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Water Weather Castform Don't have an account yet? Register now!
Trainerlevel: 12

Trainerpoints: 40/443


Pkmn Name Level EXP/EHP
Blastoise13539,403 / 62,132
Pachirisu14339,631 / 61,777
Festival Gardevoir9310,396 / 32,784
Vivillon (Monsoon)10015,609 / 30,301
Vivillon (Archipelago)992,647 / 29,701
Fearow12519,473 / 47,251

About Me

Heyo! I'm surfingpikachu. Nice to meet you all! I'm also on Flight Rising, with the same username. Feel free to shoot me a message.

If you have time, please expand this and train my dorks? Thank you.

Expand this for interesting facts about me you never asked to know.
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Favorite pokemon: Pikachu, Charmeleon, Chimecho, Duosion
Favorite legendary: Mew
Favorite Region: Kanto/Johto
Favorite game: Yellow, Crystal

Favorite Normal type: Eevee
Favorite Fighting type: Hawlucha
Favorite Steel type: Scizor
Favorite Water type: Totodile
Favorite Grass type: Chikorita
Favorite Fire type: (Charmeleon) Cyndaquil
Favorite Electric type: (Pikachu) Pachirisu
Favorite Flying type: Noibat
Favorite Ground type: Cubone
Favorite Rock type: Carbink
Favorite Venom type: Crobat
Favorite Bug type: Leavanny
Favorite Psychic type: (Mew, Chimecho, Duosion) Espeon
Favorite Ghost type: Pumpkaboo
Favorite Dark type: Greninja
Favorite Dragon type: Goomy
Favorite Fairy type: Florges (white)

Hope you have a nice day!


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Newest gifts
Amaroq 8 Years ago
Zeptor 8 Years ago
AoTora 8 Years ago

Badge Showcase

Set #1
Set #2
Set #3
Set #4


surfingpikachu hasn't collected any medals so far.

Game Records

Trainer ID: #852154175
Registration: 10/12/2015 (8 Years ago)
Game Time: 19:32 Hours
Total interactions: 5,103
Money: 89,628
Starter Pokémon: Blastoise


You are training with ~Raylong Quest~ for a while.
You concentrate especially on its Speed.

The Pokémon raised by 48,441 Exp. Points.

You have been rewarded with 2 Pokédollar!
8 Years ago

You fed ~°Riako°~ a Chesto Berry!
The Pokémon raised by 91,834 Exp. Points.
You have been rewarded with 12 Pokédollar!

There's a list of my favorite pokes on my userpage :)
8 Years ago
By Entei_Soul
So...as today is the "3 Magic Kings Day"(you can read about this tradition in Google), I wanna be a Magic King for some lucky users.
I am giving 20 Banettesteins (1 per player and first come first serve,for avoiding confusions) Between all the participants I will raffle 5 Lugia Voucher and a Legendary Dog(not shiny)

If you are a new user (level 15 or lower) and you don't have this Pokemon in your dex, you can participate (I will check)
8 Years ago
By China.
So I've been thinking...
Even though I'm planning to quit, there are some things I can't let go.
Mostly the friends I had gotten to know on PH.
#GoodbyeGiveaway deadline will be moved to Jan. 10
8 Years ago
#MeepsNewYearsRaffle Good luck!
8 Years ago
Congratulations! You already made 1,000 interactions today. Good job!
8 Years ago


Last Action
Visiting the Event Shop (8 Years ago)

Last Visitors

SkarliandWed, 04/Sep/2019, 21:43
DrVioletFri, 08/Jun/2018, 01:07
jijitotoSun, 20/Mar/2016, 21:16
ForeveraloneThu, 25/Feb/2016, 07:49
VoodoopunkSpectacularMon, 08/Feb/2016, 02:16