going to german language camp tomorrow, goodbye for 3 weeks
It's over, i can't believe it... best show on earth
20 minutes into Felina, shit's going to go down!!!!!!!!!!
I just watched Ozymandias, i haven't cried this much over someone
since Fred Weasly died
Today's my Birthday!!! :)
Changed my avatar to Shelob!
Put an egg in the Egg Storage! Let's see what happens!
Apparently, there are inkay on Pokeheroes. Does anyone know how to
get them or have one up for sale or trade?
Is this normal? A bug? A rare occurrence? (This is the second time
it has happened!): http://prntscr.com/3rtnle
I just went to Prof. ROwans LAb, and instead of a normal Ditto;
there was a Shiny Ditto!!!
You push the dark blue key carefully into the hole, turn it twice
to the left and... cccrrk!! The mystery box opens and you look
curious in it... 1x Terra Cave (Map) found! The key breaks and
becomes useless.
I'm going away in two hours for a 3 day hike, and now my daycare
couple decides to breed 14 eggs!!!
Every time I get three cherries on legend mode, I always get less
than 600 game chips!
Scatterbug => Absol Tepig => Shuppet Catercream => Ponyta
Owner of 2 of the first 12 Scatterbugs on this awesome site!
I finally broke and made myself a cat avatar like everyone else! Do
you like it?
Scatterbug EGGS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!¨
Just put Scattercube and Catercream in the daycare together; lets
see how this works!