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Trainerlevel: 8

Trainerpoints: 45/199


Pkmn Name Level EXP/EHP
Basculin (Blue)47490 / 6,769
Lugia19720 / 1,426
Liepard56176 / 9,577


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Newest gifts
BeckyMc 5 Years ago
Axolotl5051 5 Years ago
SensGirl25 5 Years ago
fallclouds 5 Years ago

Badge Showcase

Set #1
Set #2
Set #3
Set #4


Hayster hasn't collected any medals so far.

Game Records

Trainer ID: #402127751
Registration: 11/06/2019 (5 Years ago)
Game Time: 4:55 Hours
Total interactions: 2,484
Money: 2,392
Starter Pokémon: Samurott


Hayster hasn't posted any feeds so far.

About Me

Name: Hailey
Nickname: Just call me Hayster or Hailey whichever you prefer
Gender: Female
Sexual Preference: Strait
Birthday: March 17th
Personality (how I would describe myself): Family-oriented, stubborn, friendly, proud, emotional, a bit of a know-it-all, competitive, empathetic, and caring
Hobbies: Writing, reading, drawing, video editing, gaming, cooking & occasionally sewing
Likes: ANIME & MANGA!, doggies, soda, a good book, winter, tulips, and various other things
Dislikes: bullying/bullies, homophobes, meatloaf, seafood, couples (this ones a joke 'cause I'm single af and lonely), and a few other things I may have forgotten about
Favorite Color: Purple
Favorite Animal: DOGS!
Favorite Pokemon: Eevee (though honestly I've been kinda obsessed with treecko recently)
Favorite Quotes: "screw you its merry Christmas." - Jeff Dunham "the plan with irish people is I'll keep all my emotions right here and then one day I'll die" - John Mulaney


Last Action
Viewing someone's plushie collection (5 Years ago)

Last Visitors

SwampFallTue, 12/Oct/2021, 22:19
fallcloudsTue, 17/Dec/2019, 23:43
KYTT3NT33THFri, 13/Dec/2019, 06:42
KaminiSun, 28/Jul/2019, 11:44
Ari-Sat, 06/Jul/2019, 07:12