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Trainerlevel: 27

Trainerpoints: 1,690/2,213


Pkmn Name Level EXP/EHP
Smoochum (Retro)574,608 / 9,919
Heracross391,631 / 5,851

Goal to 1m pd


I predict that we reach 10 Billion total interactions on May 21, 2024.

Remind me of this feed in two years

I put it here so that I can remember it in my profile


View collection || View gift log

Newest gifts
ShinyZeraora_Marshadow 1 Year ago
Altreo 2 Years ago
Altreo 2 Years ago
Nika~ 2 Years ago


ShinyZeraora_Marshadow hasn't collected any medals so far.

Badge Showcase

Set #1
Set #2
Set #3
Set #4


Last Action
Reading the news (1 Year ago)

Game Records

Trainer ID: #922004375
Registration: 18/03/2022 (3 Years ago)
Time Played: 173:17 Hours
Total interactions: 258,172
Money: 791,618
Starter Pokémon: Blaziken


Guys how do I get the last rod in emera beach? Ty
1 Year ago
By ShinxThunderFangCrunch - 1 Day and 18 Hours ago.
Time to set up my birthday giveaway...
Share from the hashtag down, and like the original feed to enter! Ends when my birthday (December 6) does OS. Winner will be chosen via random.org, you WILL NOT be shown proof as if you think you're entitled to seeing the results then you don't have to enter.
1st place: 1 Shiny Skarigami with golden star(s), 1 MA Skarigami with golden star(s), 300k PD, 4k Nuggets
2nd place: 1 Shiny Skarigami with golden star(s), 1 MA Skarigami with golden star(s), 150k PD
3rd place: 1 Shiny Skarigami with golden star(s), 1 MA Skarigami with golden star(s)
1 Year ago
Guys help Benjamin pls
1 Year ago
guys help Benjamin
1 Year ago
Guys help Benjamin to surpass oak's. Ty
1 Year ago
#JacobQuest You fed Jacob a Cornn Berry!

The Pokémon raised by 3,712 Exp. Points.
1 Year ago
Guys what is rowans quest? How do I start it?
1 Year ago
Interaction exchange guys?
1 Year ago
Hey ShinyZeraora_Marshadow, want to hear a short story?
A few days ago, I went to the Emera Mall because I wanted to buy some berries, when suddenly this strong earthquake erupted!
I was a bit scared at first, but then I ran out of the building to see what was happening. I saw this gigantic Pokémon in the distance - it was red and had dark stripes on its back. I've never seen such a Pokémon before!
Unfortunately it was too far away and I couldn't see any details, but I'm sure it's not gone for ever. Though I've heard people talking about it, they said this Pokémon lives in a deep cave that is completely filled with boiling lava!!
They might exaggerate a bit, but I'd really like to find out more about this mysterious species.
1 Year ago
Hi could someone send or tell me the perfect pokemon for all the normal map the one you will already get. I'll check this later cause I gotta go to school see ya
2 Years ago
Can someone tell me how many pd mega giratina is?
2 Years ago
Hola everyone I'm back I haven't played this game for years or months I have miss so much event
2 Years ago
By Domodoco - 3 Days and 7 Hours ago.
#StealOrSplit Trying a new type of giveaway so feedback is welcome! 2 lucky people will be chosen to win a total of 100kPD!! They will both have the decision to walk away with an equal 50k or take it all for themselves, then they each PP/PM me, saying either “Steal” or “Split”. If they both choose to “Steal” a 3rd winner will be given 100k automatically. (Heart this for 1 entry, share for another)
2 Years ago
By OneBow

Congratulations! A shiny (mega!!!) Houndour hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #2610)!
This was absolutely unexpected and I was just about to put this guy into my shiny box when I realised he... isn't just a shiny... Did I scream out loud? Absolutely.
Will there be another giveaway held? Absolutely.
There is already a giveaway running 'til September 12th under the hashtag #TheLastHoundour, and this one will end on the same date. Share this hashtag and like this post and you might win your own Shiny Mega Houndoom, him!

Thank you for being with me through this journey, that paid off at the very end.
2 Years ago
#Lucky_777 hope I win
2 Years ago
By DarkerNull - 5 Days and 14 Hours ago.
Uhhh... so guys actually It is hard for Me to say goodbye to this game , as I have to study a lot for my future making exam which is in 2024 , it is one of toughest exams in my country, so yeh I have to leave this game , it was not just a game but it became an emotion to me , it was my favourite, so I am giving away all my expensive stuff ,if I get time I will definitely come to check out my friends
So the Rewards are ~
1)SM Zoroark , 4 mega stones , 1 azure flute
2)SM Charizard Y , all 5 solar spheres , 1 resolute stone
3)SM Pigiot , 1 peat block , 500 nuggets
4)5 Legendary Maps , 300 nuggets
5)30 Dragon gems , 200 nuggets
Note: all 5 winners will get 1 mil PD and a shiny plushie of their choice (under 800)
Some Requirements ~
1) Set your profile picture to Mine (Null)
2) Share this hashtag #LastGiveawayOfNull
3) Enioy ^_^
So that's all I got in these 3 months guys , I know I made a lot of progress so early guys I hope we meet after 2~3 years ,
2 Years ago
Don't worry guys I will not stop playing I just got distracted
2 Years ago
By Kakashi_Sensei
Hello! Once again I have decided to host another BIG Giveaway!

To start off with I woulf like to give a big thank you to Stormy for helping plan and gather the items used in this giveaway and quite frankly it wouldn't have happened without her.

So how this will work is a first come first pick basis meaning the person in first place will get to CHOOSE what prize they want and second place gets to choose next and so on till the person in 5th place where they get whats left.

Here are the 5 prizes you could possibly win!

3 Million PokeDollars!

1,000 Nuggets!

10 of each mystery pair (Excluding Black Mystery Pairs)!

100 of each gem (Excluding Dragon Gems)!

SM Gyarados and SM Frosmoth!

Heres how to enter!

Simply just Share the #IHaveNoIdeaGiveaway and like the original feed to have a chance of winning these awesome prizes!

This giveaway will end on the 20th of August (One week from now)

Good luck everyone!

2 Years ago
#backtoschool me too I'm going back to school in 22
2 Years ago
#summerluck number 79
2 Years ago

Planned hunt:
SM riolu/Lucario (in future probably when have premium)
A shiny legend (in future)

Get my starter a perfect wife (✓)
Get a shiny legend (0/5)
Get the magik rod
Get a shiny mega Mewtwo x
Complete all gen Pokedex(not done)
Have 1m pd

That's all bye


Last Visitors

ShatteredDiamondMon, 27/Jan/2025, 03:47
-nationaldex-Wed, 11/Dec/2024, 08:25
That_One_Kid-_-Mon, 01/Jul/2024, 00:23
bellaRoseThu, 27/Jun/2024, 07:42
HyperBeamFri, 16/Feb/2024, 14:54