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Water Weather Castform Don't have an account yet? Register now!
Trainerlevel: 44

Trainerpoints: 1,550/5,851


Pkmn Name Level EXP/EHP
1,007174,519 / 3,624,078
Grapploct45289 / 6,188
Kricketune543,580 / 9,159
Rhyhorn412,118 / 6,459
Golurk482,506 / 7,057
Buneary599,856 / 10,621

SM Hunts!

SM Pidgeot

Normal Gems - 690
Flying Gems - 650
Enough To Buy : 130 Eggs

Gifts Are Appreciated :>

Plushie c:

Plushie CollectionPlushie Log

Click One To Send Me c:


~mew~ hasn't collected any medals so far.

Badge Showcase

Set #1
Set #2
Set #3
Set #4

Game Records

Trainer ID: #469928789
Registration: 04/04/2021 (3 Years ago)
Game Time: 602:32 Hours
Total interactions: 3,341,733
Money: 584,660
Starter Pokémon: Blaziken


Interaction Exchange?
9 Months ago
#anotherga c:
9 Months ago
Drawing For ~Lexi :>
2 Years ago
Drawing Belongs To momalia As She Thought Me So Much Thing In PH :>
2 Years ago
2 Years ago


Hi I Am ~mew~,
*Feel Free To Add Me As Friend c:
*I Can Help You If You Need Any Help c:

Friends :>

Last Visitors

joshua777Thu, 11/Jul/2024, 16:19
DezanarThu, 09/May/2024, 13:33
pokecatcher303Tue, 30/Apr/2024, 20:13
~MysteryMew~Mon, 25/Mar/2024, 07:14
AlvinismeMon, 25/Mar/2024, 03:32
