Forum Thread
Easter Egg Hunt 2017
Forum-Index → News → Easter Egg Hunt 2017Special Event Rule:
You are not allowed to spoil the Easter Egg Locations to other players!
You are not allowed to spoil the Easter Egg Locations to other players!

Cute Bunnelby were seen hopping around in Emera Town: They carry fancy colored eggs with them, which they hide carefully in all different spots!
It's Easter Week - and as it's tradition in this town, not only children search for Easter Eggs, but also motivated Pokémon Trainers! As everyone knows, when you collect enough Easter Eggs, you receive a special new Event Egg.

15 Easter Eggs have been hidden on PokéHeroes, and you have to find them (click on them)!
They can be anywhere: In your settings, in town, in the forums, hidden in old news... everywhere*! Userprofiles are excluded, so don't fall for trolls in 'About Me's!
Just like last year, the locations vary for every trainer. Since there were always people spoiling the locations to their friends, we have decided to have over 130 different locations this year - and every trainer has 15 randomly** selected locations from that pool.
However, the eggs are obviously still static for you in their location. For example, when one of your easter egg locations is the Daycare, it will always stay there until you find it. It will not move around or (dis)appear randomly.
* Trainerlevel 15 may be required to access all possible locations.
** To have a fair event, the randomize algorithm considers location difficulties in its calculation. That means that it's not possible for a user to have 15 "easy" locations while someone else has 15 "hard" locations.
This graphic illustrates where the eggs can be hidden on the page: Egg Areas.
They can all be found on small screens, as well as on mobile devices.

Event Prizes:
After finding ten eggs, you receive our new Event Egg.
After finding all fifteen eggs, you receive a special reward.
It will be possible to claim your rewards on April 21st (and it will remain possible to claim them for about a week)

Event Rule:
Even though the locations are more random, you are still not allowed to spoil any location anywhere on PokéHeroes! Telling someone where you found an egg will lead to a disqualification from this event.
When you see someone asking for help/hints, do not answer them as you are only risking your own participation in this event!
Special Event Rule:
You are not allowed to spoil the Easter Egg Locations to other players!
You are not allowed to spoil the Easter Egg Locations to other players!

Also check out our new Spring Sale! Until April 24th, you can get great premium deals as well as strong discounts on brandnew Event Passes!
Enjoy and happy holidays! c:
Lol. Auto-caps 'coz of pure excitement.. sorry about that. :P
After almost 7 HOURS of searching for those eggs (since posting this), I've finally found 'em all.. Whew~! :D (Y)
Great job (once again) for this awesome (and mental-exhausting, for me) Easter Egg hunt, Riako. GG. 8)
Kitties! Riako has no idea what he unleashed with that update🙀
Collecting Lovely Larvesta and Silly Seel Plushies~
Looking for Ice Gems and Flying Gems here! Help me hunt a Shiny Articuno!
(You can win your own non-shiny Articuno in return)
Breeding events for the cause here!