got nickel sized hail,but we're ok

this shiny hunt has become so boring since there's hardly any eggs
in the daycare,1 egg in the tall grass and not enough fairy gems
and my patience is at 0,this was more fun when there were eggs in
the tall grass so I didn't have to wait for days on the slow

we're supposed to get dangerous storms again like a couple of weeks

found 2 shinies on pokemon go today,of course I find shinies when
I'm almost out of every pokeballs

why won't the paint program open???!! =.= I SAID OPEN SEVERAL
TIMES,forget it l don't want to draw anymore...

read 3 hours of a bluey fanfic last night only to hate it after 14
chapters.....I don't get why writers like to ruin their own stories
at times....I'm disappointed since I was enjoying it so far :s

acid reflux bothering me when I'm trying to sleep x.x

it's bad enough that the diglett and wingull mini games won't work
properly on computers,it's even worse on phones 😡

I'm confused why pokemon go is letting so many pokemon spawn near
me,I'm used to getting 1 or 3 spawns per day or through out the
day,where did 9 to 15 of these spawns come from? O_O can I please
have these spawns all the time? XD

I hate that there's no eggs in the tall grass,the daycare hates me

I hate stomach pain when trying to sleep

I feel way too inactive on here these days,but with my computer and
internet issues,it made me more frustrated to play,internet is
always slow,or the internet disconnects 20 times a day,or anything
else,so even if I do interact on here I would just feel like I'm
not doing as much as I wanna do

wow,I actually found my way out of the maze for once,it would be so
much easier with a map though so I know where I've been

I found an egg in the maze while being lost XD

I don't like doing the maze,I always get lost and I give up on

no eggs in the tall grass =.=

I don't know how my computer corrupted my paint save file TWICE,but
I made 9 save files out of anger

fire truck just sitting by the road next to our house while all the
other 3 left

I miss roleplaying,my ideas just rot....