I don't have time for this anymore. I'm at the end of my semester,
plus I'm working. And then next semester I have an internship. I
just don't have time to make sprites or play on here anymore. Hope
everyone has a happy holiday. Guess this is goodbye for me.

I'm still so sorry about sprite orders. I've just got so much going
on. Next week is Thanksgiving week and I only have one day of
school. Granted, I will have work, but I will have time to get
orders done for sure. I plan on doing some over the week, but the
rest will get done next week.

Wish I could just play on PH all day. Mentally not in the best
place right now.

Lots of homework tonight. I'll get to more sprites tomorrow. Have a
good night/day everyone!

How's everyone doing today? Slowly getting back into making
sprites. Thanks for being patient :)

I apologize to those who recently ordered sprites from my shop . I
have recently started a new job and am on the overnight schedule
still trying to do things during the daytime. I will get to them
over the next day or so. I haven't forgotten about you :)

Had my orentation at Toys R Us! I start the overnight shift
tomorrow (today technically since it's 12:45am here) I'll get the
Sprite orders in my shop done in the morning. I'm exhausted.
Goodnight everyone!

To all of my friends:
If you ever need someone to talk or vent to, please know that my
palpad is always open. I'm here for you <3
Hope everyone is doing well :)

Thanks to my PH friends for caring <3 it's certainly put a smile
on my face

Does anyone know anyone who's looking to sell a mega stone?

I was just looking at all the sun and moon pokemon (just realized
mimikyu is one of them). Mimikyu has a really sad story :(

Anyone in need of heracross, pichu, pikachu, or emolga? I have a

I'll be able to get to sprites by Thursday evening. I may get one
or two done here or there, but definitely by Thursday evening. I
haven't forgotten about you guys <3

Just hatched a mega able heracross!! Now to obtain a mega stone :P

I scored myself an interview for friday!!

I promise, those of you with orders in my shop, you have not been
forgotten about. This week is hectic for me and I will find time
for your sprites. Hope everyone has a good night/day (depending on
your time zone). I'm heading to bed.

That lasted.. Just can't seem to stay away from PH<3 I'm feeling
a little better than before. Gonna try to work on some of my sprite
orders. Maybe being artsy will help

I won't be online for a few days. My state of mental health is
drastically falling and I just need time to myself. Hope everyone
else is well.

How do I get the missingno pokemon?