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Trainerlevel: 11

Trainerpoints: 162/373


Pkmn Name Level EXP/EHP
Samurott8811,441 / 25,641
Samurott9020,123 / 26,870
Samurott8814,703 / 25,641
Samurott861,617 / 24,441
Samurott8520,926 / 23,852
Samurott874,691 / 25,038

About Me

I am a scientist! >:D

Okay an assistant but still. :3

I love Skitty! :D Such a cute cat! *squeals*

I am usually happy but sad things make me cry. :'(

I love cats and dogs! Also people. :D

Love you all! <3


View collection || View gift log

Newest gifts
Corii 8 Years ago
TheMadScientist 9 Years ago
Squirtle002 9 Years ago
TheMadScientist 9 Years ago

Shiny Hunt

StarShineAssistant is currently hunting Oshawott.
Hunt started: 08/01/2016

Chain: 33

Badge Showcase

Set #1
Set #2
Set #3
Set #4


StarShineAssistant hasn't collected any medals so far.

Game Records

Trainer ID: #914842976
Registration: 30/10/2015 (9 Years ago)
Time Played: 13:13 Hours
Total interactions: 3,880
Money: 8,627
Starter Pokémon: Swampert



Oh no! ;-;

This is such a terrible way to return! <'3


I will miss you. :'(
8 Years ago
I am back!
8 Years ago
Otomra! I challenge you! Your Samurott vs my Swampert! Auto level 1000. If I win you'll get back with me!
9 Years ago
Otomra. Please take me back.
9 Years ago
I am leaving pokeheroes and I have broke up with *TheMadScientist* Bye guys.
9 Years ago

{Sees he didn't take out the trash while I was at school}

Me: Apologize!

Otomra: I'm sorry.

Me: For?

Otomra: Whatever I did wrong.

Me: You owe me chocolate.

Otomra: Yes ma'am.

Me: You owe me flowers.

Otomra: What did I do?

Me: You owe me tea and book while you do dishes.

Otomra: Okay.
9 Years ago
9 Years ago
New avatar.
9 Years ago
Otomra wants me to breed him an Oshawott army, in return, he'll breed me a Skitty army.
9 Years ago
Otomra is now *TheMadScientist* so I Llebanna am now *TheMadAssistant*
9 Years ago
Hurray! I was excited about being another older but *TheMadScientist* accidentally ruined it. XD Oh well.
9 Years ago
He is a very skilled swordsman however he has two mental handicaps which make it a little hard for him. If you disarm him, he'll climb the nearest object and wait for you come at him, then he'll jump over you towards his swords. If he uses one sword he only plays defense. however if he gets a seconds sword he wins.
9 Years ago
December 24th.
It was sad for me until Otomra came.
9 Years ago
He claims to be six feet tall and weigh only one hundred seventy pounds, but he is actually five foot eleven and three quarters of an inch and he weighs one hundred ninety seven pounds. He claims to be weak but he can carry three hundred pounds with ease.
9 Years ago
Here is some facts you probably didn't know about *TheMadScientist*
1] He acts unassuming, but really has a file on most people at least eight pages thick.
2] He often tells people he cn't dance, but he can.
3] His favorite DC hero is either Bat-Man or The Question.
4] His favorite Marvel hero is Captain America.
9 Years ago
And there Otomra stood looking tired. I guess babysitting his cousins got the best of him. He slept all weekend.
9 Years ago
Random man: Hey I saw you in my store. Two months ago. Otomra Cinimod correct?
Otomra: Yes. Why?
Man: You were screaming about a time machine, and you bought some nails.
Me: You are weird Otomra.
Otomra: No! I am a time traveler!
9 Years ago
Happy Halloween to everyone on here. I am sorry if you do not celebrate it and I offended you.
9 Years ago
Today was good. I got a Skitty and a Butterfree. I also got seven badges. {I don't know how or why} I have gotten an explore bag and mostly importantly many friends.
Sorry for the rant. Good night.
9 Years ago
So Otomra told me post this.
Hello. My name is Adnamra-Llebanna {Ad-nah-m-rah leb-ah-nah}
I am a very shy and I happen to like animals a lot. Usually I am helping Otomra on some farfethced experiment.
9 Years ago


Last Action
Reading the news (8 Years ago)

Last Visitors

sprigatitoWed, 11/Sep/2019, 01:09
TheBandedFlameFri, 27/Apr/2018, 01:18
TheMadScientistSun, 25/Mar/2018, 17:47
Mega_SeptileFri, 02/Dec/2016, 04:10
MimiSun, 20/Nov/2016, 01:54