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Rock Weather Castform Don't have an account yet? Register now!
Trainerlevel: 65

Trainerpoints: 12,438/12,739


Pkmn Name Level EXP/EHP
Maiztrix14746,679 / 73,998
Cobtrix12741,342 / 54,798
Cornlet1159,722 / 44,660

Amy | 23 | She/Her

Hihi! I'm Amy! Nice to meet you!
Thanks for stopping by.
I'm a bit of a veteran on this site!
Need help or a friend? I got you!

Feel free to send me a message!

Proud creator of the Emeran
Buizel, Puddy & Cornlet line,
& owner of the 1OS
Shiny Emeran Buizel <3

Proud owner of the 1OS Pumplin line!

Shiny Hunt

Amuu is currently hunting Puddy.
Hunt started: 04/03/2025

Chain: 49

Safari Hunt

Amuu is currently hunting Vivillon (Modern).
Hunt started: 10/10/2024

Chain: 91


Last Visitors

StelliferousYesterday, 22:09
CsoxiYesterday, 17:00
TheSleepyOneYesterday, 16:04
Ai-HoshinoSat, 29/Mar/2025, 21:38
PsychicJavedSat, 29/Mar/2025, 10:04

Game Records

Trainer ID: #297451050
Registration: 11/08/2014 (10 Years ago)
Premium member until 20/Jan/2026
Time Played: 3778:33 Hours
Total interactions: 1,639,775
Money: 553,811
Starter Pokémon: Samurott


not me forgetting to make a post errm
Check out my Sprite Gallery! I'll be updating this with every sprite I create (both for the site and not), as well as some neat facts about each one. You may even find some old wips :')
7 Days ago
max chance o(〃^▽^〃)o
7 Days ago
Now that all the evos have been obtained:
Meet Cornlet & shiny Cornlet
Cobtrix & shiny Cobtrix
Maiztrix & shiny Maiztrix 🌽💚💛
7 Days ago
I hope you all enjoy my new event <3
7 Days ago
I've been thinking about making a forum thread documenting my sprites that I create. Would anyone be interested this?

Furthermore, if I was to create a sprite shop (likely Pokemon only), would anyone be interested in that as well? ;v;
8 Days ago
Thank you all so much for the birthday wishes and plushies today. <3
16 Days ago
yippee!! birthday today :3
16 Days ago
maybe saving for an event pass doesn't seem like a bad idea
24 Days ago
I hate that I'm disappointed but I'm not surprised.
1 Month ago
Considering hunting my baby Puddy as I’m missing the shiny Goomy line… but I have only 9 storages ;w;
1 Month ago
Thank you anon for the Valentine’s card compliment ;w;
1 Month ago
almost at my 55th Kalos shiny (not including events/xmas Furfrou)! getting closer to the halfway point eee
1 Month ago
Looking to buy a female chespin/froakie (evos will do as well)!
1 Month ago
And the hunt is over <3
1 Month ago
As X was the first Pokèmon game my parents allowed me to play, I’ve been working on getting every Kalos Pokèmon (shiny and non-shiny)! I have every non-shiny and currently working on the shinies. My goal is to have hunted every Kalos shiny by the end of this year (excluding the tricky legends). Hopefully this counts!
1 Month ago
Twins <3
1 Month ago
gacha games need to realise i'm just a little gal and that it really pains my tiny heart when i lose on banners 5 times in a row 🥺🙏
2 Months ago
how much would you say a relic crown is worth?
(I really wanna buy one with nuggets but have no idea what it's worth ;w;)
2 Months ago
My first ice horse! Omg!! ❄️
2 Months ago
Really proud of the sprite edits I’ve recently made. Check out all the changes in the minor updates thread!

Spotted an error/missing sprite? Shoot over a PalPad/PM!
2 Months ago

credits to Politoed

Xerneas Collection Milestone 1
306x (10%)
2,271x (66%)
2,982x (95%)
1,495x (44%)

= 3/40
