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Dark Weather Castform Don't have an account yet? Register now!
Trainerlevel: 10

Trainerpoints: 43/309


Pkmn Name Level EXP/EHP
Cleffa1034,724 / 25,710
Incineroar747,583 / 17,847
Gengar793,790 / 20,469
Togepi7613,092 / 14,046
Zoroark7515,064 / 18,356
Vanilluxe5810,737 / 12,834

Last Visitors

EchostormSat, 28/Jul/2018, 19:05
possumSat, 07/Jul/2018, 15:08
MaugrimSat, 07/Jul/2018, 00:12
FlareCanoFri, 06/Jul/2018, 16:44
ToraOkami303Fri, 06/Jul/2018, 02:19


xXSneakyFangXx hasn't collected any medals so far.

Badge Showcase

Set #1
Set #2
Set #3
Set #4




| Started Game : 07/03/2018 |


Starter Pokemon:


You obtained a new badge (Your Partner)!

Hatch your Starter Pokémon - it will always stay by your side.

" FlareCano just added you to his Friendlist!


You received a Plushie from FlareCano!

Karp Karp


Recieve Azelf Egg from Game-Center:Golden-Slot on the day of 07/04/2018
(First Legendary)

" I got an Azelf Egg from the Game Center (Golden Slot). 777!!! WOO. "


First Auction won ( 07/04/2018 ) :
You won an auction.

Auction: Hoopa (Your bid: 510 ). The Pokémon has been transferred.



First Trade ( 07/05/2018 ):

Evolve, Haunter. G-E-N-G-A-R ! !
They gave me this Pokemon.. (and 100 Coins)

Poor Zubat..



View collection || View gift log

Newest gifts
ProfessorGreenie 6 Years ago
FrostFlame74 6 Years ago
Mrinja 6 Years ago
OneShinyRobin 6 Years ago

Game Records

Trainer ID: #647228050
Registration: 03/07/2018 (6 Years ago)
Game Time: 7:06 Hours
Total interactions: 11,152
Money: 2,372
Starter Pokémon: Sceptile


I have been outbid.. and now don't have enough money to gamble.. Mmk. MMK. Time to pat some Poke'.
6 Years ago
The Azelf Egg just hatched. Woo!!
6 Years ago
Hit that milestone, I got a Magikarp. WOO!!
6 Years ago
I got an Azelf Egg from the Game Center (Golden Slot). 777!!! WOO.
6 Years ago
Gasp. > Mrinja
6 Years ago
I got a Magikarp plush! (>///<) Bayleef, nice. Although I have a Grovyle. (o|||o)
6 Years ago
| Started Game : 07/03/2018 |
6 Years ago


Last Action
Shopping (6 Years ago)


I am..


Favorite Type: Water (Other/) Ice
Favorite Pokemon: Magikarp
Favorite Plush: Lycanroc (Cough cough-- Magikarp.)

Small Pokemon are nice..
Usually I prefer the first stage of a Pokemon's evolution.
Out of the original starters: Charmander/Bulbasaur/Squirtle
I would pick.. Bulbasaur!


Collecting. (Puzzle Pieces, Badges, Pokedex, etc.)

Gardening (Berries).. Nice livin on the country-side, ain't that right?

A-lot of Gamblin.. of course, Auctions too.


Just note: I am not as active on this site as I am elsewhere.

Not competitive..at the moment.

(Pokemon Site is -around- 2 Hours ahead of my time..)
None at the moment..


=No Current Trades Available=


Berry Market:
( Booth: https://pokeheroes.com/booth?u=xXSneakyFangXx )


-Sold For Average Price-

X Pokemon
None for sale..

