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Trainerlevel: 31

Trainerpoints: 816/2,913


Pkmn Name Level EXP/EHP
Zeraora8220,122 / 25,524
Dragonite10117,882 / 38,634
Dragonite1055,028 / 41,739
Dragonite10731,627 / 43,336
Dragonite10818,145 / 44,146
Dragonite11033,651 / 45,789

Shiny Hunt

SharyLure is currently hunting Dratini.
Hunt started: 01/03/2020

Chain: 221


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Newest gifts
sofyrose 4 Years ago
Sabbiee-V 4 Years ago
Azteca 5 Years ago
Kozilek 5 Years ago

Game Records

Trainer ID: #677170081
Registration: 23/02/2020 (5 Years ago)
Time Played: 83:05 Hours
Total interactions: 803,916
Money: 647,283
Starter Pokémon: Swampert


5 Years ago
By ShinyMegaHunter - 42 Seconds ago. Alright, I'll do something now. I'll just try it. It's time for my first give-away. What are the prizes? I'm glad you asked!

I'm giving away 20 Dragon Gems each to five lucky users! What do you have to do to participate? Easy.

First: heart this original post.
Second: send me a Snom Plushie. Multiples won't give you better chances - this is also to prevent y'all spamming my feed and users with more DP to spare being at a too great advantage.
Optional: share this post.
Also optional: share the Hashtag #GemSnommer - but the more the merrier, and the higher the likelyhood I will repeat this.

This giveaway ends on Wednesday, 18th of March, at midday server time.
5 Years ago
Hey, everybody! Look, Spring is almost here! And so is my BIRTHDAY!

To help celebrate both days, since they're technically the same day, I'm starting a new giveaway!

Just heart this, comment something special about your birthday, and share the WHOLE post, along with the hashtag #SpringBaby in order to enter.

1st place wins a SHINY SURPRISE!

2nd place wins a MEGA-ABLE SURPRISE!

3rd place wins an EVENT SURPRISE!

I'll see you all on March 21st, the first day of Spring, and my birthday
5 Years ago
5 Years ago

By ShadeUmbreon - 7 Hours and 44 Minutes ago.
Since I feel like it
I'm doing a giveaway
1st: Lugia Egg Voucher, 5k pd, and the pokemon that holds the voucher...

2nd: 2.5k Pd

3rd: 1k pd
How to enter:
Share #EliteGems
Like the Original Post
And you got 1 ticket to enter
How to get a higher winning chance
Gift over some gems
1 gem = 1 ticket
1 dragon gem= 10 tickets
Go to my Pokemon League and challenge the Gym Leaders/ Elite Four!
Or if you are a Gym Leader/ Elite Four
Just defeat challengers

1 Defeated Challenger = 2 Tickets
1 Defeated Leader/Elite Four = 2 Tickets
I'm basically doing this to advertise my pokemon league...
5 Years ago
By UnfathomableShadow - 1 Hour and 7 Minutes ago.

Ok time for 2nd round of giveaway items, we will go bigger than 300 total gems in prizes, this time the prizes are....

1st place: Ultra Saddle
2nd place: 50 nuggets + 50,000 PD
3rd place: Marshadow

This giveaway will end Saturday at reset heading into Sunday, good luck to all
5 Years ago
By Administhebestbois1 - 25 Minutes and 54 Seconds ago.
Share #ZappyNeedsDatLV100 to earn prizes such as...

1st prize: 5 Charmeleons!
2nd prize: 3 Applins!
3rd prize: A Riolu!

When Zappy reaches Lv 100 it will stop. Zappy is always in my party
5 Years ago
By UnfathomableShadow - 4 Hours and 30 Minutes ago.

So people voted yesterday to giveaway my items in rounds of giveaways, and that’s what I’ll do, round one begins here. Share this hashtag for a chance to win

3 winners will be chosen and the prizes are as follows:

1st place: 100 normal gems
2nd place: 100 flying gems
3rd place: 100 grass gems

This giveaways ends Wednesday at reset going into Thursday

Better make sure you enter fast, or you won’t keep up with the giveaway train, all giveaway rounds will be going back to back, so the next one starts as soon as I announce winners Wednesday at reset
5 Years ago

By Supernovapad1231 - 1 Minute ago.
Now... Here I am with another giveaway. (I will respond to my previous giveaways when I find them... Just Heart the original post, and Share the hashtag ( #SupernovaFromSpace ) Note that I will NOT Count you in if you did not Heart AND Share. Prizes got WAY better!

1st: 1 Shiny of Choice, 1 Lugia Egg Voucher, and 10,000 PD
2nd: 10 Eevees, 1 Super Honey, and 5,000 PD
3rd: 5 Eevees, 10 Honeys, and 2,500 PD

Ends: March 13th, 2020
Please note again that if you don't share AND heart, you will be ignored.
5 Years ago
By ChikoritaMining - 2 Hours and 40 Minutes ago.
To promote the Science Lab of Strange Shinies, our scientists have decided to make our first giveaway!!! Yay!!! Please grab some slots from us!

1st Place - FREE slot from ANY breeder with slots available
2nd Place - 25k pd off their next order
3rd Place - A bunch of random gems and evolutionary stones
(the people who get any of these prizes will also receive random forme-change items as well)

How to Enter: Heart the original post and share this whole post with #firstshinylabgiveaway

Ends in 5 days!
5 Years ago
5 Years ago
5 Years ago
By Ishan1909 -
So finally after coxie and kimie have hatched their 2nd shiny it's time for celebrations
So I am doing a giveaway more or less a lottery btw totally original idea.
The way it will work will be completion of 3 tasks
a. Like the original post
b. Spread the #LegendaryHunters along with the whole mesaage.
c. Comments on the original post any 2 number between 1 - 1000 and please guys try not to repeat the numbers
Winner will be chosen by whoever will be the closest to the randomised number.

Their will only be one 3 winning positions:-
~1st prize All the possible summoning items. Well maybe not all but close
~2nd prize A lot of gems
~3rd prize 70 rare candies ( approx 700k)
Now that more like a prize.
I will announce the winner on 10th march.
Let's atleast get 100 contestants:
5 Years ago
5 Years ago

Last Visitors

LugiaBREMon, 20/Sep/2021, 14:59
RiodiseTue, 07/Sep/2021, 10:18
possumboyTue, 16/Feb/2021, 19:18
BlackReshiramSun, 29/Nov/2020, 00:34
~Minerva~Wed, 12/Aug/2020, 17:47

Badge Showcase

Set #1
Set #2
Set #3
Set #4


Last Action
Searching for specific auction (5 Years ago)