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Trainerlevel: 69

Trainerpoints: 3,312/14,351


Pkmn Name Level EXP/EHP
Golbat661,431 / 13,267
Vanilluxe543,302 / 11,139
Woobat6512,273 / 12,871
Wobbuffet6411,517 / 12,481
Butterfree697,114 / 14,491
Talonflame7014,330 / 15,878

Behind every mon is the name
of that Epic Friend
who made a huge difference
to my PH journey

Special thanks to
Kimie for the art ^^

The death of a loved one. For those that remain, the wounds grow deeper and deeper...
They that remain grow weaker and weaker, an agony incomparable, their hearts in bondage.

Lenneth : Valkyrie Profile

Game Records

Trainer ID: #271833004
Registration: 09/06/2022 (2 Years ago)
Time Played: 2739:12 Hours
Total interactions: 6,336,349
Money: 368,412
Starter Pokémon: Swampert


1,500 short on 2nd shiny mew plush 😱
8 Months ago
I'm not really planning to but... Let's play that flute 🎶
8 Months ago
Sent some Xerneas plushies on random, no need to return them 😁
8 Months ago
Oooh new paldean research.

To grind or not to grind, that is the question 😂
8 Months ago
10th anniversary yesterday and my bday tomorrow. I don't know where I'm getting the energy for the latter 😂

Anyway, less time again cause I need to prepare. Hope that everyone is having a good day (or night) 😘
8 Months ago
Even an interaction event mon appear atleast once a day but I don't get why this vinyl piece is playing so hard to get 😡

I'm bored, later PH
9 Months ago
Finally made 6 Berries reached more than level 80 simultaneously and too tempted to use level mulch... But it's too expensive and I'm broke right now. Let's just plant them normally 😆
9 Months ago
Is there still a shop that sell mons for dex completion? Ngl, I'm kinda missing ASFlakes right now 😆
9 Months ago
Got lucky and won 21k on a lottery scratch card, around 350usd 😆
9 Months ago
Finally got that pride egg err... It's fully hatched and level 50 in an instant? What, how?!
9 Months ago
Still having internet problems, hope to get at least one Vivillon 😢
9 Months ago

The legendary Moon Pokémon Cresselia is now up for grab.

Starting bid is 5k nuggets and anyone interested could PP me their bid.

I will be announcing the current best bid in the comments no names ofc .

Bear with me if I can't post asap cause I'm having a little trouble with my WiFi but alas, let the bidding begin and best of luck everyone 🍀
9 Months ago
Internet problems, can't play much 😭
9 Months ago
New event soon, no sleeping early again today 😆
9 Months ago
You've been a member on PokéHeroes for more than 2 Years now!

2 years already? Seems just like yesterday
9 Months ago
Shiny Torcharch now up for bidding. Might set up a nugget option soon too 😉
9 Months ago
Was trying hard to sleep early when I stumbled upon this song. A tear dropped and I feel a bit lighter 😊
9 Months ago

That's 10mpd mate!! Gojirath is giving away tons of PD, join now while theres time 😁
9 Months ago
I'm selling a few shiny mons here if anyone's interested running out of funds😆
9 Months ago
Latest news!!

Nuggets having another price hike?!

A little advice, selling nuggets lower not only helps the community but you too (you'll sell it faster if you're in need of quick PD)

Just saying 🤣
9 Months ago


View collection || View gift log

Newest gifts
Akuseru 8 Months ago
Akuseru 8 Months ago
AllyBear 8 Months ago
TomatoSoup 8 Months ago

In the loving memory of my bestfriend

Let us not forget the people we spent our time with. Those people who chose to stay and those who went forward.

Some memories may tear you up but they would always warm you up inside.

Badge Showcase

Set #1
Set #2
Set #3
Set #4


Last Visitors

GOTOMon, 24/Mar/2025, 00:56
ShatteredDiamondSun, 23/Mar/2025, 02:28
Pearl~Sat, 22/Mar/2025, 09:00
Ai-HoshinoSun, 16/Mar/2025, 15:38
eisnerTue, 11/Mar/2025, 18:33