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Trainerlevel: 9

Trainerpoints: 34/251


Pkmn Name Level EXP/EHP
Cyndaquil (Retro)695,606 / 15,405
Gyarados6610,473 / 16,584
Farigiraf663,226 / 13,267

About Me


yes, I am a brony, deal with it.

Name: you do not need to know this
Nationality: Canada
Grade: 13 (purposely got one of my credits omitted so I could get even more credits #overachiever)
current job status: unemployed


electric gems

ice gems

dragon gems

total gems [0/300]

-current favorite steam games-

idling to rule the gods
keep talking and nobody explodes (wishlist)
time of dragons
FTL: faster than light

my OC Link SharpgrassL.S (right side) by nova.

yes, they really are mine, the account Red_the_Changeling was mine, but I abandoned it and have decided for a clean slate.


you need to see this video.

Badge Showcase

Set #1
Set #2
Set #3
Set #4


Krimson_Shadow hasn't collected any medals so far.

Game Records

Trainer ID: #393710475
Registration: 05/07/2016 (8 Years ago)
Time Played: 24:32 Hours
Total interactions: 4,727
Money: 78,308
Starter Pokémon: Serperior


a close family friend died earlier today... well, he did have health problems. but it still sucks that he is gone.
8 Years ago
new poll
8 Years ago
anyone want to play some Mario kart 7? my FC is 1435-8102-4715 and the name for it is Krimson.
8 Years ago
now the sky is orange...
8 Years ago
you know your in for an interesting thunder storm when the sky is piss yellow.
8 Years ago
why is there a white period on the notifications page?
8 Years ago
will 2 porygon in the daycare make eggs?
8 Years ago
damnit summer, be a dry heat, not a moist heat! humidity makes me heat up waaayyy too much...
8 Years ago
I got a question, why doesn't anyone comment on my feeds except me?
8 Years ago
who plays time of dragons?
8 Years ago
retro sentret egg. hoping for shiny.
8 Years ago
huh, it turns out that mosquitoes CAN in fact, limp. I saw one do so after I nearly killed it.
8 Years ago
shiny retro totodile up for trade in GTS.

best offer gets the goods.
8 Years ago
prior to my 1 week temp ban, I hatched a shiny retro totodile
8 Years ago
I'm running off absolutely zero sleep :D
8 Years ago
going afk for a bit, heading up town to get a job application.

heh, its sad that im 18 and yet have never had a job..
8 Years ago
the concentration game is probably going to be what allows me to get 1-2k lottery tickets or more. its OP on hard mode.
8 Years ago



Last Action
Reading the news (8 Years ago)

Last Visitors

SwampFallTue, 12/Oct/2021, 22:36
NimamTue, 13/Dec/2016, 01:56
BlakewordThu, 18/Aug/2016, 22:10
tomaaquetThu, 18/Aug/2016, 17:31
lindsaybugTue, 26/Jul/2016, 20:20