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Dark Weather Castform Don't have an account yet? Register now!
Trainerlevel: 5

Trainerpoints: 57/79


Pkmn Name Level EXP/EHP
Eevee11323,718 / 38,647
Gardevoir9130,301 / 31,396
Eevee743,132 / 16,651
Lila Chan
10215,160 / 31,519
Leafeon554,648 / 9,241
Sylveon863,869 / 22,447


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Newest gifts
GOKU_ULTRA 4 Years ago
FloridaMina 4 Years ago
AlienSnowflake 4 Years ago
Siege 4 Years ago

Badge Showcase

Set #1
Set #2
Set #3
Set #4


XxStarlight_NexusxX hasn't collected any medals so far.

Game Records

Trainer ID: #638971367
Registration: 18/07/2020 (4 Years ago)
Game Time: 3:28 Hours
Total interactions: 310
Money: 8,887
Starter Pokémon: Samurott


Hey guys!
Whats up? Let's stay safe!
I'll be posting from time to time so please check!! >.<
4 Years ago


Last Action
Managing Pokémon-Party (4 Years ago)

Last Visitors

OngaWed, 05/Aug/2020, 04:50
Moon_StarlightThu, 23/Jul/2020, 20:18
TheBuffRaccoonWed, 22/Jul/2020, 20:05
ChewydabaccaWed, 22/Jul/2020, 10:50
RandomYoungsterWed, 22/Jul/2020, 07:48