Did I really just get what I think it is, right after finding
Moltres in the lab?? O.o

Happy Mother's Day to all the poke momma's. Lovin' my lil munchkin

Pretty sure I just got a special egg from the lab :)

Some of the things aren't counting as points for the Event poke.
Done a few games and it's not filling the bar AT ALL! The only
things so far that has counted are interactions, rumbles and other.

Added a few things to the GTS, make me an offer. Happy 420 poke

This shiny Easter duck is kind of gloomy. I think i'mma name him
spot lol.

I'm ready for my easter'mon to hatch! Come on out pretty baby..

OH EM GEE guys, we have a shiny Sewaddle finally. Vote on my poll,
i'll see which one it is Friday.

Holy moley, I am only asking for one shiny sewaddle. Need better
luck lmho.

Finally found the last Easter egg!

Why does my kitten have the stinkiest of farts!!

I won't block you for making a lowball offer on my trades but at
least make sure it's worth adding up. (don't offer 50k worth for
something that is 300k+) Doesn't make me mad, just a little
frustrating lol.

Got quite a few trades in the GTS on page 1 and 2, maybe 3? Make me
a fair offer and let's trade! Not really looking for specifics
unless specified, I really like Mystery items.

You won 6600 Game Chips.
You also won 1x Lugia Egg Voucher! CONGRATS!

This shiny Sewaddle is being stubborn, come on out buddy. Show your
cute lil face so momma can lab hunt again.

All in my feels today. Was going through some old posts on fb and
seen your name and what you wrote made me cry for you. I miss you
so much.
Leave me some love guys, I really need it about now.

Please go vote on my poll. Once this dreadful hunt for shiny
sewaddle ends, I want to try and get a shiny/mega-able mon. Send
your friends and family to vote too. I'm torn between the ones in
the poll.

You push the pink key carefully into the hole, turn it twice to the
left and... cccrrk!!
The mystery box opens and you look curiously in it...
1x Ultra Saddle found!

Lots of items up for sale/trade in the GTS. Check it out and make
an offer.

Someone who I looked at as a grandma passed this morning. Might not
be on too much.