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Trainerlevel: 15

Trainerpoints: 553/689


Pkmn Name Level EXP/EHP
Gastrodon (East)34665 / 3,571
Seismitoad38281 / 4,281
Kricketune46906 / 6,489
Budew392,185 / 4,533
Mantyke272,565 / 2,836
Mightyena383,839 / 4,447

Smell something burning?

Though I am the better brother, I do have my flaws. Blackguard is strong in both body and mind, but he's brash. He forms grudges too easily and lets every small thing get to him. However, I am not quite the same.

I may not try to impose myself as the leader of everything, though I do my best to break apart situations that could lead to disaster. I'm meek and timid, but I'll be bold if I feel I must be. My mind works in several different ways, different from yours and Blackguard's. That's the burning smell, by the way; my mind conflicting itself. I might promise something and forget, or just not do it for a while. Again, that's the burning smell. My mind conflicts itself commonly, so be free to remind me of the topic or anything else if I get distracted. To be eccentric is both a blessing and a curse.

Who this is.

I am the younger (and better) brother of The_Blackguard_Empire, and clearly the more intellectual of the two. While that empire is old and outdated creaky, this fighting force is not similar in fashion. Where there are swords there, there are treaties here. Where there are horses, there are spacecraft. For this is not a simple castle with blades, this is interstellar travel, minds far beyond our current comprehension.

All in all, I'm the better of the two of us.


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Newest gifts
Elysian 3 Years ago
Gojirath 3 Years ago
gloomurai 3 Years ago
RaRaRasputin 3 Years ago

Game Records

Trainer ID: #373118505
Registration: 05/09/2021 (3 Years ago)
Time Played: 12:39 Hours
Total interactions: 1,064
Money: 33,781
Starter Pokémon: Typhlosion


On the very first look at this site, the first testing of the waters, it's charming. Though seemingly small and slow-paced, it includes otherwise investing ideas. And while I'm no expert on either Pokemon or the site, the forums nearly instantly drew me in. At the first look, the first dip of my toes into the water, if you will, I realized that my time would most likely be spent there.
3 Years ago


Last Action
Reading the news (3 Years ago)

Last Visitors

ImmortesWed, 16/Feb/2022, 01:37
PenguinPowerfulFri, 05/Nov/2021, 11:41
partizanovacSat, 30/Oct/2021, 19:08
RaRaRasputinSat, 23/Oct/2021, 01:09
dariuslaurentiuFri, 22/Oct/2021, 13:57

Badge Showcase

Set #1
Set #2
Set #3
Set #4


VanishingPanzer hasn't collected any medals so far.