies today either.

I’m just wondering if it might somehow be connected because I know that plushies can be in the Christmas gifts.

Also, I’ve noticed that the index page now sometimes does this weird thing when you refresh it where, even if you’re scrolled all the way to the top, it’ll drag you down to the Christmas gifts post (at least on mobile).

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Posted: Thu, 05/12/2024 00:02 (3 Months ago)
I did the task for today, but it’s not doing anything when I tap on the door now. No gift, no message.

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Posted: Sun, 01/12/2024 09:30 (3 Months ago)
Alright. Thank you for explaining.

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