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Trainerlevel: 40

Trainerpoints: 1,433/4,839


Pkmn Name Level EXP/EHP
Pumplin10817,333 / 21,190
Orryrm159586 / 45,793
(Mega Lucario)
550495,111 / 1,074,566
243150,276 / 177,877
65117 / 12,871

About Me

Currently Inactive

|| Loup || 17 || She/Her ||


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~Reading/Writing novels or fanfictions
~Listening to music
~Playing random games
~Reading the entire Pokedex and everything in it for the nth time (probably memorized the whole thing but eh)


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~English (American, British, Australian)
~Tagalog & Bisaya (ofc, I'm Filipino)
~Chinese (just simple Mandarin, I can't bring up a conversation much)
~Japanese (conversational)
~Korean (on my way to fluency)
~Spanish (I can't believe I initially forgot about this)
~French (spare me the pronunciation sometimes)
~German (weaker than my French)
~Latin (idk why I even tried learning but I did)

Favorite Pokemon:
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L u c a r i o

Lucario, the Aura Pokémon and the evolved form of Riolu. Lucario reads the thoughts of others and anticipates their movements by sensing their auras.

My special hooman:
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C l i c k !
We're engaged! uwu

Random facts about me:
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~I sleep from morning to afternoon
~I belong to too many fandoms lmao
~I'm short lol (5'3)

Well, I guess that's about all :D
Thanks for the visit!

|| Feel free to add or palpad me if you have any questions or requests in which you think I could help with! ||

Due to online classes going on, I might not be available all the time >.< Gomen~

~ • Plushies • ~

• • • CollectionGift Log • • •

Also, I'm buying plushies that I'm missing for the price of 1dp=10pd. If you don't palpad me before sending a plushie, I'll consider it as a gift ^_^


Game Records

Trainer ID: #638708719
Registration: 18/06/2020 (4 Years ago)
Time Played: 394:57 Hours
Total interactions: 1,223,604
Money: 42,891
Starter Pokémon: Giga Charizard


By PokéRadar - 54 Minutes and 23 Seconds ago.
Congratulations! A shiny Weedle hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #33)! Your PokéRadar reset and needs new batteries.

Okay, I did not expect this hunt to end so quick... And before my mega-able, too! T^T
4 Years ago
A few minutes after finishing a commissioned Twitch banner for a friend and receiving the payment, he sent me a message saying his dad, the current owner of a family-owned commercial company, wants to hire me. Of course, I took up the offer and had a call with his dad and hopefully I'll be starting out next year.
4 Years ago
I've been having so many Celebi encounters recently it's strange
4 Years ago
At least one more shiny please qwq I haven't had one since chain#122 and my premium expires in a few hours (my previous calculation turned out wrong)
4 Years ago
Interviewing someone is always one of the hardest tasks I could get in school. I'm extremely asocial and I have very few friends who unfortunately also don't qualify for the requirements needed to be an interviewee.

Then here's my teacher, asking us to interview at least one person from the following categories: teacher, college student, grade 11 student, grade 12 student, and a family member. Worst part? We have to record our Zoom call.
4 Years ago
It would be fun to have a joint project with y'all writers and artists out there. Like some people will work on the storyline, some with the character designs, and such!
4 Years ago
Looks like someone "forgot" to pay the electricity bills for fIVE MONTHS :'))
4 Years ago
#TenFacts (Share this and 10 facts about you!)
1. Favorite Anime- Haikyu! & Pokemon
2. Favorite Show- Stranger Things
3. Favorite Color- Black/Grey/Light Blue/White (tie :')) )
4. Favorite Food- Anything chicken
5. Favorite Activity- Dancing
6. Favorite Animal: Wolves
7. Favorite Soda/Other Drink: Coffee ftw :')) (I don't like sodas)
8. Favorite Song: Bang Chan - Don't Want to Acknowledge
9. Favorite Book: Literally any fantasy or mystery novel
10. Favorite Dessert: Blueberry cheesecake
4 Years ago
4th Honeytree shiny!

My shiny luck for the last 24 hours has been great!
4 Years ago
Congratulations! A shiny Grubbin hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #97)!
Congratulations! A shiny Grubbin hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #101)!

Thanks ph for giving me 2 shinies on my last premium day! T^T
4 Years ago
By PokéRadar - 43 Seconds ago.
Congratulations! A shiny Grubbin hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #26)!

4 Years ago
Your Gem Cauldron has finished boiling!

... But what is that!! Instead of the expected result, your cauldron produced a Mystery Box (Black)!

1x Mystery Box (Black) obtained!

I wanted my Mega Stone QwQ
4 Years ago
I was just about to say that my premium account hasn't been helping much with my hunt until the first shiny Treecko hatched :>
4 Years ago
Congratulations to Glow Squid for getting the most votes and winning the next mob slot!
4 Years ago
Chain #110 and not a single mega-able. Guess I ran out of mega luck :<
4 Years ago

So, many of you may know the reason for this and I'm glad the dude deleted his feed about it, though still, the topic wouldn't be over that easily. I'm glad the PH community was quick on the uptake. I'm considerably new to this site and I love how the community is very sensitive against sexism and the like.

Listen, if any of you ever feel harassed or are reasonably creeped out by someone, report that person. Whether it be in your real lives out of ph or any online community, it's best to stay safe. Also, don't let stupid competitions like that (judging based on appearance) ruin your self-esteem. You are special, you are loved, you are unique, you are beautiful, and you are YOU. Stay safe, y'all, and have a good day!

4 Years ago
So my favorite Japanese song won the first Magearna OS. Neat.
4 Years ago
Those nuggets ;-;

I was literally staring at the notification before switching to another tab. A few minutes later, I realized what it was and welp.. gone.
4 Years ago

Shiny Hunt

loupblanc is currently hunting Weedle.
Hunt started: 18/12/2020

Chain: 81
0 0 0


View collection || View gift log

Newest gifts
Level-X 4 Years ago
Aiizen 4 Years ago
PastryQueen 4 Years ago
Homework_sis 4 Years ago


Last Visitors

~razpberryFri, 16/Aug/2024, 03:31
lilluneThu, 08/Aug/2024, 20:57
Melani~Fri, 09/Jun/2023, 10:14
AiizenWed, 11/Jan/2023, 10:35
andrea~Sat, 19/Nov/2022, 00:20

Badge Showcase

Set #1
Set #2
Set #3
Set #4