Aw yeah, finally got that shiny Hisuian Lilligant I kept talking
about. Now I don't know what I'm gonna do next, might just take a
break from all this. Don't get me wrong it's been a ton of fun
being here, there's just a bunch of other stuff I want to get to
right now. I'll probably be back, I just don't know exactly when.

Aw yeah, got my shiny Pumpkabowl

I'm really curious, does anyone know how to get the Aquageist
(Leah) evolution?

Finally got the Rowan's Best Friend badge. I swear I spent millions
trying to win all the challenges against Oak, but hopefully it'll
all be worth it.

Anyone got a shiny magikarp or goldeen they'd be willing to
trade/sell me? I want to try something out.

:O the egg finally appeared

Finally came home with Pokemon Violet, so I don't know how active
I'll be here for a while. I'll probably be a little active to check
up on my eggs at the daycare but that might be about it. Catch you
all later!

IT FINALLY HAPPENED! After like 2 months, the first OS Shiny
Onitricity is here! Be sure to say hi to them while they're in my
party right now. Might keep this chain going to see if I can get
all the forms soon.

The only shiny retro I encountered this event ended up running from
me. So uh, I could be happier right now.

After a few failed catches of Haunter and Gengar, finally caught a
Retro Gengar. I love Gengar's Red/Green sprite so much, he's just a
big lump it's great.

Finally got one of the weird new eggs. Be sure to give it lots of
love, everyone.

Accidentally removed a someone from my friends list while trying to
trick or treat them. I was thankfully able to add them back soon
after but still.

Finally changed the forme of my second shiny Castform. Thanks for
helping me decide, everyone!

Anyone have a spare Drifloon they'd be willing to trade?

Just got a draco plate from a mystery box. Anyone jealous?

Got a poll up on my profile right now, I sorta need help deciding
what forme I want my second shiny Castform to be.

Just hatched a shiny castform on my 23rd chain. Thought I'd try to
go for a shiny since I was already hatching a bunch for the Hoenn
dex and I'm glad it payed off!

Anyone want to help me evolve clamperl into huntail? I can pay you
5k PD on the trade back.

Anyone got a spare plusle, baltoy, or nincada (or their evolutions)
that they're not using? PP me if you want to discuss a trade.