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Water Weather Castform Don't have an account yet? Register now!
Trainerlevel: 98

Trainerpoints: 16,435/28,909


Pkmn Name Level EXP/EHP
Beedrill665,632 / 13,267
Beedrill664,170 / 13,267
Beedrill665,343 / 13,267
Beedrill669,378 / 13,267
Beedrill6511,269 / 12,871
Beedrill669,351 / 13,267

Shiny Hunt

TremorzGG is currently hunting Weedle.
Hunt started: 19/04/2024

Chain: 1,085
25 32 0


View collection || View gift log

Newest gifts
Qiaokeli 25 Days ago
Qiaokeli 25 Days ago
Qiaokeli 25 Days ago
Qiaokeli 25 Days ago

Badge Showcase

Set #1
Set #2
Set #3
Set #4

Game Records

Trainer ID: #572197701
Registration: 20/01/2019 (5 Years ago)
Game Time: 3183:13 Hours
Total interactions: 6,077,605
Money: 155,495
Starter Pokémon: Torterra


Buying Poison Gems 500pd a pop feel free to set up a PT
3 Months ago
I love seeing an account created 14 days ago with astronomically great stats 😂 like dang musta had a great teacher fr.
5 Months ago
7 Months ago
Cant complain with a 5 Gold Star Event Mon
8 Months ago
Accidentally broke my groudon chain. Done with myself 😭😭😭
8 Months ago
Shiny Mega Swampert Lets go baby!!!!
9 Months ago
Comment down below what you put you were afraid of so everyone can benefit :)
9 Months ago
6iv Mega Able Mudkip to start the morning 😂💙
9 Months ago
By PokéRadar - 11 Minutes and 25 Seconds ago.
Congratulations! A Shiny Mega Pinsir hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #91)!
10 Months ago
There should be an (Accept) (Reject) and (Read the post again) option on all gts offers imo.
10 Months ago
10 Months ago
Shaymin Log:
11 Months ago
11 Months ago
100% am loving this new update Rip 188 Million Spent in the item market xD
11 Months ago
Has the new Legend Item been announced or is it a guessing game? Like should I save my mystery itemz?
11 Months ago
Nice 6 Gold Star start to the day :o
1 Year ago
Dang been a while since ive gotten a lab Kuno
1 Year ago
Everyone out here getting early shiny legends and im here with 2 eggs every 8 hours 😂😭
1 Year ago
I have come to the conclusion that you cannot enjoy the honey tree and have a job at the same time 😂😂
1 Year ago
The Shadow Ditto has been caught successfully! Wow been a good day already
1 Year ago

Highest of the sorts!

Highest Pokeradar Chain: 4,544
Shortest Pokeradar Chain: 2
Shiny Mega Hatched this Year: 16
Most Eggs Hatched in 1 Day: 1209
Puzzle Pieces: 472/500
6 Gold Star Mons Hatched: 4
Highest Shadow Chain: 187
Lowest Shadow Chain: 2
Uxie Counter: 3/50
Mesprit Counter: 1/50
Azelf Counter: 3/50
Hoopa Counter: 10/50
Terrakion Counter: 6/50
Ditto Counter: 3
Lab Shinies: 5
The love of my Life
Super Honey 🍯 Payout (99,000/1,250,000)


Last Visitors

Orca~Thu, 25/Jul/2024, 18:07
socksThu, 25/Jul/2024, 16:48
SainagurlWed, 17/Jul/2024, 14:56
SwampertIsCoolWed, 17/Jul/2024, 02:37
GalvadyneTue, 09/Jul/2024, 15:54
