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Trainerlevel: 26

Trainerpoints: 1,461/2,053


Pkmn Name Level EXP/EHP
Golbat292,411 / 2,611
Octillery291,595 / 2,611
Luxio281,279 / 2,169
Croagunk332,705 / 3,367
Noctowl27578 / 2,269

About Me

Artwork by myself (ToxicCreed)
Ace | She/Her Pronouns | 33 Years Old | Introvert | Married

Birthday: October 5th

EDT/EST - Four hours behind server time
I'm generally on a lot of adoption sites as you can see from my Contacts list. Generally a very shy person and I may be slow to respond from time to time. Usually easy to get along with and pretty outgoing despite being very shy and introverted.

Favorite Pokemon

I have way too many to list honestly, these are just some

My Pokemon Type

Grom Hoarder of Plushies

Artwork by Myself (ToxicCreed)


View collection || View gift log

Newest gifts
Absbor 4 Years ago
Bakugan258 4 Years ago
loupblanc 4 Years ago
Historian 4 Years ago

Badge Showcase

Set #1
Set #2
Set #3
Set #4

Adoption center

Name: Castiel
Adopt one yourself! @Pokémon Orphanage

Name: Orochi
Adopt one yourself! @Pokémon Orphanage

Name: Mana
Adopt one yourself! @Pokémon Orphanage

Game Records

Trainer ID: #428003902
Registration: 18/09/2020 (4 Years ago)
Time Played: 81:46 Hours
Total interactions: 127,626
Money: 685,862
Starter Pokémon: Charizard


I colored the feesh! I couldn't decide on a BG for it so I basically did both >.>
4 Years ago
Iz a Dracovishhhhhhhh No scanner so trying to do decent enough photos for the time being.
4 Years ago
New VS Old
Redrew an old LoZ OC of mine. Pebbles the Goron. Mixed feelings on it really. I like the face most of the new one but I prefer the body shape I got with the original.
4 Years ago
Finally drew something It's been awhile, sorry for being dead lol holidays are not fun. Might not be active fully until New Years
4 Years ago
Okay, if people want a recommendation for a Pokemon Like game to get that's on Steam and Switch. I cannot recommend Nexomon: Extinction enough. It's so good and I love it so much. They are planning to put in a customization area where you can tailor the game to be as easy or difficult as you want even including Nuzlocke settings as well! I highly recommend checking it out if you can!
4 Years ago
Oh no... they added Applin as a Plushie to the DW Shop... I NEED LIKE A MILLION OF THEM *SOBS*
4 Years ago
Okay this is an interesting thing >.> Saw someone make a video about it and now I'm fiddling with it XD
4 Years ago
When you buy that 900DP Shiny 'zard plushie and see you didn't do the gift a plushie daily XD I made 1DP back WOOT LOL
4 Years ago
Also have to share because I've been playing Nexomon Extinction, I caught a 'shiny' or what is known as a Cosmic without even knowing it ;o; It's so cute! What it should look like mine is green with a purple shell and has a super cool orange-gold border around it ;v;
4 Years ago
Current list of fusions I'm going to be doing once I get a proper desk now >A< it's hard to draw with my current setup (my back hates me otl) Feel free to keep suggesting more! I love these and love drawing them ^^

Eternatus/Nihilego (Redrawing, last version I didn't like and got lost in the move)
Grovyle/Skarmory/Thievul Fusion
Chandelure/Banette Fusion
Lycanroc (Midday or Dusk)/Solgaleo (Legs for days... it'll be fun)
4 Years ago
So going to throw out there for some suggestions for Pokemon Fusions/Hybrids again! If you want examples of what I have drawn you can take a peek over at ToxicsPkmnArt on twitter!

Looking for suggestions like a Fusion of 2 Pokemon, 3+ Pokemon (like my Zorua/Rockruff/Falinks/Exeggcute) or even Type changes (like Styx my Ghost/Normal Tauros or Demise my Fire Type Deino)

Leave a comment and I'll see about drawing one once I can :D

Current List:
Grovyle/Skarmory/Thievul Fusion
4 Years ago
So I picked up a new game on the Switch (It's also on Steam) and it's basically a Pokemon styled game but... I just caught this amazing Wind Baby and I'm in love. The game is so fun and cute to! Plus... NINE STARTERS! I'm so glad I could get them in the wild because it was so hard to pick *SOBS*
4 Years ago
Interaction Exchange ^.^ <3's for exchange!
4 Years ago
So going to throw out there for some suggestions for Pokemon Fusions/Hybrids again! If you want examples of what I have drawn you can take a peek over at ToxicsPkmnArt on twitter!

Looking for suggestions like a Fusion of 2 Pokemon, 3+ Pokemon (like my Zorua/Rockruff/Falinks/Exeggcute) or even Type changes (like Styx my Ghost/Normal Tauros or Demise my Fire Type Deino)

Leave a comment and I'll see about drawing one once I can :D
4 Years ago
Grabbed a second Retro Bulba egg and Retro Squirtle for dex :3 Clicks anyone?
4 Years ago
Quick interaction exchange before rollover :O
4 Years ago
Raikou egggggggggg <3 Interaction exchange anyone :D
4 Years ago
Nice got my Male and Female of the new event Onix :D Now... how do I evolve it *SOBS* I need that epic Steelix!
4 Years ago
Swapped over to Styx for awhile for my current Avatar :3
4 Years ago
Should I change my Avatar from Gar'alek my Pinkan Druddigon to Styx my Ghost Type Tauros :3
4 Years ago


Last Action
Visiting the Auction House (1 Year ago)

Last Visitors

ChomieThu, 12/Dec/2024, 03:27
RiodiseFri, 11/Aug/2023, 07:56
~GayGirl~Sun, 19/Feb/2023, 16:00
NekoScrubFri, 30/Dec/2022, 22:12
amaikonekoFri, 11/Nov/2022, 21:51


Demise the Fire Type Deino

Artwork by Myself (ToxicCreed)
The other Hoard of Plushies

Favorites and Showcase


ToxicCreed hasn't collected any medals so far.