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Trainerlevel: 42

Trainerpoints: 442/5,333


Pkmn Name Level EXP/EHP
Sneasel (Hisuian)403,666 / 4,790

shiny pokemon hunting list

dratini and line, growlithe/arcanine [both forms], murkrow/honchrow, scyther and line, vulpix/ninetales [both forms], eevee evos, gible and line, and others


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Newest gifts
Bayleef 1 Year ago
Elysian 1 Year ago
Elysian 1 Year ago
TremorzGG 1 Year ago


ThiefsShadowWolf hasn't collected any medals so far.

Game Records

Trainer ID: #108807878
Registration: 21/07/2016 (8 Years ago)
Game Time: 602:05 Hours
Total interactions: 753,994
Money: 287,551
Starter Pokémon: Typhlosion


daycare is slow today
1 Year ago
Interactions made 955
Interactions received 57

really...... that many and i only have 13 hearts for it.....?
1 Year ago
Hey, ThiefsShadowWolf!

How is my Magikarp doing? ... ... Oh, it's currently on Level 29, I see.
Well, according to some friends of mine, Prof. Oak's Magikarp is on Level 88, so you have to work even harder! But I'm sure you can do it.

Remember that I'll reclaim my Pokémon this Sunday at 8AM. Its level has to be higher than Prof. Oak's Pokémon by then.
Please keep it in your Party or in one of your Storage Boxes in the meantime.

i think he is cheating.......been doing a lot of interactions and it only goes up a couple levels a day.....
1 Year ago
Hey, ThiefsShadowWolf!

How is my Magikarp doing? ... ... Oh, it's currently on Level 20, I see.
Well, according to some friends of mine, Prof. Oak's Magikarp is on Level 67, so you have to work even harder! But I'm sure you can do it.

Remember that I'll reclaim my Pokémon this Sunday at 8AM. Its level has to be higher than Prof. Oak's Pokémon by then.
Please keep it in your Party or in one of your Storage Boxes in the meantime.
1 Year ago

Shiny Hunt

ThiefsShadowWolf is currently hunting Sneasel (Hisuian).
Hunt started: 31/01/2023

Chain: 11

Badge Showcase

Set #1
Set #2
Set #3
Set #4

Last Visitors

CsoxiWed, 26/Jun/2024, 11:06
Ichigo313Thu, 23/May/2024, 21:52
ShiroTempestTue, 26/Mar/2024, 21:29
Lorry14Thu, 30/Nov/2023, 13:55
ShadowLunarWolfSun, 10/Sep/2023, 03:19


Last Action
Viewing a Userprofile (1 Year ago)